Uh, Sup Forums told me this was only a 10 hour game

Uh, Sup Forums told me this was only a 10 hour game...

what's going on here?

Already past 40 hours at level 50 and I'm supposed to take Iris to some boat.

Sup Forums is retarded

>playing on easy
>skip text and cutscene
>rushing through the game
>do no side quest at all

This happen every single time.


I finished it at 70 hours

also, while I see the flaws to the game, it's personally my GOTY

I could spend like 40 hours getting everything in Ground Zeroes.
Doesn't excuse the short lenght of a regular play through

It's more like 20 actually, very short for a JRPG

That is completely false.
I finished the main story of XV in 60 hours and I missed a fuckload of side content.
I did maybe half the dungeons, didn't finish any of the side quest chains and missed some crazy stuff such as Adamantoise.
Going to go back post game and do the things I missed but I can not see how anyone could possibly finish it in 20 hours unless they spammed nothing but story missions and did nothing else.

>49 hours
Fucking what?

I did a few side quests, found them boring and continued with the story.
Took me 24 hours

Damn, you must be a shitty player.

you did the sidequests and stuff. Technically speaking, you can probably do ONLY the story quests in like 10-15 hours

>start game
>receive an overwhelming amount of side content
>try to balance out story and side quests
>side quests are shit and keep coming
>stop caring about sidequests
>do only story quests
>beat game in roughly 26 hours
>return to do sidequests
>sidequests are still shitty
>stop playing at roughly 36 hours

yes. and that is ridiculous for a game that apparently took 10 years to develop with multiple delays.

I enjoyed the game and had fun, even managed to tear me up a bit in the end, but i say goddammmm there were so many things wrong with the game its not even funny.

Why do people act like side quest are mandatory. They are side quest, they shouldn't be expected to buffer the hours needed to complete the main story. Main story quest need to me made longer. An 80 hours game should mean 80 hours of story missions. Not 30 hours of story and 40 hours of sidequest and mini games.

"Man I best the game in xx hours. Way to short"

Generally the first response "Did you do the side quest?"

same. Just been exploring the map for fun.

Game is fucking great.

I normally beat an RPG doing quite a few sidequests but that never totals up to more hours than the main story takes. To me, beating a game normal paced and not rushing, you do about 20% sidequests on your first run.

These retards are like you gotta do 80% of all sidequests in FFXV to show the game is long. Listen, if you just run through the story alone doing very little side stuff, then the game should clock more than 25 hours the very first time.

Also, FF13-2 was short, but atleast took almost 100 hours to platinum. Doesn't look like FFXV is getting close with its 50-60h.

Is there even anything on the map worth exploring? Thought it was like Tales of Zestiria.

dungeons and the King's weapons.

>Game puts a focus on side content
>Ignore side content

The answer is because fast travel is available right away. You could potentially finish chapter one in ten minutes if all you did was follow the quest objective. It doesn't help that the guidebook outright states it's recommended to be overpowered before even heading to the quay thanks to magic.

Why would you explore the entire bland worldmap in search of a dungeon and a few treasure chests? Really sounds like a fucking drag to the point I'd just turn up a guide or worldmap because there's nothing else to see or explore.

>game focus on side content
>side content is shit

I'm at that part aswell and they can't stop bombarding me with fucking side quests that I don't care about. I don't want to go and find some fucking shit on a farm. I want the cool sidequests back like the one where you kill a behemoth to save some chocobos.

Fuck you, you'll go catch some frogs and you'll enjoy it


Also why the fuck do you raid a fucking military base, go into a fucking dungeon and do other stupid shit while you're on a 4 miles drive to the fucking harbor. Why can't they just fucking drive there without having to stop every 200 feet to fuck shit up?

>revenge for the old man
>royal arms are usually in those place

Okay but who the fuck is jared.

A loyal subject


Same. Did a few side quests, then powered through the story. Took 27 hours

>Game puts focus on side content
Did we play the same game? The sidequests were shit. SHIT

Not the repeatable from chapter five on stuff, the side quests with actual rewards for completion aside from an accessory and some gil

Whenever I hear someone complain about the length of a JRPG, I think of Chrono Trigger and how it was less than 20 hours long. Length means nothing.