ITT: Characters that did everything wrong

ITT: Characters that did everything wrong

i always remembered this guy being good before being corrupted by frostmourne but just played the human campaign in warcraft 3 for the first time in 10 years and hes a fucking dick from the minute he shows up


Can we cut to the chase and post the copypasta

Kratos is a fucking idiot

Stratholme was completely justified and Uther was a fucking idiot.

agreed. he did everything else wrong though

What the fuck was his problem?

He's a responsible man who is a good role model for his second wife's son.



Everything after, pretty much.


Wrong. All Arthas had to do was tell Uther about the plagued grain. But no he didn't do that, did he.

honorary mention to Adolf Hitler, master of public speaking, terrible at all management and administration

>These people have all been infected
I'll admit that Arthas definitely could have sat down and explained it but Uther seemed a bit too unwilling to actually purge the city.

He kind of reminds me a little of Trump now

I distinctly remember him mentioning the grain and/or town already being infected, and that it was far too late for anything but immediate action

he legit looks like purge

he said that to his men before Uther and Jaina came

>Purge the damn city Uther
>Is there any way i can persuade you to purge the city?
>I'm a warrior of light I won't genocide the innocent
>Ok then, here's the new plan. We get all the fucking alliance army here and wait until those fuckers turn while sending the news of infested grain and stopping any future outbreaks
>When they turn we just crush them with our superior army.
Bam. Uther stays on Arthas' side and the plague if prevented.
It's better to fight on your own turf than going on a fucking voyage to a frozen continent, with MUCH less army. Not to mention that the said continent is devoid of life as it's filled with undead people and monstrosities such as undead nerubians.


Hell, Jaina knows about the infected grain too. Why didn't she at least try to reason with any of them.

She was too much of an emotional little girl to do what was necessary.

Bad writing, always bad writing.

she's a dreadlord


what is this meme


Arthas did nothing wrong, he was just trying to grab destiny by the ballsack and SAVE HIS KINGDOM and make his father proud. Humans were just pussies so he decided to stop giving a shit and join the REAL men.

Yea except Arthas eventually wears his evil on his sleeve

Trump and the GOP are way sneakier. Rural conservative poor are the ultimate cucks.

Uther's sense of honor would have still prevented him from carrying out the culling.

>As if I could forgetti


>play wc3
>knocking down buildings in strathholme
>arthas says "im here to help" every other time you move him

pretty funny

i miss good ol days when warcraft lore wasnt so hippy and politically correct aka boring as fuck.

where is the sweet human racism towards lesser races?

>Attack citizens

a conspiracy meme to attempt to redeem and explain some plot holes in the incomprehensible mountain of shit metzen turned the wow writing into.

He probably meant appearance-wise you fucking autistic sperglord

That's a funny way of saying Germans and swedes

They were turning literally as they were speaking, and MalGanis was just teleporting everyone out once they turned
Stratholme is a big fucking city

what are some of the dumbest things that have happened since wrath? i quit in wrath and came back for legion so i feel like ive missed a whole lot

the world had a giant ripping apart anus so thrall went to save the entire world and made garry heckyell the new king of the horde but then he fucked up and thrall was absolved of his guilt when he cheated in an honorable duel and killed garry
keep in mind this is after garry nukes like 8 people, stops a guy from nuking 1 town and pretends to be a good guy, goes hitler and kicks all non orcs out of orcville, then eats the heart of an old god, THEN goes back in time

>keep in mind this is after garry nukes like 8 people, stops a guy from nuking 1 town and pretends to be a good guy, goes hitler and kicks all non orcs out of orcville

isnt this just about garry being an asshole

But he was an asshole in so many different ways
In cata atleast blizzard tried to give him some redeeming factors
Then they went full "k he's hitler now AND an old god AND destroyed the timeverse"

yeah wod seems like a complete shit fiesta

tried checking out the lore for it but it just seems like a mess. also people tell me it was garbage gameplay-wise as well

>vol'jin gets killed by a random burning crusade stock felguard
>jaina became a totally one-dimensional cunt
>sylvanas dies a few hundred times with increasingly complicated mary sue immortality methods
>metzen literally changes the original direction of garrosh's storyline because people liked him better than his green jesus
>fuck up the lore so bad and run out of ideas so they just do time travel instead, so they can fuck up the writing that wasn't already fucked
>alliance continue to be completely irrelevant in the major plot
>kill varian, make anduin king. And it's essentially canon now that the leader of the alliance is taking black dragon dick in the ass
>(tfw undead priest) priests have a church in fucking space that gets invaded by demon starships, get saved by alien paladins on holy light powered starships, then name you galactic pope as their class storyline

just to name a few.

>tfw demon hunter
>fel hammer jumping to light speed

i couldnt stop laughing