The only thing that ultimately matters for the Switch, is its game lineup. After the Wii U disaster, what games would actually make you want to buy this thing?
The only thing that ultimately matters for the Switch, is its game lineup. After the Wii U disaster...
good original ips and bringing back dead ips
I'm done giving Nintendo my money.
Mainline Pokemon.
New Smash Bros or Melee HD.
New FZero.
New Monster Hunter.
Legend of Zelda BotW if the Switch version is far and away better than the Wii U version.
New IPs that interest me.
People pretend like the Wii U didn't have a lot of Nintendo's major IPs on it.
Ultimately people weren't happy with the quality of those games.
Basically this. Bring over all the Wii U games, but with normal controls. Hire some companies to make some games for you exclusively (like they did with Bayonetta 2). And vet some third parties.
We´ll have to wait and see what Ninty has to offer on Jan 12
oh and third party support is going to be crucial, just as much as indie support.
it´s a handheld. so the game purchasing mechanics are going to be between a home console (the "GameCards") and the eShop.
Mainline Pokémon
Wonderful 101
New IPs if they seem cool enough
Launch will be crucial. Hopefully for Nintendo's sake, they have a "Wii Sports" level of system seller ready for launch. I also hope they don't think 3D Mario will be thest title. We saw how Iwata bet everything on 3D World saving Wii U, and had to drastically lower their sales predictions.
Wii U ports
Lol that game sucked so much. Well it didn't really suck but it was vanilla, bland, and just kind of there
>muh third party support
If they have an enhanced version of their Golf game with a ton of extra courses I'd buy one just for my dad.
The system needs to be able to run at more than 5 frames per second.
literally nothing, they want my money they port to pc because im not buying another console
>Realistic Zelda game.
>Dark themes.
>T for Teen, but a small amount of blood.
>Not Warrior Within style edge. Think Majora's Mask, but more mature.
>Cutting edge graphics.
Admit it. You'd jizz.
I think that'd be dope.
Doesn't even need a gimmick game. Animal Crossing and Mario Kart have been the big system shifters for 3 gens now.
lol if you think games have anything to do with the success of a console these days
it needs more than mario kart. wii u isnt exactly flying off shelves because of mario kart 8
Imagine Nintendo games on not-Nintendo consoles
they would sell poorly
MK8 gave Wii U a massive sales boost.
its a handheld and its shit by default
>Nintendo releases gimmick console
>People can't wait for it
>Nintendo fails to support it with engaging games
>People hate it now
>Nintendo releases new gimmicky console
that's literally the only reason people buy consoles. at least nintendo consoles fuck off retard
3D Pokémon game. Like really the best evolution of the series taking advantage of console hardware.
But GF is too lazy for that and we'll just get "pocketmen space and stars" with one new Pokémon and an alternate outfit for Lillie.
yeah because the wii was such a huge failure right
How is this funny? Nintendo delivers 60 FPS all the time. Did I miss some meme?
>3D Mario game in the style of 64 or Sunshine
>New Fire Emblem
>New Smash Bros out within 3 years of console launch
>New Switch-exclusive Zelda out within 3 years of BotW's release
>Mainline Pokemon
>Metroid game that doesn't suck
>Paper Mario game that doesn't suck
>Star Fox game that doesn't suck
>Wario World 2/Wario Land 6
>Bring back neglected IPs such as Advance Wars, Baten Kaitos and Golden Sun
>Buy back Rare IPs from MS and create sequels
The Switch needs to be at least Gamecube-tier if they want it to sell. People are tired of gimmicks, they want games.
it's nowhere near enough
people loved wii sports
L M A O because the gamecube sold like hotcakes right
I dunno man at the time that game teleported me to another world whenever I played it. Maybe I was just younger and happier
Zelda and Pokemon would sell me on it.
But for the love of god please a new F-Zero, I need it.
>Wii U
That aside, the same things need to happen that gets me to buy any new platform, has to have at least 5 worthwhile exclusives. I don't want to see third party support wasted on just ports of shit, yearly rehashed games that ever other platform is getting. No, before you ask with your memeing reaction images, I don't give a shit about Skyrim being on it or not. I also don't want to see nothing but Wii U games ported to it. I don't want another PS4.
haven't you heard the fans? they refuse to believe it is gimmicky. apparently being a mobile home console with clip on controllers isn't a gimmick and apparently the fans are dumb enough to expect nintendo wont have any more surprises up their sleeves.
>Be me
>Loved Gamecube for its Metroid Prime/Luigi's Mansion
>Wii gets released
>Terrible motion control only Metroid Prime 3
>No Luigi's Mansion with motion control ghostbusting equipment
>WiiU is released
>Figure Nintendo is smart enough to release Metroid Prime 4 on it cuz of the tablet thing being cool to use with it as a scanner.
>They don't
>Figure Nintendo is smart enough to release Luigi's Mansion 2 on it cuz the tablet would work well as a ghost scanner.
>They don't
>3DS only
Why would I want a Switch again? cause of all those great games Nintendo wants to release for it?
>being multiplatform inherently means a game is bad
hello dobson
It sold better than the Wii U.
Most people who aren't retarded don't consider portability or local multiplayer to be 'gimmicks' at this point, no.
An actual 3D Mario with a hub and everything
thats not saying much
Breath of the Wild and an actual REAL 3D Mario is already a good step forward
>The wiiu has no games meme
8/8 made me reply
I don't give a shit about sales, it had some damn solid games.
lol if you think nintendo can still make first party games
>list of developers
>80% of them are just bringing over any game you can play on any other platform
>they're not developing engaging new titles or exclusives for that platform
Yeah, it is bad.
