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Post your recent activity
>build nice PC
>don't play anything
unless you're into old console ports there's not a lot to play
pc exclusives like rts, grand strategy and mmos are literal tripe now
sorry you fell for the meme, I hope you own a console so you get to play the actual good games that come out this gen
>I hope you own a console so you get to play the actual good games that come out this gen
Why would he need to own a console? Multiplats don't exclude PC
Thief 3 is kind of shit, I don't even want to think about what this game is like without mods.
i keep restarting the games due to feeling unsatisfied.
>implying any of the multiplats this gen have been good
if you think mgsv and fallout 4 are the pinnacle of video games by all means go ahead
I think part of the issue is I really only like to play single player games anymore. So when something doesn't hook me, I just leave it hanging. And a lot of stuff doesn't hook me.
>Nuclear throne
>98 hours
>0 achievements
How user
i wanted to play the dark souls games backwards.
>>implying any of the multiplats this gen have been good
>implying any of the exclusives bar Bloodborne this gen have been good
I played it in the early days when it was still Early Access and had not Steam achievements.
It's only in my recent feed because I tried the multiplayer mod with a friend, unfortunately it got boring pretty fast.
yeah this gen has been shit.
I'm probably going to buy a PS4 for BB and Crash remakes but I mostly stick with PC, my backlog is so fucking long it doesn't even really matter.
Fair enough.
I feel like this has been a shit year for pc. The only games I've bought are furi and ffx/x-2 remaster.
Is god eater any good?
Bloodborne really is a great game man I hope you will enjoy it.
Gotta play some Thief fan missions mang.
You playing Arcane Dimensions?
I will after I plow through 3. These loading zones really irritate me, at least with the mods they've taken them out of the missions proper. I can't even imagine how shitty that would be. There's nothing quite like going into a loading screen, it loads, then you pop into the bright light of the streets with a watch member 3ft from your face. I feel like I'm playing Invisible War.
odin sphere leifthrasir
gravity rush
xeno x
bayo 2
the wonderful 101
I agree this gen has been shit but there have still been some good exclusive games.
Are video games just not for me or does the industry hate me?
It's not bad, I just find it too easy.
Same engine as IW, same issues. They removed swimming and couldn't code rope arrows properly.
It's really pretty sad. I can't wait to go back to Dark Project and Thief 2. A couple I do like about Thief 3 is the compass on the light gem, the fact that some guards are carrying torches even though they are useless for them, and the fact that the rooms you're in aren't highlighted on the map like they were in Thief 2.
>Gigantic Army
Under rated game.
>implying any of the multiplayer multiplats have a active playerbase
A lot of fan missions make use of guards carrying lights, and some also have candles you can pinch.
>buying Quake on steam
nigga, what the fuck are you doing
So Thief 3 has fan missions as well? Are they any good? I have a couple images of recommended fan missions from Sup Forums Thief threads, but they appear to be only for the first two games.
>shitty flash game
>costs 6 euros
what the fuck
Came here just to ask this.
I was talking about Thief 1/2 fan missions but 3 also has a few. The few missions I played were pretty good but obviously dragged down by the engine.
It's not flash though. And it's fine value for the 3 dollars you pay during a sale.
Rimworld has grabbed my attention even more lately. Can't wait for the update that's going to come out. NMS update was kinda hype but still turned out to be shit. Rebuild is only fun cause I was drunk.
Alright, I'll get on them after I blunder my way through this. I just want to say I completed it.
DOOM was a lot of fun.
Arcane Dimensions isn't everything Quake has to offer.
Tfw not enough spare time atm to go full autism in factorio
You don't have to tell me that. I was just asking because AD 1.5 was released like two days ago.
Theoretically I'm starting my new job soon WHY WON'T THEY FUCKING EMAIL ME?!
>Final Fantasy VI
I'm so sorry.
>only 0.9 hours on FONV
>quake and gigantic army
i feel like we could be best friends
>only .9 hours on FNV
I literally just saw the intro, made a character and played with som mods. I haven't played any of it for reals.
Character creation was total shit btw. I barely could make anything that looked different from a pre-made head.
Pretty much Warframe the past 2 weeks.
I've been thinking of playing that just to see how different it is.
It's the GBA version running with shit tier mobile graphics. The new graphics don't even make any sense. It's x2 resolution. So it' snot like it's HD or anything. The sprite work is shoddy as hell. It looks rpg-maker tier. And Square is selling this for fucking 20 dollars.
In contrast the FFX-Remaster looks okay as does the FFIV remake. You might nit pick this or that, but they at least feel like real attempts. FF5-6 remakes are just fucking flash tier graphics and shit.
>tfw too ADD to do all the math/trial and error required for interplanetary travel
>tfw where the fuck are my resources bitch?
