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Fuck off Ryan
Nobody wants to watch your shitty videos anymore.
I hope you get cucked like ENB
Is that Northern, the fallen esports star?
Wasn't he a master of the judo chop also?
Post his wife
What happened to ENB?
life goes on
His wife is leaving him and jacking his kid too
Never trust soulless asian slime
Is she going back to Japan or some shit?
>it's a "Northernlion wins a run without using the usual good items" Episode
Episode 400 of his afterbirth was probably the best episode. Reduced to using bumbo as main dps with tear every 2 seconds.
I don´t know if I should buy TBOI desu
Wow that's kind of surprising. Didn't they go through a miscarriage together?
Fallen? He was top 8 in the Champion of Fire Invitational
Hey it's That Binding of Isaac Guy
You can marry 11 year old boys in canada?
he choked on his best game against cobalt
Who is best NLSS member? Personally i've warmed up to Rob and Austin, but cobalt/dan doesn't really add a lot.
He's 15, its legal
mind if i roll need?
dan is one of the dumbest people i've ever heard
everyone else is aight
He's gone. never to return
RIP Josh
I miss the old days when it was just NL, Nick and Josh
what? he was on yesterday and still is pretty often
NLSS just started you jockers
What video was that from? I haven found it yet, was it on his channel?
Is that a Rare Ryan?
Too busy catching up on Rimworld. It's an amazing experiment in how bad a person can possibly be at video games but I'm almost near the end.
Why not?
Rob's attempts at being funny are hot garbage and mostly consists of stringing a bunch of random swear words together and repeating something ad nauseum ("PLAYOFFS? xD") but when he's just talking about food or sex robots or whatever he's okay. Austin is okay and the fact that he's exponentially better at games sometimes adds a nice dynamic. Cobalt actively makes everything he's a part of worse because he's usually cutting everyone else off with his own commentary that is completely separate from everyone else's conversation.
Dan is the second funniest person after NL and the way he completely hijacks control of the show with his questions and shit-disturbing is great.
Nick is a salty little bitch and a complete pussy but he works great as a part of the show dynamic.
Because I don´t know if I will like it, but this guy and his videos make the game see actually good and complex in gameplay.
>Dan and NL series
>It's fucking Hearthstone
Not fair man, hope it doesn't last too long so that they might play something good.
>People get excited for UCH>Gangbeasts>Duckgame
>but the actually good docket is Isaac>Quiplash>Pinturillo
pinturillo is fucking trash
Colbalt pls go and stay go
I fucking hate Rob. I can stand Ryan's le funny memes (xd). But I can't stand Rob's reddit humor, he is the worst.
wtf i hate kate now
why is the souless leaving NL? or we dont know?
Is this guy good or anything? I liked his Poison Mushroom series and when i checked his channel it was ALL FUCKING BINDING OF ISAAC VIDEOS.
I checked it again a year later and IT WAS STILL ALL ABOUT THE BINDING OF ISAAC
How much can you play a single fucking game jesus christ
just look at his playlist, he plays other stuff too
>tfw this guy posts the average of 2 videos daily of 40 mins of just binding of isaac runs
>tfw he is now in the 500 video of afterbirth
>tfw he had like 800 videos in the original
how the fuck.
Yeah, that's all trash. I only watch his NLSS stuff.
He does it for the money because retards keep watching it even though it's old as fuck
That's his shtich man, makes money and he likes it enough to be able to play it for like 5 million hours without wanting to kill himself.
He's done other stuff too, you gotta dig past the always present Isaac though. I like him enough that I think even his Isaac videos are pretty funny after like 2400 episodes.
Nah man, 980 vanilla, like 820 in Rebirth and I think he's in the 500s with Afterbirth. NL's gonna be playing this shit on his deathbed.