Just imagine how good fallout 4 could be, if it was made by obsidian
Just imagine how good fallout 4 could be, if it was made by obsidian
So this... is the power of Obsidian
i don't want to feel bad
I saw the cover and I thought that it was going to be grimdark like the older entries. . . Don't judge a game by its cover art.
Bethesda couldn't nail the Fallout setting if it hit them in the head.
I expect more "theme park" locations with wacky fps and cringy subpar "choices".
What are you talking about
They brought back the hubologists they clearly know what they're doing
It just works.
It would be the same game, with 20% of the content cut and 300 more speech checks.
Obsidian are fucking hacks, and honestly don't mean jack shit now that they lost Avellone
>actual speech options and quests
>they're just hacks
Fuck off, Bethesda faG
Motb was made without Avellone, and it's best written rpg in the history of genre
This looks like FO: Tatics
Dont forget broken and unplayable due to all the bugs and glitches
Didn't they say that they would love to make another FO game and if they did it would be in New Orleans?
>Actual speech options.
I don't mnd that.
When you can solve every fucking quest with a speech check, it's a problem.
most of the NV devs left already and we will never see another fallout NV title again and even if we do it won't be as good as NV
Speech checks are superficial and dont do anything but skip maybe 1 small part of a quest at besft And you wont really get to do most of them unless you specifically know what to invest in
Nu-Obsidian is even worse than bethesda
Anyone still defending 4 should be tried for war crimes. Give me 1 (one) reason why this is a good fallout game and if not, 1 reason why it is a good game by itself.
No? The only guy who wanted to do fallout left. Nobody left there cares about Fallout
FO4 sales numbers means Beth is never going to outsource the franchise again given how successful it was.
Fun gunplay
Different builds are fun
Settlements are comfy
Well written companions who affect the story
>Different builds
There's no level cap.
The entire concept of builds is meaningless.
Just level up until you get the thing you want
Being a Water Baron who is drowning in caps is pretty fun, but yeah Fallout 4 is underwhelming in so many ways
>Fun gunplay so you can shoot at bulletsponges for 10 minutes
>fallout 4
>different builds
>well written companions
did we play the same video game
You never played it have you? Even exploited glitches makes it hard to level past 60ish.
Based on their past few games and current talent pool? It wouldn't really be much of an improvement. Hell, maybe it would be even worse.
Too bad MotB's writer isn't with Obsidian either, huh?
>Shit graphics
>Bad gunplay
>Boring speech checks
So this....is the power...of obsidian
>all these newfags hopping on the based obsidian bandwagon
Obsidian has never made a good game on their own. KOTOR2, NWN2, and New Vegas were all just clones of their original games in the same engine with minor tweaks and more bugs. Any new FO game by them would be the same as 4 with minor differences. If you hate 4, you wont like Nu4
>implying base FO4 didn't have those
Fo4 was better than new vegas, only new vegas drones think otherwise.
It had all the same shit newvegas fags loved
>farming, literally planting seeds in dirt
>generic revenge story tapering off into unrelated faction war where you're anakin skywalker
>terrible factions lead by idiots
>"muh post-post nuclear society rebuilding"
Even worse
>NV fags loved farming
>he doesn't remember "bloo bloo bloo nv is so much more realistic than fo3 it has 3 whole fields of corn, wow society rebuilding"
Fallout 4 was mechaniacally the best game, it got rid of alot of useless horseshit, improved the actual combat, realism, and the animations 10 fold. Wordplay doesn't make a game better. Even fallout 3 was better than New Vegas.
Oh wow, I can taste the salt. No I didn't remember.
I guess you did because you REALLY didn't like it when people pointed out 3 was a theme park, huh?
Yeah but themeparks are fun, shitty cowboy simulator was not.
>playing RPGs for the combat
I beg to differ famalam.
I suggest Westworld on HBO, it's also generic incoherent cowboy shit with robots.
Hell or the original movie, it has robots, cowboys, and even romans.
>implying "fun" is not subjective
>no only my "fun" is right
>everybody hates fonv now
What happened?
>implying a game where you get to roleplay a boring cowboy could ever constitute fun
imagine how much better the animations would be if they were made by bioware
Everyone's always hated nv, it's a shitty standalone expansion to a shitty game, there's just a very loud very stupid fan following of nerds who have no taste.
are there any quest / npc restoration/improvement mods out yet? been waiting forever to actually play fallout 4 more like an rpg..
>Implying I fallout isn't an action rpg
Fuck off and go play wasteland you autistic sperg
Sup Forums constantly finds ways to hate itself you newfag.
Also the fans get tired of defending their shit but the sourgrapes faggots never lose steam.
I know because I AM one, in other franchises.
Reddit commenced the final phase of invasion.
I would if it ever went on sale :^)
the obsidian of 7 years ago, or neo obsidian?
pretty sure OP meant 7 years ago.
The entire series isn't a ARPG
Yes but 3, nv, and 4 are SUPPOSED to be arpgs not traditional rpgs. You expected a fucking book out of 4, like you got with nv, instead of an actual fucking videogame.
but you can still mod improvements to quests, dialogues and general rpg'ness if you want?
Nah just imagine how good Fallout 4 could be if it was made by CDPR. Holy shit, luckily they are making a similar game called Cyberpunk 2077.
>not knowing how to use the subjunctive case
end your life, famalam
the pathways may be a little exaggerated, but the kill raiders/ghouls/mutants thing is spot on
>'77 is going to be so good cdpr will buy out fallout from bethesda
>having more dialogue than
>>sarcastic yes
>>whiny yes
>>what? yes.
Holy shit you're actually retarded.
I honestly have a hard time telling when CDPR shills are ironic memers and when they're not.
Please tell me you fags don't actually drink hype koolaid in the year of our lord 2016.
