Other urls found in this thread:
finals is next week friendo
Xenoverse 2, can't fuckin put it down. Also Garden Warfare 2 if I can get it to work, do any of you guys have HughesNet and if so can you get it to connect after the 2am-8am "bonus" period? Mine fails while connecting to EA servers
Pizza rolls
Coffee and water
Last few eps of Death Note
Fluffy abuse
Actually passed my first semester of nursing school which I'm thrilled about because everyone further in says that the first is filled with BS to weed out the faggots while the rest is much more enjoyable
Did to some Alyssa Arce earlier, sometimes simple nudity activates my almonds more than anything else
Great that I passed, if I could get Garden Warfare 2 working I'd be on cloud nine
Vidya, vidya, vidya
Gotta catch up while I'm on break. Need to get further in MonHun Gens, it never stuck with me like 3U and 4U did but with Double Cross coming soon I need to catch up
forgot I was on the underage kids board
I´m latin and here summer is starting
The Banner Saga
The new Harry Potter book
My mixtape.
Everything with numbers.
fat garls
Just chillin
Friend gifted me Stardew Valley for some reason. Gonna get cozy and farm some shit.
Macaroni and cheese, I guess.
Sparkling water
Porter Robinson
Nothing, I'm not in school.
Too tired to fap
Mostly just vidya and sleeping.
do people actually talk to each other in these threads?
>dead week has just begun
>tfw finals are next week
but I bought Dead Rising 1 on steam, because fuck Dead Rising 4, so I'll be playing that. Also its cold and rainy and shitty outside so I think I'll make some hot soup. Pretty comfy overall though
>finals week starts next week
>nearly all of my classes just give up take home finals
My break basically started already
Some combination of Red Dead, XCOM 2, Overwatch, Rise of the Tomb Raider and BF1
Panda express
Nothing tonight. Had a good local stout last night
Maybe Red letter media best of the worst later
Currently reading The Endurance, a biography on Thomas Jefferson and a biography of Ben Franklin.
The Revenant score. Really solid background music
Not tonight.
Tired. Work all day, work on applications most of the night.
Applying to graduate school. Trying to coordinate sending transcripts, sending GRE scores, getting letters of recommendation, tailoring my essay to each school. Exhausting. And stupidly expensive.
Nope it's just retarded faggots blogposting.
Hi user.
How are you doing
Actually, help me out here anons. What kind of soup should I have:
Green Split Pea
French Onion
Clam Chowder
Help a brother out here Sup Forums
want to stream tonight dont know what
probably some modern warfare 2 or GTA san andreas
some home made cookie
bout to have an ice cold sip
twitch/this thread
twitch/this thread
>going to school
>tfw 0 viewers all the time when streaming
what games to not get 0 viewers
Fuck you, I have four next week
>being a wageslave
>finals will never be over
Finals next week for me.
Super Robot Wars GBA
The Witcher 1
Steak sandwich
Dunno, probably nothing
hopefully not my latest math test
Neutral, was late for next semester classes so I have 2 5 hour classes that both end at 10pm RIP
For winter im gonna tackle my vidya/anime backlog, probably start with PS3, then move to PC games
FFXV postmortem, just wrapped it up. waiting for the last guardian to arrive 2morrow and playing some sunmoon inbetween
Tuna salad
Westworld (fucking amazing)
Starting on the discworld novels reading colour of magic, so good so far
Nothing so far, should work on my hobby projects a bit more but muh ffxv and last guardian
Ai Shinozaki
p good but tired
doing some drawing tommorow and wrapping up any left-over work
Ah yes, I remember finals. Now I'm just a 25 year old graduated NEET.
Warframe & Moon
Cheap pizza
Death Note/Pokemon XY. I finished Futurama again and haven't found anything to fill the void.
An introduction to C++ course. /sci/ & Sup Forums.
Pretty quiet right now, desu.
Haven't done much to fail at recently.
To set up a new small desk area near my PS4 for an old PC to play RuneScape & D2. As well, I'm finding fun in learning mathematics. I'm waiting until I set this PC up to pull whatever resources I can for an attempt at learning a good bit of C++ at home.
>Finals are over
I wish, I'm getting an ulcer waiting for my results today /blog
I use it as a recommendation list for what's listed, food, shows, vidya etc. Sometimes I respond to anons but I don't force it.
Warhammer Total War
Star Wars Rebels Season 2 later
Might go for a light run later and listen to some metal.
Might build my other AT-ST later. Pic related.
WoW(Rp), Morrowind
Sweet and Sour Chicken
Playthrough of Catherine
School is for gays
Hungry, but not for much longer
To Rp later tonight.
dno, this is the first time that I am on the chans and my first post to v. Should we up eachothers posts perhaps to see who has some good picks?