>Sup Forums
>only 3 people over 100 hours in two weeks
I knew this board was pleb
Dishonored is only that high because I started over once I realized I would miss a huge chunk of collectibles on a No Powers run, and then one time I accidentally left the game running for most of the day.
Play time for the last two weeks is that high because I'm on medical leave at work following foot surgery, so I couldn't do much but sit on my ass and play video games.
Been more busy with tests this week.
>87 hours
REally? I like darius and want to pick that up. Especially so that they make more Darius games on Steam. Can you really sink 87 hours into it?
How would it compare to, say Gradius V?
Not all games are on steam
and i have a job
Not him, but I have 37 hours in Dariusburst, and that's only "so far"
I love Gradius V, but it only has 5 levels. Dariusburst has a shitload of levels and bosses, and a variety of ships to use.
Read any of the steam reviews where someone has a lot of hours
>RECENT activity.
Don't pretend you still play the few games you have 100h+ on, user.
Oh wow. That's nice to hear.
Here's hoping to more good space shooters on there.
>Kerbal Engineer for Thust/Weight ratios and Delta V.
>Transfer Window Planner to find out when to leave.
>Watch a video or two on how to make the transfers.
Who the fuck needs math? That's what computers are for. Interplanetary travel has never been this easy.
tfw all I play on steam are fucking old console ports and I end up playing consoles instead as a result. I think my last played on steam was well over 2 months ago at this point. The stuff I do play on PC isn't on Steam, but even that isn't a whole lot.
Honestly I don't know if I'll ever upgrade my GPU at this point, literally no point in it.
Shmups will never die.
But I doubt anything as much content as DBCS will ever happen again.
It only happened cause they keep re-releasing it with more content,
And the game got shat on for it's $50 pricetag (including by me, I was wrong as fuck though it's definitely worth the pricetag)
I'll definitely buy it during the sale then. It's about 50% off last time.
Playing VtM:B for the first time. It's real solid so far and I'm enjoying it.
Yes, I know buying it means I supported Activision and not the original devs but it was on sale for a negligible sum about a year ago and I picked it up because I'd heard good things.
Ya I got it when it was half off.
The game's full of missions, so it doesn't feel repetetive.
You get the standard Darius-style mode where you pick a level, and then you get branching paths. But you also this CS mode, where you start at the bottom, and each hex is a scenario with multiple levels and bosses.
This is more or less the dark ages of gaming. It's not been total shit, we've had some great titles, but all of the innovations of the last two generations have been towards the benefit of businesses, both large and small.
The last consumer-centric innovation we've had in the last decade was the establishment of mobile devices as a sustainable development platform (even though that market was quickly oversaturated).
VR probably won't be the next big thing because there's little consumer application for it beyond video games (which was not the case with mobile devices). Because of this, the tech is never going to drop in price enough to have the widespread appeal needed to drive the market.
The Oculus had, and might still have a lot of potential, because it can function at just a headset level. Full VR suites that include controllers and other input devices (besides headtracking) are not going to catch on.
Since the Facebook acquisition, there's been little news on the Rift. Which is probably for the best, for the same reasons listed above.
The Wii and smartphones caught on because grandma could see a commercial and immediately make sense of it without ever having to direcly demo the product, and she could afford to buy it or get it as a gift. VR needs to hit that point.
Otherwise, it's just microtransations out the ass for the next decade. Again.
The Smite time is almost entirely from logins. I haven't even finished the tutorial.
Not shown, Tittyfall 2
You getting good at making sprites?
I'm doing my best to
Looks pretty damn good to me
Nice bro
Thanks man.
Is Rabi-Ribi any good? Or is it just Indie of the Month for Sup Forums?
If you like bullet hells and platformers
Yeah you can sink A LOT of hours into that game. But only if you're trying to 100% it. CS mode has like 200 stages, though 90% of them are just remixes. Then there's several different ships to play as.
If you love Darius it's a GREAT buy. It has a dual monitor mode too.
Friendly note: 32:9 Aspect Ratio mode only available in AC Mode, CS mode sticks to 16:9
32:9 is pretty bitching though but i never spend any time in AC
didn't actually play ck2, just loaded it up to see what dlcs I disabled. next game after victoria is tabletop sim from earlier in november.
how's gigantic army? been considering it for a while
I typically have between 0-20 hours. I don't play games that often. I also don't come to Sup Forums often so whatever
just started playing mgsv
cant believe i missed this game all that time
I am a simple man of simple tastes.
Did you not finish any of them wtf
Looking good. Keep at it.
Didn't the ARK developer just up and left with the money? I heard it was all a scam.
>using Quakeworld over Quakespasm
Love that game. Sad the Keepers chapter sold like shit.
I have no clue what these words mean. I got the Ultimate Doom fan patch and that added music. I'musing whatever that uses.