>ds1 rerelease
please from please.
please make it a proper resolution so we can actually see the great textures you had to fucking mod it to originally see.
720p doesn't count as running it.
Maybe it will be able to run GTA4 :P
I never got into DaS for some reason, even tho i love bloodborne.
If this works I'm totally buying it
>he doesn't want portable souls games
Your loss
I am so eager to get at these scraps. Thanks Nintendo!
Seriously, why is this news? Nintendo's upcoming new console may be able to play a game that has come and gone on Sony's previous console? It's Dark Souls 3, lol, play it right now if you want to. It's out, and you probably already own it if you're even remotely interested in it.
I can't fucking wait until the Switch event to see confirmed released for the Switch.
I hope DS is one of them, as I really want to play this franchise.
>leaker is a tranny with blue hair
Everytime. How can I trust somebody who lies to themselves?
To be fair it's portable Dark Souls as the main attraction and this gen is already remasters and rereleases.
This won't hurt anyone by releasing a Trilogy
Besides out of those games DS1, the best game in the series never got a 8th Gen port
>portable souls
It sounds awesome but who the fuck would have the time while on the go to play Dark Souls? It's not a game for shorter sessions and I'd look autistic as hell trying to kill Capra Demon or some other frustrating boss on the bus.
It does seem like a great series for Nintendo platforms though, maybe now those autists who literally only buy Nintendo platforms can finally play the series just like when they ported all those 2011 AAA games to Wii U.
It'd be pretty good for console players to have a release of DS1 that can get a stable framerate, maybe they'll focus on getting it to do that.
>with a level of performance [From Software] are happy with
That doesn't sound good.
>Capra Demon or some other frustrating boss
yeah this is the average nintendo fan alright
Good, now Nintendrones will be finally be able to realize why Dark souls is better than LOZ
This. Altho subpar 30 fps is good for nintendo too
What if you're playing the game while jogging?
>Laura Dale
Will you retards ever learn to stop listening to tranny """leakers"""? I don't have the scorecard, but
>NX will run with AMD
>1080p 60 in BotW
there's far more.
>nintoddlers have to settle for old series everyone else already finished multiple times
>blighttown on the switch
>seath the scaleless on switch
>seath the scaleless on any console
>seath the scaleless on any platform at all
>we will once again get thread after thread of new players complaining about X boss or how "the drake sword is shit wtf?!"
Can't wait desu
>TFW you made this wallpaper (didn't draw solaire though)
>TFW people are still posting it years later
For Dark Souls? Absolutely. I've got all 3 of the Souls games and I'd still repurchase all of them. Yes even Das2.
I can play DS3 on my fucking Vita you goddamn idiots. Remote Play exists, piss off.
>absolutely no puzzles
>linearity out the ass (both series suffer from this honestly)
>trial and error
>the absolute worst framerate on fucking SUPERCHARGED PS4 and X1, if DS comes to Switch it will run at 10fps no joke
>portable Souls
I'm game, but only if the games come with all post-launch DLC. We don't need another Wii U scenario where third-party games are released incomplete with no support.
>remote play
>when you can't even take it out of your goddamn house
>needs an internet connection
I have a Vita and PS4 and that shit barely works and sometimes doesn't even connect.
What I mean by portable as in no need of internet connection and actually PORTABLE
Yeah at 540p/20fps on low
>linking to a disgusting blue haired cross dresser faggot who has zero credibility
>From thinking of porting Dark Souls
>Still no news on Armored Core 6
Why do things I love have to die
>AC on a Tegra
How horrifying.
In this thread we list things Dark Souls 2 did that were far better than Dark Souls 3. I'll start:
>Chugging Estus immobilizes you, and the heal isn't instantaneous meaning trying to chug while someone is sticking close to you will result in death
>Stamina regeneration is tied to weight, so a character at 10% burden will recover their bar faster than a character at 70% burden, giving an advantage and a reason to make a low burden character
>Poise exists and armor provides relevant, but not overpowering damage reduction, giving an advantage and a reason to make a high burden character
>Phantoms and Dark Spirits cannot chug estus, spirits can only heal via spell useage which is slow. This makes fighting outnumbered even without mob assistance possible since any damage you do sticks.
>Can only perform four rolls before running out of stamina
>Can only perform 5 attacks of a rapier or straight sword before running out of stamina
>Parrying has longer recovery frames and consumes more stamina, making parry fishing riskier and makes parrying require higher skill
>Power stance allowing for unique combinations of dual wielding and unlocking an alternative moveset for weapons
>Being able to use the full moveset of a weapon in your off-hand including running, rolling, backstepping, etc. attacks rather than just being able to do a basic R1 swing and blocking with the weapon as it is in Ds3 (lmao who would ever want to weapon block)
>Non-linear first half of the game allows you to rush straight to the areas of the game that contain the items for your build
>Fun PvP covenants that were unique
>Bell Tower covenant providing two unique optional areas to PvP for Titanite Chunks, Slabs, and Twinkling, making farming for upgrades fun
>Bonfire ascetics to replay bosses you like and or gain items from NG+ and beyond without grinding through the whole game again
I meant Armored Core 6 in general, not on switch.
>People are hyped to play DS on an inferior machine
Because she's been completely right so far.
And there's far more she's been right about too.
Well, not really. While she got the cross D-pad thing correct, we still don't have confirmation on the other leaks.