>its not a gimmick!
>its just something nobody else is doing for the sole purpose of making it stand out!
guess the wii wasn't a gimmick either
Thew new 3D Mario looks close to Sunshine and 64
The two segments they showed were in the same area
The new Zelda looks so promising that the only thing people can shit on is the framerate and graphics. Until we see the Switch version that is
>The Switch needs to be at least Gamecube-tier if they want it to sell
>I don't give a shit about sales
And no it didn't have some damn solid games it had some shit games and that's why nobody bought it
a good fire emblem game. so I'm likely not getting a switch
Except they do?
Oh no wait, your that one piece of shit who only focuses on the shovelware filler games
To be fair, Luigi's Mansion originally having a 3D Function was kind of a priority to have on the 3DS
>third party games exclusive to one system
Remind me why anybody wants these to be a common thing in the industry?
>The Switch needs to be at least Gamecube-tier if they want it to sell.
fucking kek
see you say this and yet those multiplatforms are still exclusive to systems other than your own. i don't know how someone can hate videogames so much that they don't want to play them unless there is an arbitrary paywall of physical drm
Not the same person you originally replied to.
Not him but nobody bought it because third party devs hated the mini disc and it couldn't play DVDs.
CAN nintidiot
no game modern nintendo puts out will be worth playing
Gimmicks can take multiple forms
The Wii was a controller gimmick
The Switch is a gimmick of flexibility
With Multiple control options
The problem with limited gimmicks is having to follow the specific gimmick to make a game in terms of controls
This isnt the case with the switch
2d metroid
Animal Crossing
Dr. Mario
Tetris Battle Gaiden
Samurai Gunn
Smash Bros
Mario Kart
I have no complaints about the graphics, but no one except Nintendrones can deny that the recent preview had an abomination tier framerate.
nice opinion m8
Many people are smart enough to own more than 1 platform
That gameplay demo was trash
They shouldve only shown the trailer
Of course they need to fix that framerate, if Smash can run 60 FPS 1080p then they have no excuse
ill give them the benefit of the doubt if only because that was the Wii U version
But why should a third party game be exclusive to only one platform unless it's specifically taking advantage of some control scheme or gimmick that other consoles can't use?
Honestly this would never happen but I'd love Civ to be on the Switch. Don't think I'd ever stop playing the thing. Failing that something thats nice and pick up and play.
All of those are fine on the 3DS
how exactly is that smart?
I just want them to release the Wii U ports as soon as possible
I dont want to waste time with them
I want NEW games
So far Zelda BOTW and 3D Mario are the only notable ones
What the fuck is Retro making
Not even Nintendos's original IP can save their home consoles, which is a shame, some of their games still receive critical acclaim but they're not system sellers.
play dark souls senpai
>The only thing that ultimately matters for the Switch, is its game lineup.
And the price. It won't sell shit if it cost more than $250
Also,being neo-Nintendo I don't weant them to ruin another good game with their faggotry and gimmicks
can't wait to play the new zelda with 15 fps
>massive sales boost
Yes, it sold 10 Wiiu's that month instead of 2.
>Also,being neo-Nintendo I don't weant them to ruin another good game with their faggotry and gimmicks
Nice meme
Ignore Zelda FE DK and Kirby while your at it
If they want me to buy it before they move on to their next system, third party support. Real third party support.
If they want me to buy a cheap one after they've abandoned it, just first party stuff.
>a 500 percent sales increase
Custom Robo
Metroid Prime
Another Kirby Air Ride
Buy the dev making Yooka Laylee and bring in a new Rare era
Which wasn't hard, since the thing wasn't selling at all.
A new F-Zero and I would make it rain.
delete this
WW rehashes, lazy artstyle and very forgettable
New DKC rehashes
nu fire emblem, simplified babby gameplay, terrible story, terrible characters, huge chunk of games locked behind dlc
typical kiddy games, fans of the series have very low standards
they haven't made a zelda game in nearly a decade and kirby is hal, not nintendo
Superior BOTW
New Mario
New Fire Emblem
Monster Hunter
New Kirby
New Smash
Old IP getting a Revival
Basically a surprise me to Nintendo, though I'll probably buy it anyway because portable is great for me and potential hacking like the 3ds might occur.
Yeah the game runs so bad that even Bill and the Treehouse guy ran at 15fps.
Just.. release.. good.. games.. on the WiiU!
Nintendo : but.. new gimmick! will save gaming!
>Mainline Pokemon.
Something similar to Ni no Kuni.
no game that could come out on this thing can win me back. im done with nintendo after that wii u garbage.
That's the objective of the Switch. It's to combine the handheld market (which is immensely successful, esp in Japan) and the dwindling home market.
The 3DS is nearing its 6th birthday. It's going to get phased out sooner or later.
So you're saying that even if the sequel to your favorite game ever came out, and it was amazing, and ran at 4k 60fps, and lasted hundreds of hours of fun, you still wouldn't buy it because muh nintendo? Sounds stupid.
Killer7 remake
Kirby Air Ride Remake
New smash bros/remake of a smash bros game
new Fire Emblem
Maybe some dead IP revives
Monster Hunter
Animal Crossing
Wonderful 102
Posting more than once is sad?
>"Realistic" meme
>"dark" means good you guys
>equating esrb rating to your enjoyment of a game
>"I think I'm mature and I need my ZELDA vidya to be mature like me"
>muh cottage cheese giraffics
Admit it. You're ten.
Samefagging to shitpost is sad.