"it's gonna be shit"

>"it's gonna be shit"
>literally 10/10 masterkino and Miyazaki' magnum opis
>"it's gonna be forgotten in one month"
>"it's gonna be forgotten in two months"
>"it's gonna be forgotten in six months"
>"it's gonna be forgotten after Dark Souls 3"
>Dark Souls 3 is forgotten in one month"
>"I I ITS GgoNa Be FForGOTten EeEvanTUally grrRrr"
>"IiiIIitS shIT aAnyWAy WEe dDont CcarE aBOut iTt"

Has a video game ever cause this amount of BTFO?
Will they ever recover?

Other urls found in this thread:


The only people hyping it up are sonyggers because it's exclusive. The entire soulsborne series have always been subpar with clunky gameplay. Geeks just like it because it's supposed to be hardcore.

sour grapes: the post

Except i had a PS4 with bloodborne. Sold it and bought a GTX 1070.

The bloodborne shitposting on this site was unreal. I hardly see anyone bring it up but it was fucking nuts. Pre and post release there were solid months of nonstop shitposts. Only now will people concede that's actually a good game

>The only people hyping it up are sonyggers because it's exclusive.

Game has high notes everywhere. No need to be asshurt PCuck. Japan never really cared about you.

>B-Bayonetta 2 caused more butthurt!
>Nobody ever talks about Bayo 2 or cares

Except you didn't

haven't you noticed that Sup Forums constantly gets BTFO? outside of shit that everyone with a brain knows will flop (see: no man's sky), Sup Forums is constantly wrong


I don't think it was better then DS3.

This game is too hard. I need better guidance on how to play or FUCK IT.

Anyone remember constant threads about Sony going bankrupt this year?

Bayonetta was like a solid 7/10 on the Bloodborne Scaleā„¢ around it's release and a few subsequent months later, but now it's like a 1 point or even a fraction of 1. Nothing will ever match the critical mass event horizon shitposting caused by BB butthurt.

The only reason it's not been forgotten is becuase sonyggers had literally nothing else to talk about. Now that ff15 and Let it die are out, hopefully they will actually start making threads about different ps4 exclusives.

Lmao remember the hundreds and hundreds of threads from the "insider" with "exclusive info" who kept claiming that there wouldn't be a PS4 and Sony were bowing out of the console business?

It was delicious.

>try to play bb
>can't figure out how to summon
>can't beat the bullshit "father" boss becuase he's too hard without summon
There's only one shield in this game and it's shit. Complete downgrade from Dark Souls. I swear this game had multiplayer in mind when they made the bosses

>Play bb
>it's shite and too hard
>sold it for IdolM@ster games instead
Best decision ever

It's one of if not the best game this gen and easily the best Souls. It's not flawless though, it's has tons of minor problems that really prevent it from achieving ultimate goat status.

I thnik they do have, but everytime their threads are invaded by PCucks.

Maybe it's them who have no own games to talk about?

Who cares about this crap, who else here /powderkegs/?

Cannon+Boomhammer/Steakdriver here.

>game has no tutorial
wtf From

Demon's Souls is better tho

>Souls jump to Nintendo.
>But muh Bloodborne
Like poetry.

Why do Sonyggers shitpost their own games so much?

>weebs think people care about their games
Uncharted 4 is GOTY in my heart

Nintendo is getting exclusives Souls games that are not on PlayStation systems?

It has already been forgotten long ago. The only time it is brought up is to make bait threads like this. In fact, last time I saw a thread about Bloodborne it was this same pasta.

Moonlight Sword Master Race

>ITT: Things that never happened.

>liking game I can't play is shitposting

Why PCucks are filled with so much inferiority complex?

You keep talking about it because it's the only game you have

I like it too, but why are you making this thread again?

>Has a video game ever cause this amount of BTFO?
Death Stranding is going to cause even more butthurt.

>too hard because no shields


Dark Souls babies I swear.

Those were dark times.

sickdark times

>sonyggers are such cucks they need their own little safe space to talk about their vidya
>>>/neogaf/ is that way faggot.


Fucking this, except I intend to run the gatling gun instead. Landing those charged attacks makes me cream every time

DSIII suffered by taking Bloodborne's more aggressive enemies but not doing any changes to its own movement system to compensate for said enemies as well as the lack of poise. I'm sure I'm not the only one who found it completely jarring when a dancer or other fast enemy started doing a flurry of attacks and all I could do was the same roll since DeS.

>it's the only game you have


You didn't answer my question, OP. But you did continue to shitpost, further reinforcing my point.

And the PS4 is?

>selling a console for a gpu
What a fucking retard, and I say this as someone who built a $1000 PC last year. The most fun this "l33t" GPU gave me was emulating PS2 games at 60FPS. The PC games that require shit like this aren't even good.

Fuck Bloodborne it ruined DS3 with retarded no poise shit

After the shitpile that was mgs5, I doubt it. If mgs5 had been a 10/10 then yeah, it might have overtaken BB butthurt, but a lot of people here hate Kojima now.

Only autists care about score. If you like the game, you like the game and that's it, the rating shouldn't change your perception of a game. We in the PC gaming community are like this, we don't mind if you prefer to play Minecraft or CS:GO. It's a matter of choice and preference.

>getting games is being cuck
>begging for them is not being cuck
>being actually this asshurt to tell someone to leave

Come on man

>no shields


I hated MGSV and even I know I only dislike it so much because it was the ending of a long-running series I liked, DS is a clean slate.

>We in the PC gaming community are like this

So why do you shitpost about scores to the point that you have to fake them?