FFXV I suppose
Nothing rn
Youtube vids
I started Berserk, it really is as good as people say it is, I can't believe I didn't read it sooner
Umm, I'm not doing exams, I'm just stopping by
Nothing, I'm a useless NEET
UC system fucker
Sonic Adventure
DJ Akademiks and The Sopranos
Chem textbook pdf
Math 3A for sure
not today
Stressed from these bullshit finals
Cleaning my dirty laundry before leaving my dorm room and getting out of the friendzone later in the month
Pokemon sun
Dominoes pizza
Dr Pepper
Always sunny
The man in the high castle
Childish Gambino
Finding new job
Same shit
Christmas party with friends
FF7, Let it Die
Altered Carbon
Atmosphere, Mos Def, and a lot of rock
Nothing, NEET atm, just got laid off from a labor job since it was seasonal
Like shit. My bio dad killed himself a week ago, went to the service yesterday. Been struggling, didn`t know the guy but it`s still fucking with my head
Vidya, going to some family later maybe
Started Banished this weekend, and I still want to do a few more runthroughs of Dishonored 2.
Wife is making chili tonight.
Mountain Dew
Probably nothing tonight.
I'm reading 12.21 by Dustin Thomason, it's pretty low tier reading but I was in the mood for something light.
Nothing currently.
My students, as I am a teacher and they bend to my will.
Not tonight
Bretty meh lately, I was sick all weekend and I have a bunch of work to do for my master's classes tonight, but the end is in sight at least.
Ready for the holiday season and the comfiness that comes with it.
>Graduate this saturday
>Gotta leave the home and find a job
Dark Souls 3
Dr Pepper
Sup Forums
Justin Timberlake: 20/20 Experience
At Dark Souls 3
Not atm, periscope later
To watch more NHK
>tuesday night
Yeah, no.
I've found these weekday threads to be awful. Everybody seems to be in a bad mood during weekdays. It's not until the weekend when people seem to be in a better mood and the threads are better.
pic related and playing some dota
pretty comfy tb h
My finals are this week, 2 Thursday one friday
im in CS, gonna fail math for sure
time to go back to souldraining webfaggot work i guess
Finals are next week for me :C
might play some hearthstone
old english
cooking videos
48 laws of power
la capone
hopefully not my finance exams
a lil shitty. gf of 5 years broke up w me last week.
how i'm gonna count my first million and take over the world
Final Fantasy XV, Let it Die, AND The Last Guardian
Beef stew with carrots, mushrooms, and potatoes from a crock pot.
Did that last night. Water for now.
Yu Yu Hakusho
The Prophet by khalil gibran and The Stranger by Albert Camus
Thundercat - Where the Giants Roam.
Differential Equations
In the process of fixing ED so I'm trying to stop porn
Bretty good
Tryna fuck dees tinder hoes
Cheap tesco instant coffee, milk, 6 sweetners
Go! Princess Precure
Dresden Files - Death Masks
Cooling Fans
to put more tshirt and sticker designs on redbibble
Pretty Down - my mother died in April and Christmas will not be the same
To have a fun and pleasant a Christmas as I can
But finals are next week. Faggot.
I plan to watch Flash episode later
most likely but if I fail I won't be able to go back to Cegep. It's my LAST fucking time. Two french courses to go and I'll have my college diploma.
Nikki lewds
see >watchan
also probably will go draw requests for /dbg/ later after watching The Flash
Wind Waker, going for my 100% run, but getting annoyed at the squid battleship minigame. Why the fuck did they lock two treasure scrolls behind this? Might play some Earthbound or FF9 later.
Chicken curry w/ jasmine rice - absolutely banging.
Tea and water.
Might watch Adaptation w/ my girl later.
Not read a lot of books lately, but may dive into The Fall soon.
Listened to a lot of Frank Ocean today, gonna put on some Oneohtrix Point Never and the Friendscast on later.
Disillusioned, but content w/ it.
Taking up a shitty recruitment job as I need money and really pumping more time into my freelance writing. Gonna take up more exercise, get more into fashion and start my book.
nice, just got out of a relationship and got a tinder. most these hoes lame af tho holy shit.
damn user i'm sorry. i feel for you. i'm really close with my mom. keeping u in my thoughts.
What is college?
Going to try Resident Evil 1 out for the first time.
Don't know yet, I have a bag of frozen chicken breasts dethawing in the fridge so probably breaded cutlets.
Water and the occasional glass of grape juice.
I just downloaded like 60 episodes of anime that are airing this season so I'll start catching up on them. There are only a few I wanted to watch anyway so in total it's only 8 shows.
Threads on Sup Forums.
Life, I never even finished high school.
Already did three times today but I'll probably have a cheeky wank to something later.
Neutral, I woke up at 3pm after doing pretty well with waking up before noon the last few days and I haven't eaten anything yet.
