Bulletstorm Remaster

>Bulletstorm Remaster
> Full Clip Edition because we don't know what a magazine looks like
>Barely any visible improvements compared to the original
>Dook Nukeem for whatever reason
>50 bucks

Yeah fuck you Randy Bitchfork and People Can (Go) Die.
Ain't paying big bucks for what is essentially a slightly better looking version without cancerous DRM that I can circumvent.

Just buy the original and apply those fixes:

Why didn't they work on a new Painkiller instead REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Other urls found in this thread:


>Why didn't they work on a new Painkiller instead REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Because every Painkiller after the first game sucked.


Do people expect anything from above other than being ripped off with some minimal-effort cash grab? They had to put Duke in because Bulletstorm has no pulling power whatsoever.

It will flop, and Gearbox will just throw their hands up and wonder what went so wrong, again.

Wasn't geared towards PC players, but towards the console crowd which is rather funny because it's going to do terrible on console.


Overdose was pretty fun but certainly not as good as the first one plus BooH. Everything after that might aswell not exist.

Fucking entitled gamers :^)

Featuring Duke from Duke Nukem Forever

there's a bullet storm remaster?

It's 40 dollars.
What the fuck, I expected it to be half the price max, you don't even get a reduction if you already have the first one.

This shit better not be letterboxed again

Apparently so.

It was a decent game, assuming you weren't some kind of pussy who didn't slidekick everywhere, but it was pretty short and not really worth a full $60 at launch, plus apparently owners of Bulletstorm won't get a discount/free upgrade.

NO, please tell you're fucking joking.

They want $60 on console for it kek

According to Randy they can't due to different publishers and shit.
Nevermind that the Darksiders remasters were given free to owners of the original release despite different publishers.

There's a 15% discount on preorders, but it's still $42.49.

That's pretty bullshit, considering it's a 7 hour campaign at most and there's no multiplayer outside of co-op mode.

Battleborn flopped pretty hard, Randy needs the money.

>£25 for the same 5 year old game which didn't even sell well in the first place with Duke modded in

Are Gearbox really that desperate for money after Battleborn flopping?

It's because it's the obligatory generational remaster.
Since they're selling it on console everyone gets the full price.
This generation was a mistake.

Bulletstorm: Gibe Mony Plox Edition

this i s pretty much the only way to explain the recent influx of lazy "remasters" coming out of gearbox
It's actually hilarious, only 11k sales on the duke """""remaster"""""
get fucked gearbox

>It's actually hilarious, only 11k sales on the duke """""remaster"""""

That's because the people who want to play Duke3D already have it/know that eduke32 is infinitely superior. I'm also pretty sure someone's ripped the 5th episode added to World Tour for eduke32 by now.

Try FlawlessWidescreen.

>I'm also pretty sure someone's ripped the 5th episode added to World Tour for eduke32 by now.
This is literally all that I want.

You know what the real kicker is?
People who bought bullet storm have to crack the game they paid for because GFWL was never patched out.

There is a dll that circumvents GFWL, check the link in the OP. Coop won't work unfortunately.

Hey Sup Forums, are you going to buy our NEW game?
It has Duke in it, with new politically correct voice lines by John St Jon.

How's Bulletstorm's story? Just found out it was written by Rick Remender. Really like his comics.

Just seeing Randy Pitchford at the 2016 VGA and seeing him annonce the re-master of a game nobody bought with Duke Nukem shitted in made me lose my almonds.

damn that would be hella upsetting if bulletstorm was a good game in anyway

Post the Kharak one.

>Dook Nukeem for whatever reason
If you need a reason then fuck you.

Good, but unfinished.
They hoped for the sequel. Didn't work out.

"Enhanced". Ok.


>tfw Gearbox is taking a huge risk and publishing this themselves
If this tanks it might be the killing blow to the company.

We can but hope, mon frere.

Why does this even exist?

The original Bulletstorm's graphics still hold up and it wasn't really all that popular anyway. They should have made a sequel what were they thinking?!

>easy low effort shekels

Oh yeah

hey guys, who wants to come over and play matt hazard later?


Why is Bulletstorm, of all games, getting a remaster, and why are Gearbox the ones doing it?

Sorry man, my copy of Aliens Colonial Marines arrived this morning, can't wait to play it, I mean did you see the trailer?!

>different era

M8 it's been like 5 years.

Is he right? No memes please.

I hope
It honestly troubles me how much stupid shit Gearbox gets away with without sinking
Presequel flopped in terms of borderland numbers
Colonial Marines flopped
Homeworld Deserts of Kharak flopped
Duke nukem ""remaster"" massive flop
Battleborn massive flop

How the FUCK did Bioshock: Infinite singlehandedly sink Irrational Games, but Gearbox can get away with ALL OF THIS
What are they living on?

Gearbox is so desperate.

They couldn't make the campaign co-op for fucks sake.

Who cares, as long as us devs get PAID!



If there are as many hurdles as the amazing Rando says, then why the fuck are they going to such great lengths to deal with an administrative / legal minefield to release an average game which failed to set the world alight and hardly has a died hard fan base?

If only there was a much more appreciated gaming franchise which Gearbox actually had a hand in that they could draw upon which might actually be a crowd pleaser and not involve having to negotiate with the original devs / owners. Maybe something involving a mute with a crowbar.

