Sharing is caring.
how else would you alert your bull?
just because you don't have any friends, doesn't mean we don't.
>the PS5 will also have like and subscribe buttons
the single dumbest fucking thing ever made. seriously who the fuck was ever playing video games and thought "boy I wish I could tell my friends on facebook I've sunk 3 hours into fucking xbox
It's for taking screen shots of upskirts and tiddies
>Your shitty friends want to see the vidya you are playing.
Is there anyway to disable the touchpad in kof during training mode? my uncle likes to practice using the directional buttons but he always hit the pad and resets everything.
probably a donate button too for twitch stuff
and you're that autistic man baby that keeps bugging everyone to see your favourite toys?
ffs user, grow up.
You can change it to a screenshot and video recording button, dude.
>tfw there are subhumans on Sup Forums who even have social media accounts to link to this shit
I bet you use your real name on PSN too, lol.
The share button actually innovative because it sees a practical need and fulfills it. Unlike Nintendo's idea of innovation which basically amounts to gimmicks that don't improve upon anything.
>Not complaining about the stupid button on the middle
C'mon, i know a share button is pathetic, but that shit is half the controller for one button that isn't even used. The light-exit stuff is ridiculous, too.
I'd have accepted it if it was a bigger PS3 controller.
I know literally no one that even look at what their friends are doing inside a game
This is literally a "upstart youtuber" button
>adding shit no one will ever use to pander to casuls
>addin shit to a fucking controller that is required to play games
fuck you user.
I'm not bugging anyone because all of my friends are autistic manbabies too.
It's handy for screenshots.
I'm sure all you friendless fat stinking autists would disagree but it's nice to be able to show neat stuff you're done in a videogame or whatever on twitter. People actually like to see that shit and tweet to you about it. But of course, you guys sperg out at any form of social interaction so I can't expect too much from you guys
>People actually like to see that shit
t. nu-male filling his feed with video game clips
an accidental press of the share button made me take a screenshot during a sfv match of mine and I lost a large chunk of my health
No they don't only tragic cretins like you actually give a fuck about this
>consolefags used to make fun of pc gamers for making videos and taking screenshots
>now they have a button for it that hooks straight into facebook
>defend it
And then having your account banned?
What's wrong with the share button?
This is the kind of shit that's inside of a sonygger instead of brains, always defendig fucking sony's bullshit and deflecting something on either Nintendo or PC gaming.
fuck you
It's more like "take a screenshot" button
it's a good tool desu. Been taking screenshots.
Some of the Switch patents have a social network button too. I can't wait to see the 180 this board is going to do regarding the idea when the final product ends up with one.
It's a record button. Like the one I assigned to my mouse and keyboard. What's wrong with that? The touch pad is the real sin.
Now THAT'S innovative, see it was hard to record video and then send it straight to facebook but now they made a button to do just that!
You're paying twice for your Internet so I'd say you deserved it.
>check out this sweet nookie wifey gave me
>uploaded to facebook 6 mins ago
It's great.
>Screenshots on the fly
>Video recording on the fly
>Streaming on the fly
literally no downside.
Let's not forget that the touch-pad counts as two buttons, plus there's the options button too.
It's nice for screenshots, taking videos of your dank mlg gameplay and simplifying streaming.
You still have start and select, they''re just called options button and touchpad.
Lol why would anyone use this? It makes much more sense to have an expensive PVR constantly recording huge data files onto an external HDD with your laptop connected up to your playstation. I don't know why they bothered making this when the previous method of uploading videos of your gsming was so much more straightforward.
More like an advertisement button. Makes me fucking mad to think about.
I don't get how this isn't seen as a cool function? It constantly records the previous 15 minutes of your gameplay and then disposes of the file after each extra minute elapses. You constantly have a 15 minute recording of what you're playing.
Have you never done something awesome/funny/ridiculous/challenging etc. on a game that you wanted to share with your friends who play the same game?
Or that sick 5 kill streak you went on to clutch a game against all odds and you wanna shamelessly show off to your friends?
Or screenshot, see something funny, take screenshot, send to all friends all through the HUD.
Or don't do any of that and just play as you would have done otherwise, but it's great to have the option.
I used it to make a few videos of my Fallout settlements, after 20+ hours of developing that shit I wanted to share it with the world
The ability to take screenshots and record 15 minutes of video is great. The stream options and whatever are useless to me, but they don't do anything negative, of people want them I don't give a shit.
What irks me is that it was given its own button. Why couldn't these options just be part of the menu that pops up when you hit the home-button? That's where you quit the game, add controllers/Mics and Whatecer else. Couldn't they have just put the share functions in there? And then kept the select button?
>people are unwaveringly loyal to a company that invests millions of dollars into researching ways to get more money from you
None of that functionality requires a physical button though.
I don't have any facebook, so the button just saves screenshot to Harddisk.
What feature would you want in place of the share button though?
How would you take a screenshot or start video-steaming instantly then? And why does it matter if they add a button?
It's actually pretty neat. The only problem I have with the controller is the touchscreen instead of a reglar start / select button. You can customize the share button once you hold it down a bit, I use mine pimarely for the screenshot / video recording option.
I think given the popularity of twitch streaming, youtube gaming channels/youtube streaming etc. they've tried to respond to that by making a fast track option to tap into all of that from the one button.