To take some Nyquil at 9pm and just chill out for an hour or two so I can fall asleep before midnight and hopefully wake up around 9 or 10 tomorrow so I can go to the gym.
this thread is early please DELET i don't want to see this
A place for kids
Dead Rising 4
Herbal tea
The Offiice
Dead Rising 4 comfy Xmas jams
Dropped out two years ago
Had sex this morning
Feeling pretty good for once just relaxing and not overthinking random shit. Got the fire on , Xmas tree lit up and the cat snoozing beside me
Nice and comfy right now.
Hitman and Siege.
Some "hamburger" soup from my mum. It's just veggie soup with bits of burger.
Water. Hopefully to help clear up muh complexion.
Joseph Anderson now, but I think I want to watch a movie soon. I want to do movie things but its been months since I sat down to watch one. Feels bad man.
Dishonored book lel
New Justice lately. Furi OST helps me bust out papers, so that too.
Nothing. I'm carrying four As and one B. First semester.
Later. Been a while since I treated myself to some Larkin.
Ex-fucking-hausted. My family keeps on giving me shit for always being tired since I chose to work and school, but I actually just like being busy. I hate lying around the house and doing nothing. By doing all this shit, I get my money + scholarships from work, and I get something resembling an education and social experience from school.
Ending strong. I only have one final, while all the other classes are large projects that we've been working on.
Just finished FFXV, playing Hitman and Dishonored 2
Diet Coke
This thread
Haven't started school yet
Migraine but pretty comfy
To relax
F.E.A.R 1 and maybe some oblivion.
Had some Chinese food. The dumplings were
so gross
Gunna pour my self a nice rum and coke soon. CC 100% Rye
This thread and DBZ season 2 later
This thread
Skyrim atmospherics. rly chill background music
Passed everything niggas. Literally one more presentation on thursday.
Good, wanna get drunk and high tn and play some vidya.
Installing some new mods for Oblivion and trying to achieve ultra comfy mode with it.
R.I.P to L'A Capone though
that nigga would have made it out of Chicago if he didn't get shot
Fuck BDK
Dropped out and got a job as a bartender. BUT
I asked my girlfriend to pick up FFXV when she gets off work, so just playing Pokemon Sun in the meantime
Gonna go out and get noodles when she gets home.
Going through my YouTube subs
my chill playlist
youjizz front page
Anxiety due to some personal issues
took leave off work. so gonna play lots of video games
Might play some Kronos, or Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin. I don't know.
Had a cheeseburger with an egg on top. I don't know what they're called.
Do the Dew.
>tfw I will never see them live
Life bruh.
I exist.
I should make some friends so I don't spend all day alone in my apartment.
Pokemon, Crash 2
Monster, Coffee and Tea later
Don't Breathe, been looking forward to this for a while
I'm too dumb to read
Shpongle, Tim Hecker, Adam F, talk radio
At making my own music clyp.it
I doubt I'll feel up to it today
Out of it.
To make more music sometime soon
>blew $459 on repairing my desktop
>shitty i3 and gtx 760
>no motivation to keep on playing vidya
>no drugs or booze to mitigate my remorse
>finish 12 page final paper
>30 percent of grade
>go to bed
>think that final starts at 3
>turns out it started at 12 and ended at 3
>miss final exam
>10 percent of grade gone
I feel like fucking killing myself although I'm still going to pass the class with a really fucking low C.
Watching the download screen move for "Let it Die"
pistachios and moon pies
like a gigantic failure
Dragon Quest 7 or Builders, maybe some Titanfall 2 if I wanna get away from Akira Toriyama's hellhole. Phoenix Wright Spirit of Justice whenever I lie down.
Taylor ham, egg, and cheese sandwich. Shit's dope.
Water. Just water.
Nothing until the end of the fall weeaboo season.
Also nothing, need a book recommendation.
Mutemath's discography, but paying more attention to the album Vitals.
Nothing, am NEET.
Sissy chastity hentai.
Pretty alright.
Going back to school in summer 2017, getting ready for Christmas and getting people's gifts together.
Is a burger with egg actually good? It's always sounded so strange to me for some reason.
And you should try to make some new friends, user. It would be good for you.
Do you know if FEAR 3 is worth it to play at all? I love the first game and its expansions and I didn't hate the second game.
Salmon with steamed squash and mashed 'tatos
The Dunwich Horror
Sup Forums the musical
English Composition. Fucking essays, man.
Just fapped to some light bondage
Nothing important. Just school and working out. I've got a date on Sunday, though.
league and dark souls
Street Fighter V
Had some chicken and rice.
Coca Cola
Waiting until 9pm for TEEN WOLFFFFF
Casual articles
Random YouTube vlogs
My road to gold in street fighter is pretty pathetic. Something about rank throws me off and keeps me eternally at Ultra Silver...