>Shit bosses that die in seconds to magic and CW.
>Ranged/shields shit on the game.
>Most stages are very linear.
>Broken BSes.
>Riddled with exploits.
>Enemies are a joke mostly.
>Lock-on prioritized distance without accounting for which way the camera was facing, causing some total horseshit like 4-2 deaths on ledges due to locking on to some random manta ray in the sky.

That being said, DeS is still better than Dark Souls simply due to having stellar movesets and no poise.

>The most fun this "l33t" GPU gave me was emulating PS2 games at 60FPS.
Hey, that alone is a better investment than any of today's no games machines.

I fucking hate PCfats
I was going to get Nier 2 until PCfats got a port. Now it's ruined. I fucking hate Platinum and Taro, Jesus Christ.

Do you actually use shields in souls?

see You don't see PS4 users invading PC fans threads because they do have games.

its an incredible game and some people are autistic about it because its not on their prefered platform, welcome to Sup Forums newfriend

We'll see. I don't have high hopes for it, mostly because we have not seen any gameplay at all, and because mgs5 gameplay trailers basically lied to us, but I do hope that Kojima will redeem himself, because even though he blew it with mgs5, he still has the ability to make great games.

>Play bloodborne until the wooded area
>get to the boss "witch of hemwick"
>literally cannot kill her
>hardest boss in the souls series
What the fuck? Returned that shit the next day

The only people who haven't forgotten about Bloodborne are the PC owners still begging for a port.

>it's an
>it's a good game that a lot of people are autistic about because it's on their prefered platform

>Fromdrones think people like their games
Uncharted 4 is the real golden star of the PS4.
Seriously, there was much more butthurt about Uncharted than bloodborne

Bait or retarded?
That is the question

No one on Sup Forums gives a shit about Unsharted. It might have caused the most butthurt among normies, but here anyone could care less about it.

But I can watch a movie on my PC any time I want

The most butthurt I saw was from Uncharted fans trying to take down negative reviews. That game was legitimately forgotten after a week. At least BB still gets threads.

>forgotten in two months
This was correct, the community died out very fast. I was always confused why I saw so much talk about it on Sup Forums but if I ever tried to go PvP there was no one playing.

I'd be happy if it got a PC port, I'd buy it again. Communities seem to last longer on PC for whatever reason if the game is any kind of decent.

I tried to like this game. I really fucking did. How do you enjoy this shit?

The only ones who remember this game are the sad fucks like you that keep making threads like this one.

Haven't you got any new game since BB or what?

>don't worry guys
>it'll be GOTY just wait


>Will they ever recover?
You mean Bloodborne fags after it lost goty? Probably not.

Will pcucks ever recover from bloodborne?

>OP makes an obvious as fuck bait thread
>just like the op lists, pcucks literally come in to the thread to state how bad bloodborne is.


Fellow idort here, I think it was better than DS3 but Bloodborne was the first "Souls" game I ever played.

>This was correct, the community died out very fast. I was always confused why I saw so much talk about it on Sup Forums but if I ever tried to go PvP there was no one playing.

So why after a year I still got invasions?

>negative reviews

It was actually one. Uncharted 4 is highly acclaimed.

>Haven't you got any new game since BB or what?

There is over 1000 released or upcoming games for PS4 autist.

>I don't like them so they are not games.

They really don't.

It has the best atmosphere without a doubt,although I do have a hard-on for gothic architecture. It obviously has it's fair share of problems but at least story wise and atmosphere it blows all other Souls games out of the water.

Gameplay wise it's really good but it's a toss-up between DS3 and BB for me. I like the speed though and the idea of trick weapons


nah nigga

I liked it, but the sub 30 fps is very jarring for a while.

>Have a PC with a 1070
>Have a PS3, Vita, PS VR, PS4 Pro and 3DS

I'm getting a Switch whenever Monster Hunter and Animal Crossing come out since I don't care about Zeldarim or Mario. Scalebound coming out on PC also means I don't have to get an Xbox One. Feels pretty good senpai

>tfw saw right through the bait
>post anyway as counter bait.
Psshhh, this is just my 2nd power level. I still have 5 other stages of power to go.

agreed user, best game of the gen, after TOHs I would put it in my top 10.

>Rumors of DS1-3 ported to Switch
>Better fire up the bloodborne shitposting NEVER EVER

It was actually more than one, but even then creating a petition to stop someone from disagreeing with you is the absolute peak of pathetic fanboyism. Uncharted fans were an internet laughing stock for being such whiny babies.

>Guys, what if we just make Dark Souls 1 again
>But without the methodical combat of Dark Souls
>So we make it fast like Bloodborne
>But without the trick weapons
>Or Rally
>Or Quickstepping
>Or critical attack mechanics
>Or anything different like guns and hunter tools

Dark Souls 3 gameplay blows.

>what are the notes in the clinic and Hunter's dream

Nigger, you dumb

>There is over 1000 released or upcoming games for PS4 autist.


>rumors of some games PlayStation owners already played on their system coming to other system
>I bet they are mad


I still enjoy it though

>kill her
>still alive even though the health bar is empty and her death animation played
>immediately swarmed by the room full of shadow fucks
what a load of shit. havent touched the game since and let my buddy borrow it indefinitely.

>It was actually more than one

Where are those bad reviews?


Using google is really that hard today?

So if Bloodborne were ported they wouldn't be mad?

Yes because you always are when a game isn't exclusive to you. Like the little spoiled fucks you are.



NO GAMES (except that garbage bloodborne)

>selling an entire system for a piece of hardware
am sure you post that on reddit and facebook too

Fuck if I know, I followed the meta and I'd often have to wait 20-30mins to get someone invading / invade someone else. Some nights it was better but I really just ended up quitting because of lack of players.