>First weapon you get is the best in the entire game
First weapon you get is the best in the entire game
such as?
I miss watching her get fucked.
What is every God of war game ever
Name 38 games that do this.
the one in Dead Space
Saw cleaver in Bloodborne.Serrated bonus damage against beast,fast,can control groups,builds beasthood quickly.
Didn't she get AIDS or something?
Cod 4 m16
Dragons Dogma
>he doesn't exclusively use the blade of artemis once he gets it
Hunter's Axe
Genital warts
She got rid of them tho
Drake Sword - Dark Souls
>she got rid of them
you cant just get rid of them, they are still there, they are no longer noticeable, unless you are eating her out.
Don't they just come back?
Nice R2 but too much stamina consumption,doesn't do bonus damage agains anything because is not serrated,if you do a Bl4 run you are fucked.
Other than Dead Space and Cave Story this doesn't happen.
Metal Gear Solid's H&K Mk23
Oh fuck, yeah genital warts are caused by HPV
Well, tough tits, she got them for live
Fuck, I should know that
I thought it was some non-contagious skin condition that only looked a bit like genital warts.
Hahahahanahhh, that shit is for life, mi famiglia
>Dead Space
>Final Fantasy 13
>Resident Evil Code Veronica
>Dead Space
I ahte this meme.
Plasma Cutter is outclassed by Force Gun and Pulse Rifle.
every metal gear with a tranq pistol
Who is best porn actor and why is it Krissy Lynn
It's really good for health drain.
right game, wrong weapon
hunter axe is op
That's very progressive of you.
who is this semen demon?
your mom
Can at least show a bit respect for doing a good job
Devil May Cry 1(Alastor)
it really isn't
pulse rifle's alt-fire is pretty great for groups but the plasma cutter remains the superior limb cutter for the entire game
ripper is pretty decent as well. flamer is almost entirely useless iirc
force gun is pretty goddamn underwhelming as well and the line gun's ammo is a little too rare to be very useful. plus it's just a bigger plasma cutter anyway so...
I mean maybe if we're talking completely unupgraded weapons vs. very specific necromorphs but on the whole the plasma cutter holds up and is the go to weapon from my experience
Halo Combat Evolved
doom shotgun
DaS3 and fucking Longsword.
>tfw Lexi got fat
This a million times.
Christ almighty was the Magnum so fucking good.
>Grunts? Dead
>Elites? Dead
>Jackals? You can snipe them with the magnum
>Hunters? A grenade or two and the magnum finishes them off
>Banshee's? Made the flying fucks seems like their made of paper
>The flood? Despite Plasma being a weakness, the Magnum is still effective
Did she lose it again?
Did she ever do anal
>pulse rifle's alt-fire
Already tells me you don't know what this gun is for.
Alt-fire should never be used, you upgrade damage and twitch enemies with short bursts if it's a large group you are dealing with.
Due to higher firerate it shits on the PC in crowd situations.
>force gun is pretty goddamn underwhelming
It 1 shots regular necros on highest difficulty and frankly several times overkills on lower ones.
Webm very related, impossible difficulty gameplay with upgraded Force Gun.
The PC still nedds 3 (!!) limb shots to kill a normal necro while fully upgraded.
Fuck you people.
>every porn video
>first comment
>her but anal
spot the underage
You don't even need grenades with the hunters just toro them and one shot to the back will do. And with the flood it was great for taking off arms to make them useless
How old are you
be honest
I wish
Her fiancée said she had pretty crippling substance abuse problems and she pretty much dropped off the face of the earth
I just want her to take it up the ass, is that so much to ask? I don't even like her at this point I just need closure.
Damn, Necromorphs in DS3 were so much better than these senior citizens slowly walking at you.
Please come back to us, Faye.
We miss you ;_;
When I first played RE4, I beat it only using the first pistol, shotgun and rifle. Nothing else besides those. I think I figured I would just upgrade those constantly and screw buying any other weapon.
They might not be the best in the game, but they did their job.
The controls weren't quite as quick as DS2 and DS3, so it was likely a design choice. Although twitchers were pretty speedy.
She's probably a coked up bottom bitch for some pimp now dude, give it up dude.
>slowly walking at you
Twichers don't mess around if they catch you off guard.
Also DS3 is a pile of shit in everything else but difficulty. And the difficulty is a byproduct of the game being designed around co-op first and foremost.
that webm is pretty impressive, maybe I need to play DS again. it has been a while
that said I still feel like ammo rarity is kind of a problem but maybe I'm wrong there too idk
cave story
battlefield 3
ak74m is literally the best weapon in the game
I just want her back...
Any tf2 character
>Also DS3 is a pile of shit in everything else but difficulty. And the difficulty is a byproduct of the game being designed around co-op first and foremost.
I disagree. Combining weapons was a nice touch. Derelict spaceships were pretty cool. Snowy levels looked great. Finally being able to shoot unitologists felt great.
OId enough to fap, mister. Name?
So you're 12
That ain't the Hunter's Axe.
Talking about remastered? Or was it that good in original?
But dat stagger, really good against Orphan of Kos.
>not first but very early
Heide Knight Straight Sword, most of the bosses have a lightning weakness and this thing is really good for ng. But it´s not there in the SOTFS version
>tfw fat Lexi was best Lexi
>Best equipment in the game
>Can't equip it because the protagonist isn't the chosen one
>ammo rarity
The game will only drop ammo for weapons you have. Sell weapons you don't use.
yeah you cant get of gen warts lol.
>actually admitting it
damn I've been here for too long to spot that shit so fast.
Anyway if you'd stop being a newfaggot you could probably figure it out on your own. This ain't reddit kiddo, ain't no one here spoonfeeding your ass for upboats.
>last weapon you get is the best in the game
>nothing to use it on
>no new game+
Use the old trick by hauling around the contact beam and selling its ammo. It has the most expensive ammo in the game so trading it for another type is always a win. I was able to fully upgrade 3 weapons halfway through the game on impossible.
>doesn't know how to reverse image search
>indirectly admits he's underaged
you have to go
Lexi Belle? More like Taco Belle.
What's her name again? Taco Belle?
You fags stole this joke.
Genuinely kek'd
Keep at it Carlos.
Yes I did, I stole it from /gif/
Engine blade after you upgrade it
Faye Reagan :^)
>we le oldfags xd
you can get a night with her in vegas with a high class escort company
In Star Ocean 3 the metal pipe can be safely used up until the point where you can upgrade weapons, at which point it can then be upgraded enough to kick the shit out of everything else.
There's also a ton of the achievements for beating bosses with the metal pipe