>93 on metacritic
93 on metacritic
Did Sup Forums ever shat on this?
It's a video game isn't it?
reviewers never finished the game
They do the same with Bethesda games, they start off good but decline heavily later on, reviewers don't finish them so they give them 10/10's
Like Kojima?
How's the PS4 version performance-wise compared to the PS3?
Konami didn't let him. The first quarter of the game was brilliant. Then it declined. Still entertained me and managed to keep me alive through a terrible time at school.
>game is shit because the ending is disappointing, so the rest doesn't fucking matter
Fuck off
>Konami didn't let him
When will this meme die?
You can survive a shot to the head, but a broken heart always kills.
Big bossu approbe Xd
Why would I apologize for someone else's mistakes?
Fucking Konami. They should've given $250.000.000 and 10 more years to poor Hideo-san.
Big Boss approved.
>that artstyle
What the fuck is this and how do I know the artist also does porn?
>Sup Forums hates this game because its not a fanfic about bigboss killing people and being edgy in africa
Reminder that Venom left Quiet for dead and he never cared about her.
No you are not Venom and neither am I
Are you sure it isn't about the empty lifeless open world, the small uninteresting bases, cut and paste missions of kill/fulton the target, radiant quest inspired side missions, the unfinished story where Skullface's parasites, Huey's gundam, and Eli's lust for revenge just ends with no resolution?
Oh but it can be.
Nothing like tranquing some niglets, tossing them into a truck, and leaping out of the truck as it barrels full-speed into a minefield.
>94 on Metacritic
Your point?
I never hated it to begin with.
1080p 60fps solid
PC version runs well on toasters.
>Posts Great game
Your point? XD
That doesn't count
That's a fucking amazing game. Thematically deeper than any of your shitty weeb games and WRPGs. Also, the most fun online shooter ever
I dunno how was TPP, but GZ runs like ass on PS3. Cutscenes constantly in 20 fps, gameplay is smoother but still drops and draw distance is unironically 3 feets, you'll barely see any grass until you crawl.
MGS5 isn't even the best of the series. MW2 is the best for its series.
>MGS2 has 96 on Metacritic.
>Venom talking
Yeah right.
Every fucking thread...
>Venom smiling
Even less likely.
>people posting about MGSV again because of the crack
We had a full three months of constantly having 20+ threads talking about this when it launched.
Take it to the general retard
>dont talk about video games on Sup Forums
I think MGS fags have officially lost the right to talk about their game on Sup Forums when they decided to spam threads about them for literally months.
Same thing happened to MOBAs. You deserve it for acting like children and being unable to look at the catalogue.
>Implying superior chink cracking doesn't deserve discussion of its own
It's a good game. It's just unfinished and rings sorrowfully at the end by how obviously incomplete it is. First half is golden though.