The best Halo multiplayer since Halo 2 is STILL getting free updates

The best Halo multiplayer since Halo 2 is STILL getting free updates.
Why aren't you playing Sup Forums?

the game may get free updates but i hope you posting this thread over and over isnt done for free


Who's ready for the best Halo community since Halo 3?

I bought a PS4 instead for Bloodborne
I wish I hadn't but I guess I could wait for the Scorpio

>cash shop shit and ugly ass skins is a thing now

so glad I dropped halo and xbox after halo 4

It's all free.

>more weapons including ce magnum, h2 br, and reach grenade launcher is a bad thing

They work nothing like the original

They're a year late, the community is gone

The Grenade Launcher and H2 BR do.

Look out we got a Negative Nancy!

>gravity shooting sniper is a bad thing

They are exact copies of the originals, the CE Magnum even has the same model

Magnum shoots different, the H2 br is pretty close and grenade launcher seems close as well.
user just wants to whine though, they could port every map from H1-3 and he'd still complain about it.

The H1 Pistol has the same model and melee animation, but everything else is different. For one, it's a hitscan weapon.

I still would, the physics in halo 5 arent even close to what they were in 3

343shill fuck off

Maybe it's time I replay CE, I thought it felt pretty close to the original

It's nothing like the original, it's too easy in Halo 5

>wanting halo 3 physics

I want physics like Halo 1/2

Why would you want the worst physics in the series?

>I'm awful at moving around maps

>fps with a controller

you make me laugh

I started it up not that long ago.

I never really got good at it, though. Always been a problem for me and Halo.

Because Titanfall 2 is more fun

It's free on PC.

I haven't touched the MP mode of that since I got it.

Though I did think Titanfall was conceptually cool.

Then play it on PC with KB+M faggot.

Titanfall 1 was better tbqh.

>CoD with gimped tribes movement more fun than Halo customs with greatest forge ever

I'm with you, the mp of Titanfall was fucking amazing, one of the bests FPS multiplayers ever, but Titanfall 2 is the opposite, it is bastly inferior and very boring.

The campaign is 11/10 tho, pure gold


>played 100 hours
>dont even have like 50% of the req items
>have to buy gold packs now since I'm done with silver so they come at an extraordinarily slow pace
>never gonna get any cool stuff, just sitting on top of like 40 regular scorpion tanks and ultra ghosts

>100 hours
>Already completed the Silver Grind


>100 hours
Pfftt fucking casual

Careful user. If you go back to CE and play competitive 2v2 you might stay there. It's a hard life scrounging for CRT screens, original boxes and people to LAN with.

What level are you?

Stop shilling 343, you suck balls.

Nah, it was good but I'll take both 2 and 5 over CE for competitive.

The campaign tho, every time I start it I play it right to the end on legendary, even if I only meant to replay a certain mission

>we want the CS:GO audience

343 was a fucking mistake

>343 remade Mark V because everyone thought their first attempt was an abortion

When will 343 stop with the awful aesthetic and go back to what made the Bungie Halo games look good?

>ignoring best forge ever + custom browser because of a couple FREE cosmetics
wew lad

You can obtain them all for free with modest amount of playtime, there's no cancerous market, and unlike Valve they actually use the money to improve the game.

According to that image it seems they started doing that, or at least that's what i hope.

>they actually use the money to improve the game.
After leaving it in a shit state for the past 5 months or so, the performance and servers have been fucking awful.

>$0.35 has been deposited into your account

fuck off shills, halo sucks because 343 killed it

Garbage 4v4 maps (except that one asian city), firefight is full of boring bullet sponges, warzone and BTB have severe pubstomping issues due to small player base. 343 talk big; deliver small.

>best halo since halo 2

>barely hear anything about the warzone game mode, people dont seem enthusastic about it at all, despite the entire point of the previous games being largely bigger maps with vehicles, and thats the only part that is supposedly like that

what the fucking hell is happening to halo and the people who play it

Halo sucks because every game has to be totally different from the last one, which always disappoints fans when the next game comes out. Halo 2 and 3 are the only games with any sort of consistency between them.

But Halo 5 MP doesn't suck.

>CE below 1/2
>Reach above 5

>despite the entire point of the previous games being largely bigger maps with vehicles
>entire point
BTB was always more of a niche thing until the 4v4 maps got so unbearably awful in Reach & H4.


>you can do this on pc for FREE

Warzone is popular, and they're releasing warzone ctf and assault sometime in future.
Halo MP has always been balance of arena style on smaller maps, and more casual big battles with vehicles + customs for later games.

halo 1 is pretty similar to 2 and 3, they all featured large maps with bases and vehicles

now all of that shits gone, or at least no one who plays the game seems to care about it, and its all just maps with corridors like a modern call of duty game

what the fuck gives?

343 fucked BTB and Firefight

anal or no?

