Death Stranding

I know I'm really late to the party, but meh, let's talk.

Looks cool, and I'm intrigued, but.. why is Kojima so dead set on using Norman Reedus from walking dead in his game? Even in Silent Hills.
Why not just create a character?

Because he is in love with him, and popular actors can bring attention to his game.

Kojima is really into movies. I guess this is his way of blurring video games and movies together

To make girl's panties wet so they buy his game.

Why hasnt Hackjima learned English yet when hes a huge westaboo? He a Japanese neckbeard?

Reedus is a decent actor, and it's probably cheaper to use an actor's likeness through motion capture than it is to pay a team of animators, designers, and programmers to make up a character from scratch. Also, if you go from scratch, you run the risk of the character not being lovable or straight up uncanny valley.

He's rich enough to not need to learn a very difficult language fluently. He knows enough to accept an award, at least.

Think about it this way, it will also have female actors in it. If you fall in love with your game waifu, you know she exists somewhere out there irl and all you have to do is abduct her and force her to be in-character.

I cant wait

i honestly thought norman reedus WAS a fictional character until i saw the trailer that just came out and looked into it
i think this is just an extension of the keifer sutherland thing in mgs5, kojima really likes actors and film and i think he's trying to "push the boundaries" of games as a cinematic experience

I don't think Norman fucking Reedus gets anyone on earth wet

He knows English perfectly well.
He's just shit at speaking it because he's Japanese and the phonetics that he's practiced pronouncing throughout his life is limited as fuck and I guess he's too lazy to practice. I mean I guess I get that for Japs it's the hardest thing in the fucking world

very difficult language? :D

I wish you were right, but there's a shocking amount of people fawning over him post-The Walking Dead.

Kojima is a failed director who's trying to realize his fantasy through video games.

Luckily, the bar is set much lower for story-games than it is for movies. He can be a big fish in a small pond.

English is an inherently complex language to learn, moreso the later you start, and unlike most European countries, English wasn't relevant in Jap schools in the 60's and 70's when Kojimbo was in school.

>Voice actors go on strike
>Devs just hire real actors instead

kaksoispiste ddddd

Kojima is a hack who originally wanted to make movies in Hollywood and settled for video games when he couldn't make it, which is why his games resemble movies more than they do games including starring actors and actresses instead of created characters

It totally started with Boondock Saints.


I don't get it, will these people be playing as "themselves" as if it were their real lives, or are they like actors playing a whole new role in this game's universe?

As far as the game itself goes, from what I understand..

>Norman wakes on a beach (nature setting), naked (rebirth)?
>dogtags on his neclace apparently have equations etched on them that relate to blackholes and relativity
>wires/cords/umbilical cords represent connection
>even the crabs have umbilical cords--all life is connected?
>as life (baby, in this case) disappears, oil is left behind
is there anything else I'm missing? I'm pretty dense so someone feel free to fill in any gaps

Norman Reedus has one of the stupidest faces I've ever seen. Why do people insist on showing him to me all the time?

wut why would you think they were playing themselves

there's a new trailer after that one by the way

theyre just actors playing roles, as they usually do.

I cant decide if I'd rather keep my dark circles under my eyes, or have his weird looking puffy undereyes, that look like he's been crying for hours

they are playing characters in the game, same way Joost was Quiet in MGSV

the story isnt known yet, but Del Toro, Norman, and Joost are good guys.

Mads is the bad guy

He looks like a white Asian that is muscular with down syndrome

let's not forget the 'I just stuck my mouth in a puddle of mud' facial hair

Using motion capture for facial animations can look a bit fucky if the capture is detailed enough and the face you're rendering doesn't match up close enough with the face you're capturing.

This has led to studios saying "well, fuck it, we'll just make the face in the game look like the actor's face. Shit, while we're at it we can use some notable actors to try to drive interest"

Do you not understand how acting works

Mads makes a good looking villain though. Not sure how I feel about Reedus yet.


Yes, in movies and television.
What I'm saying is, did he just create the actors in the game to play as themselves (Norman Reedus playing AS Norman Reedus IN Norman Reedus' life) or to play as an all-new character (Norman Reedus playing as, idfk, "Blake Jones" or some other made up person).

I have never played a video game where the characters were actors in real life

Why don't you learn japanese?

Hello, Razorfist.


>English is an inherently complex language to learn

hahahahahaha what

Is this what native English speakers actually believe?
English is the easy-mode for languages.

I always found hideos games rather "childish" but that's what makes them great in first place. However now that he has some "freedom" he might fuck this shit up big time by going full retarded and trying to impress everyone with more "serious" tones like MGS5

every Kojima character was based on an actor, now he has the money to actually hire the actor instead of stealing their faces

Because he doesn't want to, he wants to use actors he's been seeing in recent movies. Obviously the characters are still going to be created by him, they're just going to look like actors.

His characters have always been based on already existing people/characters. He is just able to use those people now.

Is Joost confirmed as being in there?


He's always done what he wants in his games, I never got the feeling he's trying to get video games more respect, if he was, he wouldn't have all the silly stuff he puts in games, and the first trailer for Deff Stranding wouldn't have a naked middle aged guy.

>Del Toro

like... benecio?

im thinking there's alternate dimensions and time travel. he has the black hole equations on dog tags so he could go into another timeline and use the information somehow.

also seems like there's some kind of transferring of consciousness between people and babies , and that the spoopy skellington army is hunting down babies and I suppose life in general.

No, the only people confirmed for lending their likeness, voice, and doing mocap are Norman Reedus and Madds Mikkelsen. Guillermo Del Toro is only lending his looks since he has other shit to make and can't spend the time doing mocap and voice work for his character.

Holy shit, you're a moron, please just make this thread on reddit or something.

It's what science says.

What is there to be excited about? Kojimadrones.


Hopefully this is the answer that
was looking for
I have college classes with 2 guys from South Africa who said they had more trouble with enlish than spanish or french, because too many words sounded the same, had different spellings or multiple meanings that made context hard for them to comprehend
What are your native languages then


Because he's a frustrated film director.

He understands English perfectly, just never practiced speaking it.