>Sup Forums likes Bulletstorm now
I can't fucking handle the shitty taste of the underageb&s
Every year it gets worse

Sucks for you, I guess you should look for comfort now in your shit tier weeb games.

Bulletstorm is not amazing, but pretty decent to get in a sale.

>it's not muh generic uguu kawaii jap game so it's immediately shit

>there's only terrible shootan or weeaboo shit
You're probably console players, judging from your intelligence

>Looks exactly the same

>Cow of a wife drinks diet cola.

He is, people seem to forget that companies aren't dictatorships where a single person decides everything. If it's another publisher completely, it's up to that publisher to decide the price and since they've had no contact nor profit from old customers, there's zero reason for them to offer an upgrade.

New platforms means more work.

As for price? I got no idea, myriad of factors here. It's always a balancing act to decide what will net them the most profit.

Gearbox WAS the publisher for BullShitstorm in the first place, and People Can Fly were the shit dev that almost killed the already dying series that is Gears of War with that trash 'JUSTment' game. What the FUCK is Randall babbling about now?

I find it funny Gear Box is advertising their publishing when no good game came out of it

If it's not your own IP, it's fucking trash Gearbox

You fucked up Duke, you fucked up Aliens, you fucked up Aliens AGAIN



I'm on PC, playing FPS on a gamepad is cancer.

Bulletstorm was a good game when it came out

emphasis on when it came out

>All non-DLC characters in Battleborn will be unlocked from the beginning.

Is Randy finally starting to learn from his mistakes?

don't remind me.
My pc at the time was terribly outdated. You brought back memories of playing the bullet storm demo on my 360.

Then why bother with the difficulty in doing it? Bulletstorm is hardly a fucking must have classic that fans have been begging for a remaster of.

What is the Badass counter on this fucking video?
He doesn't stop with the badasses. I'm beginning to think I have to cut the term badass out of my badass vocabulary.

I'm pretty sure it must be his defense mechanism he retreats to when under pressure.

>this is the craziest update we've ever done
Yeah I guess still making updates for a game without players is pretty crazy.

that makes more sense when you think of it as a way of trying to fit in with his son's generation.
Can you imagine having an autistic son who thinks he's better than you because he spends a lot of time indoors reading, because he dresses "nice" with his fedora.
I'd be fucking desperate to try and understand why my son has a superiority complex and acts like a complete tart. Can you imagine?

damn, a game so dead I forgot it was the biggest flop of 2016

>all battleborn players

Both of them?

Why don't they just make Bulletstorm 2?

No, he's just being a pathological liar and shameless opportunist as usual.

Gearbox you suck.

This should have been there from the start

Bulletstorm was lame.

>was wondering if I'll find the word "badass" somewhere in there
>yup, it's right there

Jesus Christ.

Because that would mean Gearbox would have to put effort into something.

who are more of a tryhard:
the entirety of ubisoft's executive boards
randy of pitchford?

>see the word "badass" in something
>get irritated

It's become one of "those words" for me, like "epic" or "awesome", it makes me mad even if it's used totally innocently.

the plot thickens

Gearbox has more people on staff than Battleborn has players.

>named his son Randy
>you aren't Anthony Burch
>but the chances that you might be Randy Pitchford are doubled

Awesome is one of "those words"?
Since when? What reason?

Seems like a cool dude in person. Looks like he has a passion for what he does, even if he makes some questionable business practices.

won't buy the remaster but I wasn't able to get the fix for gfwl to work.

??? Was jsut wondering if someone had the same issue and found a way around the problem.

It's probably not so bad for other people but the word awesome just annoys me, it feels overused.
Like those damn Kung Fu Panda movies, the word "awesome is 70% of the script.

That reply was meant for but you had to step in and ruin the whole thing.

ok, but that'sa shitty example, Darksiders was never a GFWL game and while the original dev is dead, the current publisher is actually a piece of the old one.

3D Realms and their decade of incompetence was the reason DNF turned out like shit.

I hate Gearbox as much as everyone else here but I wouldn't put all the blame on them for DNF.

Nordic Games has nothing to do with THQ though, other than owning a chunk of the properties they got from their corpse.

The reason they go by THQ Nordic nowadays is simply brand recognition. Nobody knew who Nordic Games was.
>“The day we announced we were making acquisitions from THQ, there were a number of headlines like: ‘Who the fuck is Nordic Games?’ – no-one had ever heard of us,”

The enhanced version of Darksiders shows as a separate title in Steam.

There is absolutely nothing stopping Gearbox from giving players who have the original Bulletstorm in their Steam library a free copy of the enhanced version.

It was actually George Broussard. Even the team at 3D Realms were sick of his shit. Here's a guy who worked on DNF talking about his experience.


>Barely any visible improvements compared to the original

Any comparative screenshot ?

>1 hour and 45 minutes long

Overdose was unreasonably difficult at parts. That fucking swamp level.

>a new Painkiller

After so many bad sequells/spinoffs/expansion packs I don't see it happening.

They could have made something with Hell and Damnation but ruined it by chopping up the game and selling most of it as DLC.

>Not betting on Duke.
Kill your-fucking-self you gypsie faggot ponce.

For once in his life, Randy is correct.

I like how a few remasters are given to PClards for free as an update and they get entitled as fuck.

>All that clapping cheering for stuff before and after
>Him announcing crap just gets nearly nothing
what a joker

>Duke is a serious character he is not a parody
Oh fuck