Name a worst fanbase.
Name a worst fanbase
League of Legends. But not by much.
At least FNAF is singleplayer so you can ignore the fanbase.
Almost all others.
Sony, Sonic, FNAF, LoL...
Fair point.
In that case... CS:GO
Rust, the majority of the population rushes to make a weapon and kill fresh spawns for no other reason than to be a dickhead
Pre-PC release Dark Souls.
the game is good enough to make up for it
Left 4 Dead 2.
Sonic the Hedgehog
Second Life
Senran Kagura
Katawa Shojo
Five Nights at Freddies
Every single console war shitposter
'Competitive Hearthstone'
I could go on
Sup Forums
and Sup Forums
This nig' knows the truth!
The undertale fandom is one of the worst out there, It reached sonic level of autism and cancer.
>inb4 mad fanboys
Sup Forums
Souls, ezpz
Dota 2
Retail WoW
Vanilla WoW
Dark Souls
Demon Souls Elitists
Sony Movie Games
Gears of War 1 in 2006/2007
Bethseda game fappers
Tales of The Abyss/Xillia 2 Elitists
Console Fanboys
PC Masterrace
Weeb Bait (Neptunia, Senran)
Do you even like videogames?
I literally spent 10 minutes and I can't think of anything worse.
Yes I played for 7 hours yesterday, and some of those games I mentioned I enjoy.
Also I forgot Minecraft.
Sup Forums
>gears of war
did it ever have a fanbase?
Overwatch isn't a particularly loud fanbase. They are confident in their game and it doesn't really have any serious competition at this point.
I don't really get how they ever got the idea that their game should be competitive though.
It's easy to be confident when you are underage.
I did that on a new, small minecraft server years ago. Made a stone sword and killed almost everyone on the server, it was pretty fun honestly
I don't think they are a fairly mixed bunch. My main point is that they aren't toxic because they don't post in all threads about how superior their game is.
>I don't think they are a fairly mixed bunch
When you want to write something else but forget to fix the start of the sentence.
All companies seem to want to cash in on esports for some reason
There are lots of great videogames that aren't the ones that user listed. Do YOU even like videogames? That list is pretty spot on.
Bronys in general are worst.
Undertale because I'm pretty sure it dragged in the hamsteak fags along with the usual new indie game autism.
Steven Universe fans are easily the most cancerous things though.
I never played minecraft. I didnt like the non pvp building games. Rust and ark are more my speed desu but i dont kill freshies for no reason,idk why ppl do that tbqh
Came to post this.
Nascar 03.
Sup Forums
Sup Forums.
World of Warcraft
whats so bad about the undertale fanbase? I've never seen an actual argument in fact i dont even know what undertale is i never looked up those threads
same faggy playerbase. Go say something bad about wow on the OW forums or something bad about OW on the wow forums.
Blizzdrones are literally the worst fanbase in all vidya
So OP nobody seems to find Overwatch fanbase all that bad, what do you have against it?
Steven Universe
>Naughty Dog
>Final Fantasy
>Dark Souls
>Star Fox
Overwatch may have a garbage fanbase, but there many that are worse.
But it's a great show
>Deus Ex Sup Forumstards
>Kojima cucks
Not op i have nothing against it really
what im wonder if im good enough for that game who knows i mean everyone seems to be an elitist
Sonic fags. Most of them unironically like the 3D entries, which are all basically shit.
Your friends...
That one festival versus anime show with the titty ninjas
or nep gear fans
all threads about either fanbase just devolve into waifu posting
Nothing really. When it was new it was the hot thing to talk about among the hipsters and deviantart kids. But unlike a lot of the other shit they latch onto Undertale spamming died off pretty quick.
You serious? Dork Souls faggots are and became absolutely unbearable the second that shit came to PC.
Not that user but I think the show is fine too.
It's a kids show but it attracts the cringiest and most autistic people to it.
Like the fans calling one of the creators a pedophile apologist or some shit like that because he said to let people draw what they want.
I have over 1600 hours in this game and I'm going to go give thanks to God for not letting me meet one of these fags.
Why do people do this shit? It would be okay if a small amount of people do this to their steam profile but it screams weeb/furry/brony do why do so many people do it?
plus what has been said before