This is Freya from FF9. Say something nice to her!
This is Freya from FF9. Say something nice to her!
i wanna sniff her ass!
Who? I beat FFIX, don't remember her.
Cute toes!
She is literally the best Dragoon.
Am I fucking retarded or is her face a fucking profile perspective when her head isn't?
Well, you asked for it.
here you go
treat her well
Kain says otherwise you fucking heretic
Nice butt. More
Let's ask Golbez what he thinks of Kain :^)
It's the mouse girl.
How can you not remember a party member? Did you play with the control stuck in your ass?
Too many animals.
Kain is a close second.
He beats Freya in terms of actual armor but we don't get a lot of moments to really like the guy. He kinda remains as "that Dragoon friend of yours that got brainwashed and lets you steal the love of his life".
More rat titties
She has a pretty cool trance attack, although she wasn't part of my main team.
Here you go. I could use a ban anyway.
Fuck everything about Beatrix.
Commits genocide multiple times and acts like a complete dumbfuck because muh honor muh knights oath.
She wasn't even mind controlled or anything, she did everything Brahe requested with zero resistance. She was strong enough to easily take out Brahe if she wanted.
And then everyone except Freya instantly forgives Beatrix after Brahe dies and everything is fine. Fucking bullshit.
Literally fucking who?
May as well go for broke and keep posting freya. She never gets threads anyway, she deserves some love
>kain best dragoon
>betrays friends 20 or so times
>internally whines how he wants his best friend's girl all the time
>instead of manning up at the end, he runs away to be all by himself, probably cutting himself and writing self-pitying poetry
More naked freya
>The Dragoon is a whiny emo punk bitch
>The Ninja named Edge is a brave prince who fights for JUSTICE
its like pottery
Well since you asked so nicely
>trains in isolation to become a better person and dragoon
>After Years
>he loses to his dark side and causes trouble
>eventually defeats it and becomes a holy dragoon
That was a good moment and his redemption went full cir-
>trains the son of his best friend and lover for a former position his friend held
I wish he got more love. tfw no kain x rydia
I hope you get the joke later
I want to FUCK that.
More! MORE!
Would you believe me if I told you that there isn't a lot of good Freya art that wasn't drawn decently or fetish pandering?
Dude, fucking nice. More!
She isn't that crazy popular so yeah I can understand that. But there's a healthy amount last I recall, that's at least decent. That one is nice
>a few characters that I really like have very few fan service art
Not him, but I don't get it either, please explain.
I don't remember those big fat rat tats
absolutely based. keep going
Her boyfriend forgot all about her due to lolamnesia.
yall niggers need to play the game watch the opening character portraits or read the manual
she is sexy
Please more like this
>best dragoon
saying this while Aranea exists
thats not how you spell ricard
Ooooooh I get it, also I've completed the game before, I just didn't remember Freya's problem.
Having taken a second look, you're kind of right. Too bad most of it's just poorly drawn porn.
That's not how you spell Kimahri either
What's wrong with smut? she deserves a good dicking for all the bullshit she has to put up with and her shit tier b/f forgetting her. I do like pin ups more though, It's hot just seeing her naked since in the game she wears so much fucking clothes you barely even see her face, let alone her tits.
>Any of the FFXV cast
>Worth a shit
And with this horrible looking one I am fresh out of lewd Freyas without dipping into fetish stuff or porn.
Have a good day Anons.
>not posting the sindoll stuff
Why don't you post it, faggot?
just dump the Freya lewds already so we can fap
user you're transcending.
more like this
No user request denied.
>thread is still up
>leaving it now
user pls
i want freya to sit on my face
More freya
Apparently I missed one.
Merry Christmas.
>We'll never have Burmecians in any other FF game or even in FFXIV
>FFXIV will just keep getting "lolhuman" races
Don't get me wrong, I like the FFXIV races but a big reason why I loved Everquest was that I could be a big, ugly ass troll, a scaly Iksar or Ratonga rather than just Human A or Human B.
Plus, how often are rat races treated as noble and valiant in any medium?
Freya is nice and pure girl. She would never commit such coquettish acts, I'm sure
That's not how you spell Estinien
you know she would
Post the rest
Oh you got plenty more to choose from user kun, post more! can't post shit from my phone
Oh no what's this, how scandalous!
I was gonna say something nice, but I forgot what I was gonna say.
Is that Freya dancing or another rat babe? what's she even doing at a strip joint?! they had those in FFIX ? I clearly missed out
what is she exactly?
i could never get into 9
>tfw no translation
A rat dragoon.
I've translated the やらいか doujins (well, one of them, the other 2 were already done) I can give this a look after work sometime. I love Freya.
post more
time to fap, k..keep going
That would rad as hell my man
No problem, least I can contribute to Freya. To be honest I thought it was translated already and I'd forgotten all about it. Till this lovely thread
Janitors are dead, gotta keep the thread alive
Lurking but fapping, keep it going
I hate furfags and i feel like a hypocrite now
You were neat, I wish FF did more of you, your clan and your animal-buddies from IX.
like furry does not a furfag make