Or maybe you should stop being autistic and realize that people like good games? Witcher 3 showed it is possible to make a good open-world game similar to TES without sacrificing story and depth.
We don't have a good alternative to Fallout games yet (sry but Deux Ex series is meh), so people are excited for Cyberpunk 2077.
Sorry user but witcher 2 and 3 are the only good actual RPGS that I've played in the last decade.
Everything else is some faggot's pet project like new vegas or some pandering CRPG garbage written by illiterates.
Why? As long as you can also shoot your way through the mission, that's not an issue at all.
>getting excited
Fucking stop doing that you marketing tool.
Because it becomes boring, if you go 100 speech the game becomes a joke and obviously you're going to take the path of least resistance.
Fun and comfy aren't arguments, they are consequences of specific aspects that make you feel "fun" or "comfy".
Learn to actually articulate your ideas, then you can talk with the big boys.
Also F:NV also had companions that affected the story.
>Fun gunplay
Why do people keep saying this? It's so fucking below average.
How come everyone complains about the dialogue system in Fallout 4 when it is just a copy-pasted system from Mass Effect? I recently played the Mass Effect trilogy and noticed the similarity in the dialogue system, 2-4 options, same options, illusion of choices, etc. Did people complained about the dialogue system when Mass Effect was released?
The Wircher 2 and 3 aren't RPGs. They're open world action games with RPG undertones in he vein of Skyrim.
Not suprising that you love it, it's simplistic nature is appeals greatly to those growing up in the Skyrim generation.
I dunno about you guys, but if a game made me invest over 400 hours of gameplay, it is not a bad game. I simply enjoy playing it and messing around in the world.
You can always give yourself a handicap if you think things are too easy, not stroll around in power armor with a gun larger than your ego.
Because it was a massive step down from previous Fallout game games just to force voiced dialogue. That's why.
Mass effect didn't have a previous game where the dialogue was way more expansive so it was less obvious to plebs
It's not an issue when you don't have only speech checks as a conversation stat. You had to have knowledge of science, medicine, explosives, big guns, small guns, Luck, Perception, etc in F:NV
I'd agree that if all the missions on Fallout 4 could be solved just by talking, it would be boring, since charisma is the only speech modifier.
Also, not necessarily if you actual roleplay. You wouldn't talk your way out of a fight if you are roleplaying a mongoloid man that only understands fists going into faces, or a NCR hater that would get any chance to kill rangers, or just a simpleton that only understands about explosives and energy weapons.
You know, builds that require you to actually limit yourself to enjoy the game in different ways.
Because it's a massive downgrade of the dialogue system the series already had.
Mass Effect dialogue system is really mocked by RPG fans anyways.
If I'm playing someone with 100 speech I'm going to take the speech check every time, regardless of my role, or probably forced by my role.
It's garbage design when all a speech check does is rush you through the quest as in nv.
You can modify the game however you like, but eventually you have to accept that you're effectively putting polish on a turd.
An action rpg is still an rpg.
It is not just an "open-world action game", that is Skyrim and Fallout 4.
What? In which game? F:NV straight up isn't, because of the several other speech checks I just told ya.
Also, some missions can't be talked out of, like the invisible nightkin in the rocket factory , the freeside scam and the counterfeit bottlecaps factory.
user, no one is forcing you to take the path of least resistance.
That's you.
Take responsibility for the way you play.
Nope, it very much is an open world action game. Even Fallout 4 is closer to an RPG despite it's heavy spiral into openworld shooter territory.
It's well above average compared to FO3/NV.
Enemies respond to specific body parts & recoil/handling/animations are much better.
>Being able to create a custom character defines an rpg
Even ME let you turn down quests/actually roleplay.
Sometimes turning things down is LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE in FO4, and the only options for roleplay are 'nice prewar dad', 'sarcastic prewar dad', 'whiny prewar dad'.
Being able to roleplay your character as anything you want (be it angry, dirty, tribesman fisting his way through every situation, or a clean, smooth talker manipulating others to do his bidding) is what defines an RPG.
You mean those non-existant things I never had a single problem with playing over 300hours of vanilla New Vegas ? yeah... go kill yourself faggot
>Enemies respond to specific body parts
Just like in NV, where they'd drop their guns, not run or get a massive accuracy fault if shot in the head?
When did CDPRdrones get so militant and cancerous? What happened?
They did, it's called New Vegas
do they actually get to finish it? because NV was an extremely painful game to play because of how unfinished it was. ive never felt so compelled to fast travel in my life and even then the locations themselves were all boring
The sawyer mod fixed tons of the bugs the game had after the last official patches and the Side bet mods add back lots of the content that were cut due to time.
>Go back west
>Make factions and relationships have consequences
>Include more settlements with more NPCs
>Have at least 3 different outcomes for any given quest
>Tie weapon proficiency and damage to level (Minigun is only accurate when you're high enough level)
>Improve base building but put less emphasis on it
>Drop the Vault start of game
>More than 10 songs
>Lock unique weapons behind quests and skill walls instead of behind legendary enemies
>Drop the brotherhood of steel
>Drop the enclave
You now have a good fallout game.
The Witcher 3 happened. The newfound popularity created a maelstrom of newfaggorty, smugness and anger, of which was largely directed towards Bloodborne. Sup Forums of course, was in full support because the sonygger smugness was eclipsing the moon at the time.
Eventually Sup Forums grew tired of the BB shitposting but witchercucks remained as feral as ever. Now they've shifted their attention to attacking Sup Forums and other fanbases (namely Japanese ones).
It's mostly insecurity desu. Always was but it's far more evident now.
>Also F:NV also had companions that affected the story.
What did Raul think when I nuked the BoS?
I don't see how Obsidian has any credit left after their last two CRPGs.