Modders save yet another franchise

>Modders save yet another franchise

When will developers learn?

so fucking ready

Give me people that play for the love of the game and not shit like streaming, money, skins, xp.

>classic, pre nerf deagle

Is there any point to this when 1.6 still exists and has active servers?

It's not like the millions of people playing GO are suddenly going to start playing Classic Offensive because they were craving 1.6 action and had no alternative.

Then you need to go back to 1.6, because there's a reason why it is like that.

CS:GO is actually the mangled xbox port of CSS and therefore it was aimed at a generation of kids that loved achievements and menial progression, because thats the only way for them to enjoy games.

Valve saw the company who they outsourced the port to and thought, "This is nothing like CS, we can sell this for money again on PC" and promptly they ported it back to the PC. That's also why features such as custom sprays were missing and why the default tickrate is too low.

So if you don't want that shitty playerbase that can only enjoy a game if they get a loot crate every now and then while watching a dumb xp bar go up, then playing GO is the absolutely wrong game to even consider in the first place

No. It's nostalgia bait. If anyone is serious about CS and yearns for the gameplay of 1.6 they'll play 1.6 cause graphics be damned.

1.6 isn't really that active outside of a few pug servers and large player cap servers

source is even worse off with mostly stuff hosted by HG getting any attention

Guns are incorrect like in 1.6

At least this doesn't require more anti-cheat programs on top of VAC, or require you to subscribe to a "totes srs guise you can't just drop out of a pub if you join or else we'll put you on timeout" forums to circumvent that.

No shit, it's why I abandoned GO once I saw what it had become.

I moved on to different games.

>>Modders save yet another franchise
>by adding old worse level design and worse graphics

>worse level design
>muhmuh grafixs
The gun mechanics are way better.

>muh 1.6

I might actually play this game when this comes out

So, we can all agree at this point that the "nostalgia trend" is the bazinga of gaming, right, Sup Forums?

Looks like straight out of CSS.

>modders give us an alternative to csgo / 1.6 that was much needed

it's probably just css but with fixed hitboxes
would be fine with me honestly

As someone who doesn't play cs, what was wrong with GO, and why is this better?

>mod CORE is based on 2013 CSGO
>2013 CSGO hitboxes
>2013 CSGO netcode
>2013 CSGO map boxes
>2013 CSGO movement

would rather die

Didnt they do this shit in the year 2008 with CS promod? since too many counter strike babies were upset with counter strike source?

nobody is gonna play this shit

There's nothing wrong with CSGO, it's exactly the same as old cs games but with cosmetics


>but with fixed hitboxes
CSGO hitboxes are fine retard



Is that really your argument?

>Modders save yet another franchise
the franchise literally began as a mod

>please bring back CSS oversized hitboxes cause I can't hit shit ;.;


They literally are, they're way better than 1.6 hitboxes which were just fucking cubes stacked on top of each other.

Look where he is aiming retard.

>The gun mechanics are way better.

Of course not.


>MFW I was in junior high playing the CS alpha and the M3's rate of fire was OVER 9000

I miss those days for now I am old and winter is coming.

And a company killed it

Slightly to the left, you can see the bullets hit the wall behind

And it's being saved by a mod. How is that not fitting?

>shoot every fucking wall to win
no ty


>by porting a companies assets from their previous game

You got brain damage kid?

That's jumping inaccuracy, which was fucked over due to an update and has since been fixed.

That's the only reason GO got popular. I was in the beta and then played the release and the game was pretty stagnant with players compared to source. I stopped playing after OP Bravo and it seemed to really take off in 2014 shortly after.

Just like CS was born as a mod for a company's game?


this franchise is nowhere near dying just because you dont like what happened to it, faggot

He misses the first shot and doesnt account for recoil on the others.
Jesus, are you really this dumb?

>inb4 "b-but they patched the hitboxes!"
yeah, after the community did all the work to find the bug and even then it wasn't really fixed, shots will register on client side but not on the server side, even showing blood spray from hits only to be killed and see that you did no damage

>Well-known player is missing his shots on an enemy who's standing still

You're actually retarded.

Every single CS thread turns into same thread, literally the same webms, same arguments, same crying about hitboxes. Do you people ever get tired?

I'm talking about that black and white webm.
If you're talking about the one with the "well known player" maybe you should've seen the stream in which he actually says "hey, let's check out this seriously fucked up jump accuracy, lets see if I can hit him with my deagle"

no u

>crouch shooting
>deagle spam
No thanks. Literal nostalgia fag bait.

That was from the hitbox bug on ladders. That was fixed in the hitbox update

He doesn't spray with pistol, you fucking retard. He shoots with bursts.