Given also that the select button has been basically pointless for the past 2 generations of Playstation, and that they were determned on having that touch pad, to keep to the normal layout of the PS controllers a button is required there, so may as well be a share button than a pointless select button thats never used
I had a start and select button on my PS2.
But I can't remember what those buttons where useful for.
Can you please remind me?
Wasn't that Microsoft that patented that ad scheme using the Kinect?
Mostly pause the game and options menues. Right now the touchpad is usually the options button and the options button pauses the game on the DS4.
Again, are you fucking retarded? You have the options button and the two paddle buttons now too. That's a net gain of 2 buttons. Are you a simpleton or something?
Ah, right.
I think I never really had a need for Start/select button ever.
It was a good idea to turn one of them into a screenshot button.
Compare the size of the share button to the touchpad. You can still have a start / select and share button.
2 new buttons besides Share and Options, you fucking retard. Seriously, you're a fucking dip for even thinking this is worth shitposting about.
>Sup Forums gets triggered by a fucking button.
Your autism never ceases to amaze me.
I don't really care about having them back. It's completely replaced by the PS Button which takes me out of the game, and thereby effectively pauses the game.
There would be no issue if there was Start, Select, Home, and Share all together.
For those not in the know, the share button is used for taking screenshots and recording video, as well as opening the broadcast menu for streamers. It does not work how i expected it to, and I'm actually happy about that.
new buttons besides Share and Options
Why would you want a dedicated Pause button when you already have the PS Button which pauses the games?
because one takes you out of the game and the other doesn't. On'e like pressing esc and the other is like alt-tabbing.
Your a moron dude.
>because one takes you out of the game and the other doesn't.
It makes no difference. The pause functions just the same.
Twelve minutes and no one said it: Clean your fucking nails you iPhone using piece of shit.
The people saying select never did anything are the morons
What games did tit play where select was useless?
It was always the inventory button, or acsess to the map, checking score board in multiplayer etc... It was never super vital, but it was perfectly placed for stuff like that, and almost every game used it.
>get a nice clip of holding down the B point solo against 5 enemies on overwatch
>record, trim it down to a minute, upload it to Twitter
>a few friends comment on it and retweet it
Feels gud. Also it's handy for taking screenshots. But I know you want to get back to shitposting so have at it buddy
Who cares about a share button when they are made out of the shittiest materials ever? Sony is fucking embarrassing.
It does though. Going back from home usually takes slightly longer and hiccups a bit. Just like why you pause in PC games instead alt-tabbing every time you want to take a piss.
>It was always the inventory button, or acsess to the map, checking score board in multiplayer etc..
So you just want a button the game developers can customize.
I have good news for you, the Touchpad is actually the best button on the entire controller, amazing tactile feedback almost wherever you press it.
Those sticks have been replaced a couple of months after release.
I've never intentionally pressed this button and accidentally pressing it is more annoying than accidentally pressing any other button.
This is a very bad design for a button.
>one of my friends on facebook keeps uploading his "EPIC" game footage from skyrim
The share button's used for saving screenshots & recordings too
Move aside, the most useless button ever coming through.
>it's a press the X button and gently shift the controller while playing Bloodborne episode
>Going back from home usually takes slightly longer and hiccups a bit.
So this is your complaint, your dick can't wait a few additional miliseconds?
Launch window controllers only.
>buying consoles on launch
Het now, being able to change tv volume and the input from your controller wasnt too bad.
>mfw i realize consolefags literally paid for a useless feature just to attract "gamer girls" into buying consoles for the prospect of streaming and making money off you all
if I can pause normally with no delay of a few seconds, why wouldn't I?
>delay of a few seconds
It's instant pause.
One of the ugliest controller designs since the N64.
and a slightly longer resume, yes.
The DS4 is such a piece of shit
Seeing this was around the time I figured out that this gen was gonna be a trip. Pretty symbolic if you ask me - start was replaced with share. Oh boy.
I'd say it's more like instant resume.
What the fuck does a resume have to do with anything? You're not applying for a job. You're not trying to move up in the world.
>This somehow makes it okay.
My PS4 controllers feel like alibaba knock offs compared to the quality of my xbox one controllers.
Start was never useful to begin with.
I don't want to share my shit and I don't want to see anyone else's shit. It's annoying and I don't want it shoved down my throat.
I also keep my screenshots to myself.
My PS4 harddisk has a lot of memorable moments save in screenshots.
My PS2 has none, and that doesn't make the PS3 better, only worse.
But you can use them to make other people upset by posting the more Japanese ones. You know as well as I do there are a group of people out there that get upset over literally anything that looks like anime and half of them post on this very underwater basket weaving board.
Thats my main problem with them - they feel cheap and more plasticy than regular ol PS2 controllers.
Ended up going with wired 360 controllers and a buffalo SNES controller for my PC. Needing Chinaware to install drivers didn't help for a long time either.
>adding shit no one will ever use to pander to everyone but me
Damn shame you went and did that.
The PS4's huge touchpad is probably the best feeling button that ever existed in any controller ever.
What use would I have for it though? Extra buttons are nice but I'm always in front of my keyboard and mouse anyways. All games from even a couple of years ago now switch between controls whenever you touch one. So I like to drive in GTA with a controller, but shoot with kb/m.
Also the newer controllers are like $60 and have hard wired options vs never worrying about batteries nor the connecting end getting worn out, for $25.
and have no hard wired options*