Say something nice about this game
Say something nice about this game
Fume Knight was fun
better than das3
Legitimized hexes/dark magic
It was a DLC add-on in DaS1 and was OP as fuck but it felt like it was always meant to be in DaS2. And the spending souls to cast hexes was a neat idea (except for soul memory)
Why DaS2 when SotFS exists?
Gilligan is quite a fun character
Even if the bosses were all humanoid knights, it had a lot of variety in the normal enemies. Like giant turtle and lion dudes.
Hexes, blue orbs, every build was viable, fun covenants, better pvp.
good one
SotFS is honestly great in my opinion.
>Fun areas for PvP
>Great covenants
>Great online in general
>FANTASTIC build variety.
Seriously, every single style of weapon was viable in 2
>1h anything
>2h basically anything
>Dual Wield anything
>good miracles
>great pyromancy
>fantastic Hexes
>The best Sorcery has ever been in a souls game
If not for the retarded soul memory system, it would honestly be my favorite DaS game despite the disjointed world and all that other relatively unimportant fluff.
Best-looking armor and gear in the series, solid variety of enemies and environments, cool NPCs, bone chariot, Vendrick's castle, grass
Less rehash than Dark Souls 3.
It was a proper sequel. DaS 3 was just a rehash.
Less more gooder than Dark Souls 3 wasn't
Some of the armors are look really ballin and the cloth physics were cool.
best combat in the series, best weapon and armor selection
Its better than the other two
its true
Almost fixed backstab fishing.
Entering Majula for the first time really gave you a sense that the world wasn't ending, but it was already dead.
>best online
>best hub
>best build variety
>power stance
>great DLC
>best fashion
>Ivory king
>best Dark Souls
Least lazy implementation of NG+ in the series. Had the foresight of including bonfire ascetics for characters who don't want to go into NG+ to get once-per-run items, to get NG+ items, or to refight a boss. Dark Souls 3 says "fuck you, play the game three times if you want the best rings".
Had some neat ideas.
The bosses themselves were lackluster but how the game sometimes had arenas with some kind of thought put into them for the fight was kind of neat. The bosses also had some pretty cool gimmicks even if they didn't come to fruition that much because there was no reason to pay attention to them.
Despite fucking up its development cycle and all the hype letdown and the prepare to die bullshit it kind of handled being a sequel better than DaS3 did.
Powerstancing and how the game handled movesets in general was probably series best (Bloodborne does its own thing so I'm not drawing that into consideration) even if the moves themselves may not have been the best they could have been.
Magic is actually worth considering and so is pretty much every weapon.
Stamina management feels like it means something. It was only a mild change from DaS1 but the steps that were taken backward in DaS3 are enormous.
I would still say the armor was best in DaS1 with DSfix slapped on.
DaS2 managed to fuck the aesthetic too hard for me to like it and even stuff that already existed was generally inferior in DaS2.
I also disliked that it was the first game in the series to start disabling parts of the armor that were in the same region because the clipping was better than what resulted from trying to fix it, while still having a game with serious clipping issues.
I would say he's right
Spell builds are actually fun
Magic is actually useful, unlike das3
Poise is actually useful without being op like das 1, unlike das3
It has a shitton of content and variation of paths that you can take, unlike das3. Doesnt hold a candle to das1 though
Build variety is quite diverse and it ran smoothly on PC at launch even if the durability was tied to the framerate
>best DaS
Nah. It's a great game, but definitly not better than the first.
>Best hub
Nah, Majula was cool at the start but it's easily one of the weakest I feel. Barely any quests involving the NPCs and it still feels lifeless. I know that's the point but I felt that the tiny little village would actually act like a small village with a shopkeeper and all.
The rest are mostly agreeable.
>best online
>best hub
>best build variety
>power stance
Agree although I found it pretty useless
>great DLC
>best fashion
Agree, sadly armor is useless
>Ivory king
Worst DLC
>best Dark Souls
1st one is best
Not him but I felt Ivory King's boss fight and Eleum Loyce in general made up for its Co-op Area. Shulva is amazing too but I just fucking hate Elana's fight.
Best PvP in series
It's the only one that has a fun ng+
Also every weapon is viable, and mix and matching with Powerstancing is fun
best pvp
best assortment of equiptment
more build variety than the rest
overall a really great game
what makes the pvp so great?
Elana is great.
>tfw she summons motherfucking Velstadt
Covenants actually working as well as arenas. Variety of builds helped too.
This isn't video games, fuck the hell off.
I just had the displeasure of fighting her at NG+3 the first time through and she just had way too much fucking health.
this desu. it also had much more atmosphere
is Sup Forums the only place that prefers ds2 to ds3?
It was so bad they took extra care with 3.
DS2 was a rehash of 1 while DS3 was a reshash of 2.
Therefore, 3 is arguably the lesser one since it's a rehash of a rehash.
DS3 is probably the most disliked of the series from what I've seen.
Tunnel vision must be a bitch.
DS2 is still the most hated. If anything, there's barely any discussion of 3 in general.
anyone else here prefer the fast rolly combat of ds3 and bb?
Best online in the series
Most replayable
>DS3 was a reshash of 2.
In what universe? DS3 was a rehash of Bloodborne combat and DS1 settings while pretending DS2 more or less didn't exist.
Except for all the armor sets and weapons right
It was my first experience with getting non-stop co-op and it was really fucking fun.
Until soul memory carried me out of range...
Best magic of the series by far
Power stanching was better than DS3's duel wield weapons
More actually new weapons and armor as opposed to 3 which is at least 70% rehash
I haven't played BB but I prefer not being able to iframe everything with no skill involved. On the off chance you do get hit (due to the designers forgetting that enemy combos are supposed to end) you can just chug an estus which instantly heals you to full with no danger of getting hit while doing so. The only enemies that pose any threat are the ones that kill you instantly or near instantly because of this.
and the even better version
>DS3 brought back some armor from DS2, therefore it's a rehash of DS2 even though it's an exact 180 in terms of plot, setting, and gameplay.
all they had to do was call it Dragon Souls & everyone would have shut the fuck up about b team memery
as for thread topic, it has the most replay value. even the shitty levels get fun when you can plow through them whenever you're comfortable with your build.
I'll give you that because there's a choice in doing something with the First Flame but even then, we still have no idea what the implications are.
Welcome back to Anor Londo
I guess, it's more Bloodborne with how faster it is.
dlc's pretty good
nice weapon variety
The stuff it did with NG+ and bonfire ascetics was quite neat
Literally the only thing lifted from 2 is some armor sets. Every other element DS2 had was either removed/almost removed (good NG+, power stance) or made exactly opposite (faster combat and estus than DS1 as opposed to the slower combat and estus in DS2; nonlinearity).
There's no room to say that DS3 rehashed 2 aside from the common elements of being in the same series (it has bonfires and bosses).
alotta people say ds3 is the hardest vanilla though
i haven't played through far enough to tell for myself yet but those fucking fat ladies are awful if they get their mace swings off
yeah, alot of the enemies swings are designed so they come with a little delay, like those cathedral knights with maces where they bash, they wait a bit and then swing - if you roll twice too fast you get hit
there were a lot more enemies like this too but cant remember what right now