Everything except Souls Memory
They can barely get it to run on the "standard" hardware for the respective generation, imagine a Switch port.
Everything about the first video released about the switch was stuff she discussed before.
There hasn't been an Armored Core for this gen yet and we still don't know the full specs of the Switch.
Now if they only made good netcode for PvP.
>play DS3 on Xbox One
>frame rate is terrible
>dancer boss fight runs at negative 1 fps
>the entirety of lothric castle xbone begins to chug more than I do
Isn't this """girl""" the same person that doxxed that kid on twitter?
Also going to need proof their information is reliable.
Specs don't matter in this context, their expertise on the hardware does. And even if it did, it's not realistic to expect the Switch to match the PS4 and Xbone (and now the gap is even wider with the upgraded models and how devs are already giving legacy models the finger). Unless Nintendo miraculously manages to strike another Wii out of nowhere, I don't see From prioritizing a Nintendo version.
I'm very well aware that she's a tranny and she's a he, I'm not wasting time putting politics into this.
>Portable Dark Souls trilogy
yes please. don't fuck this up, Ninty.
>(and now the gap is even wider with the upgraded models and how devs are already giving legacy models the finger)
Sony and Microsoft has made it clear that Devs are suppose to make their games work on the original models and not to build games for the Scorpio or Pro.
Yeah sure, and they were going to port DeS to the Vita.
>everything is slower and clunkier therefore it's harder and better!
No one cares fag, take your shitty meme game copypasta elswhere.
>portable Souls
>Sony and Microsoft has made it clear that Devs are suppose
Yeah, and games were supposed to work out of the box as well. Doesn't mean anything if they don't enforce it.
Sony told devs to build for PS4 and port up for Pro while Microsoft told devs to build for PC and port over to Scorpio then port down for xbone.
Different approaches, user. And Switch can match xbone while docked, is less CPU limited than PS4 pro and Nvidia's dev tools have apparently made it very easy to get games running from x86 to ARM architecture (Never mind engines like UE4 making things easy to compile for different platforms since you just have to choose the right export button).
I'd Kek if DS3 has no framepacing issues oon Switch while it still does on PS4.
>not connecting remotely to your home network
>not playing any game at any time
>while Microsoft told devs to build for PC and port over to Scorpio then port down for xbone.
Yeap proof you know jack shit. Read up on what UWP actually is idiot, you couldn't be anymore wrong. There's a reason the W10 ports suck dick.
How many times have you posted this?
That shit is laggy as fuck and vita controls feel like shit
t. Remote Play user
zelda is alright ds is ehh
>Dead Rising 4, Gears Of War 4, Forza 6, Recore, and Killer Instinct UWP versions are good with no problems
>Infinite Warfare UWP version is as good as Steam version outside of Activision's retarded decision to split playerbases
>Only Horizon 3 has had a shitty port recently and that's more down to the way the engine uses RAM on the console versus PC
OK senpai. Whaaaaaaatever you say.
>level of performance from is happy with
Silky smooth 15 fps at 720p with no modern lighting.
Breath of the Wild is really setting the bar high.
Oh boy, something no one even cares about except for Nintendo loyalists who have shitposted the series since demon souls because they only play Mario games
did they ever decide the official Switch console tan?
You know any of this how?
>Not the first post from this IP.
Do you know what a tablet is? Do you know what a Tegra chip can do? Do you know what the nvidia shield is?
Retard switch won
We literally don't know anything about the specs of the Switch outside of the fact that it's using a Custom Tegra chip.
Guys, the Switch is gonna flop like the Wii U. What does it matter ive posted once before in this thread, what difference does it make?
>complaining about a demo for an unreleased game
It won't come out running like that, dummy.
This would be really epic pull from nintendo
And more importantly, it wasn't even running on the Switch. It was the Wii U version.
Oh i mean if were believing rumors about dark souls, we have plenty of info. The tegra is old tech and we know its not the X2. Its going to be an overclocked Wii U.
Doubtful. Nintendo cant develop for shit anymore.
>The tegra is old tech and we know its not the X2. Its going to be an overclocked Wii U.
We don't have any specs of the Tegra chip in the Switch.
Samefagging to shitpost is pretty sad man.
Odds are the Wii U version will be the lead one just like TP with GC and Wii.
Are you fucking retarded? What am I saying of course you are. I can't wait for you to defend games that run and look like shit while you continue to pretend Nintendo gives a shit about making good games or consoles.
No shit? that's hilarious.
It's amazing how an unreleased console can piss people off so much.
Truthposting user, and i dont samefag, unless you can prove it?
>Souls games with fucked online
no thanks
>if DS comes to Switch it will run at 10fps no joke
If that was true, FROM wouldn't consider porting it.
Who's mad? The console looks like shit from design and concept. It's more of a discussion on Nintendo's incompetent view when it comes to design and technology.
Nintendo isn't making the online for the Switch.
Toy posted more than once, but you weren't discussing with anyone, how is that not pretending to be someone else?
good job panty
The switch will be the best console in years.
Considering froms acceptable FR is 15, no I think they would.
So why are you wasting your time posting about it? It clearly upsets you.
DK full casul
Prove it. We can discuss the Switch on a mic if you want.
sony fans are the cockroaches of this board
Where do you guys come up with this stupid shit?