Will find something eventually. Thick ass nice feet if possible. Got into face sitting recently. Don't know why but it fucking gets me going.
Ok. Feeling better about some things going on.
Got some freelance gigs coming my way for some good money. Figuring out what i'm gonna do to miss my 9-5 a few days next week, have everything still fine, get paid there, and get the extra money from the gig. Would get paid much better for 6 hours on the side-gig than 8 hours at the 9-5.
Tbh user, This is my first play through. Like any series I started from the beginning. Fucking loving it so far. I will most likely try 3 as well despite the mixed reviews.
Well I hope you enjoy the rest of your playthrough. I'll probably try 3 as well.
Mines are over tomorrow so I don't know what I'm actually doing here
D44M. The second-to-hardest difficulty isn't very hard, what gives?
I had a quesadilla for dinner
The Hateful 8
I started reading Jurassic Park on the throne earlier today
I don't go to University, but I would be failing math if I did
Happy. All of my dog's puppies are healthy, and their tails started wagging today
To get rid of these puppies before I head to Philadelphia for Christmas. I'm buying a Jeep when I get there, so I'll be making a 2000 mile roadtrip back home. Breddy excited
Finished Steins;Gate, might go back to Final Fantasy V or start Chrono Trigger DS
Either start watching Steins;Gate or go back to GitS SAC
Finish Trainspotting
Bowie for the rest of the night
Uni and I'm a loser for not getting my shit together
Don't feel like it
Empty although I'm going out with a girl
PS2 RPG "marathon"
Go read a book you illiterate son of a bitch and step up yo vocab
>Tfw finals go until December 22nd at the uni I'm going to.
We had a week off during the term so I guess its fair.
I already got a 4 year degree asshole
School is overrated and everything can be learned in a library. The teachers and professors are all uninspired and never gave a fuck
>He didn't get the reference
Also what's your major anyways
>tfw I probably failed my 20th century art history class
I'm pretty much just doing FF15 fan art so I can cash in on those sweet sweet likes and publicity,because its the most popular thing right now.
you speak the nigga?
Bitch I might be able to
>Fluffy abuse
my new TV finally came in, I've been using a CRT for 11 years now. Hooked up my PC to it and booted up Ori and The Blind Forest. aComdy as fuck playing on the big screen.
some chineese from the local resturant
just some soda
I don't really watch tv
Tale of Two Cities
Just flunked a big test, it's okay though. I never though I was actually gonna make it into Uni in the first place. I came out of high school with like a C- average.
nothing right now
Happy but it's actually fake happiness to masquerade my depression
just my day plan for tomorrow
Literally just graduated from my 6 month long tech school today. So I guess 'finals' are over. I would be playing some DDDA but I gotta pack and gtfo at 4am
Can't decide between messing around in xmage with EDH decks or playing Titanfall 2
Had some eggs and an English muffin
Orange seltzer
The Young Pope. Best show I've watched in a long while
Threads on Sup Forums and /tg/
ASMR videos
My career search
THICC webcam grills
Alright. Not great
What the fuck to get everyone for Christmas holy shit
>"Look at me mom, I didn't go to college and now I'm in my 30's living at home working a mediocre job, but I still think I'm better than everyone else."
You're so cool user, wish I was like you.
middle earth and hearthstone
nothing right now
family guy
a feat
I have a short playlist of about 42 rock songs
doing alright
pretty comptemt with myself right now thanks
study, work, and I'm hopefully going hiking this weekend
My niger. I have fresh static snow stuck in my head
Finals for me are this week and the next one
Rewatching Planet Earth
Notes for exams
Nothing right now maybe somethinf from SuicideSheep
Steel Design class
Not right now
Fear and anguish
Probably suck the dick of the Steel Design professor or cry in front of him so he can pass me
Star Ocean 5. I feel tricked by feeling like it wasn't worth playing sooner. I don't know, it's hitting me just right.
Taco Bell, baby. Two chicken chalupas and a hard taco meal.
Baja Blast
Man Seeking Woman season 2, which I was hyped for. It must have dropped pretty recently.
Nothing currently.
Most recently, Rozwell Kid.
Fucking everything. I think I'm going to switch schools, I feel like I'm getting nowhere and I haven't been happy since I transferred to my current university.
Most recently, HND-128.
Pretty alright, it's comfy in my living room lit by my Christmas tree and window decorations.
Some personal creative projects, since this semester imploded so fantastically.
WoW, maybe FTL
Cafateria food
Sword of Destiny
Billy Joel
I fucked up on my major class. I did really shitty on an exam and lost a bunch of points on a summary because I forgot to include a commentary. I thought I would get an asssignment back today but i'll get it back on Friday even though I turned it in early fuck.
Did this morning
Fatigued but really looking forward to christmas
A paper due Friday and how i'm going to pass my history and french finals.