Even though everyone shits on Halo, isn't this like the only game that's provided so much free content compared to nearly every other game excluding f2p?

>being this big of a fanboy
Reach fucked firefight. Only odst firefight was interesting.
There's also leaked audio hinting at original style firefight returning in Halo 5.

firefight was fun as hell the fuck you talking about. I didn't play since December and came back in firefight and I played that shit for at least 7 hours straight

>halo 1 is pretty similar to 2 and 3
Not at all.
> they all featured large maps with bases and vehicles
Halo 1 was far less focused on larger maps, and there's much more to a shooter than its map design.

Even ignoring cosmetics and things that H5 should've launched with it's still impressive number of things added. And there's at least 1-2 more updates in 2017.

where the fuck are the tanks, the wide open areas, the symmetrical maps

what the fuck have you all done to one of my favorite franchises

no one cares about mp mate, what matters is singleplayer

Yah tis is someone who has actually played the game and servers are fucking great. I have rarely seen people rubberbanding

>REQ spam firefight is fun
Shooting bullet sponges is the most boring shit you can do in a FPS

>There's also leaked audio hinting at original style firefight returning in Halo 5.
Don't get too excited, it's only audio files for "x lives remaining" or something like that. I want it to happen but i wouldn't get to hyped about it if i were you.

Early access games?

>halo 1 is pretty similar to 2 and 3
Have you even played the games user?

>where the fuck are the tanks, the wide open areas, the symmetrical maps
In the BTB playlist.

>The best Halo multiplayer since Halo 2

>No splitscreen
>No local MP
>No local co-op


Fuck off shill, even tournament games have fucking d/c's in closed servers. Framerate has been awful and melee's have been broken and are being fixed this update after months of this shit happening.

>Tactical Realistic Sci-fi
>turned into plastic fantasy star wars shit

fuck 343

>60 fps is awful

i just want muh ODST helmet

When was the last time you've played a game locally, user?

In BTB, Warzone, Action Sack, and Customs.
Do you even own this game, where are you getting your info from?

The game stopped performing at a consistent 60 months ago

Fair complaints but none of them have any actual impact on the gameplay.

I've never had it dip below 60 unless I'm playing some weirdo custom map. The engine literally won't allow it.

>having friends
Fuck off normie, Halo is for neets now.

This past Saturday.

>B-b-but I'm not 12!
>B-b-but I don't go to sleep overs!
>N-n-no one uses it!
No coincidence there was a sharp drop off in support for local play after paid online play and DLC/microtransactions became standard. After all people playing locally aren't paying, publishers just can't have that.

Fuck no! Actually play the game before you post. The game runs on dynamic resolution that drops the resolution so the framerate doesnt take a hit.

>The engine literally won't allow it.
Numerous others disagree, fucking pros and casuals complain that the performance has been shit and inconsistent. If these weren't issues 343 wouldn't be addressing them.

How low does it drop?
I haven't had issues but if it's dropping to 45 or something I honestly don't care.
I played previous halos at sub 30 fps, I can handle 50 in Halo 5.

I was just playing the game last night, and it was dropping pretty consistently on even basic Forge maps.

>muh pros
The people who were paid to consult inhouse and design the mp and aim system then spend months whining about it?
Source on 343 addressing framerate issues?

Because it's like 90 fucking Gigs in size at this point and 'd only play a couple matches over the weekend if I had it installed.

The game has issues with screen tearing and the game freezing/stuttering varying from 0-60 FPS. All 343 has said that the update should fix these issues for those that are having them. If you ever try pausing or looking at the scoreboard the framerate eats shit as well.

Do you lack reading comprehension?

how is that different from reach then...

I'm not playing it, that's a pretty big impact. Half the functionality of that gameplay is gone, I can't get what I want out of the game. Halo 5 MP will be completely unplayable when servers go down too.

There's just no reason to not include it that doesn't boil down to the publisher wanting to push console and digital goods sales. They could have implemented local MP and co-op, I wouldn't care if it's 30fps, that's a compromise I'm willing to make when playing with friends in the same room. The rest of the game would be unchanged and as it is now, we'd still have 60fps fullscreen play for playing more seriously as opposed to some casual custom games played splitscreen.

Will there be a server browser for multiplayer? I really want to choose the maps I play on.

Pros will always complain that it's not perfect even if they design the damn thing, anecdotes from casuals are worthless.
Link me to 343 acknowledging framerate drops.

The engine won't allow it? But on PC you can set it to 30

Why does a pro, who plays the game a lot, complaining about framerate drops make the drops any less real?

That will be released on thursday. Expect to find mini games and infection lobbies for the most part though.


>stop posting your experiences!!!

I fucking love this game. Aren, warzone, customs, and forging make this the best multi imho senpai. And ive been playing since CE

depressing about what happened to single player

Really cant wait to play this game at 4k