What the fuck happened, even FFXV didn't score as low as The Last Guardian.
What the fuck happened, even FFXV didn't score as low as The Last Guardian.
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did people here honestly expect it was going to be a good game though.
Why do people say "JUST" in all capital letters again? It looks absolutely silly.
how new r u
Team Ico didn't buy the people who work at IGN enough fancy dinners.
The same reason PEOPLE have to capitalize certain WORDS to get their POINT across when it just proves how PATHETIC it is.
Disregard any post that capitalize words randomly in the sentence.
The Last Guardian is risky and divisive.
FFXV is safe and mediocre.
Therein lies the difference.
I'm more interested in a game that gets 15 10/10 reviews and 8 6/10 reviews than a game with 20 8/10 reviews.
i also like gambling.
> Implying that reviews are right
> Impling TLG isn't better than FF XV
Even the reviewers only "critics" is that sometimes the dog doesn't do what he wanted and some times there are problems with the camera.
While when they talk about XV they name tons of problems... still XV get the 8 at the end and TLG a 7.
How about paying attention to the game and the actual critics instead to only to the final score?
I thought this game being good was a meme like bad rats
I hear it runs like shit if you don't have a PS4 pro is this true?
Also why is a 7 considered low, isn't that above average
I mean when people o Sup Forums are getting hyped for the latest AAA games and even spore 2.0, do you really think they wouldn't get hyped over a long overdue release of a game that used to make good games? It looked mediocre from the start
It says Good right on OP's pic though.
Honestly I can see why the reviews are bad. Game reviewers have zero patience and want to shit out their reviews the fastest. But this game you need major patience with the bird because it's AI actually acts like a real animal and will sometimes not understand you or know what to do.
>Runs like shit on the standard PS4
>Gameplay is very repetitive with little depth or replay value
>Camera somehow manages to only fuck up at the worst possible times
>Retards still complain that a 7/10 isn't good enough
I bet you let AC games get away with being glitchy because it was intended due to the Animus.
When is the next patch?
Oh COME THE FUCK ON why would you just ignore people because they put emphasis on things?
You're a FUCKING idiot, user.
Where is that image of Trico with the JUDT hair and eyes?
Someone must have it
Is a C- above average?
Is it just me or do the climbing animations look worse than they are in shadow of the colossus?
It's just you.
But this is video games, not school.
FFXV isn't safe by any means. It's one of the least by the book Final Fantasy games.
No, I let them "get away with it" because I'm not a sperg. All games have glitches.
how does a C- equal a 7? a C- is below average, ie around a 4
>Also why is a 7 considered low, isn't that above average
If it was a 1 - 10 it would be but vidya journalist score from 4-10
I can't even remember the last time IGN gave a game a score that low.
It's IGN, so more like 6-10
It's probably because it's so good that the devs and pubs knew they didn't have to pay these corrupt score-giving prostitutes.
So they gave it a lower score because "BUT WHAT ABOUT MUH BRIBES?!?!?!?"
>Game gets developed
>Game gets cancelled because it isn't going well
>People complain for years and demand it be released
>Game gets released after stop-start development
>People complain that it isn't the greatest game ever made
Did you think it took so long to come out because they were making sure it was gonna be great?
No, it took forever because it was shit, they stopped, and had to pick it back up to try to make it shippable.
I honestly wouldn't be surprised if something like that happened, but I don't think it's what happened here.
TLG is a much better game than FFXV. FFXV is utterly mediocre in every possible way. There is not a single thing it does exceptionally well. TLG is a good game that has a bad camera. Cameras in video games generally sucked until halfway thorough the ps3/360 generation anyway
XV has enjoyable bounty hunting.
Last Guardians two mechanics platforming and controlling the beast are bad. The camera kills the first and the beast kills the second.
>M-my game is shit but it's not THAT shit
The reviews you guys are pointing at aren't even saying that the game is shit. That IGN review said it was fun with some annoying controls and AI aspects.
>IGN 7/10
>not shit
7.0 is still good even according to the rating board. And I'm going by what the reviewer said unlike you mouth breathers.
>Sup Forums is so salty over Sony that they'll actually side with IGN, Polygon and fucking Jim Sterling
XV is the better game
how many of those 15 were paid?
I love how most of Sup Forums pretends to be this enlightened video game critic but spends most of their time shitting themselves over numerical review scores without ever reading anything
TLG got more 10 than FFXV, TLG was underrated because of his devastatingly bad performance issues, and that's fair.
All in all, the best game by far is TLG, both are shit.
Remember, Those sites are only bad when they go against the circlejerk.
Team ICO games control like shit. As much as I love the atmosphere of their games, I've always felt like playing through them was a goddamn chore.
All that in mind, I think 7 is probably a good level for pretty much all their games.
>Implying anyone got paid.
No, this is why you can't hire nostalgiafags. Look at the ratings they gave Final Fantasy XV.
Why are people surprised at the hokey controls? None of team icos games have good controls.
>Also why is a 7 considered low, isn't that above average
You are very new to the industry I see
What even is this shit? I didn't hear anything about it until like a month ago desu
This phenomenon is why Half-Life 3 will never come back.
You can't just finish a series a decade later. It'll never live up to the hype and this has been demonstrated at least a dozen times by now.
The one exception is Enemy Unknown, but there was also The Bureau so that's kind of a moot point in my opinion.
I don't know how you can consider 7/10 rating to be bad, I think you all are just destined to think this game is shit no matter what rating and opinions it gets.
So you've played it then?
Find me another IGN review that low.
Saw this right on the front page
>no-name game
I rest my case
What case is that? You said find a game they rated that low and I got it to you. What a fucking cop out you are.
Yeah, and you found a shit game. That proves my point.
You fags just pull this shit out of your ass it's not even fun at this point.
How do you know its shit? You haven't even played it or see anything about it except the rating. also
It's a semi-meme that IGN reviews are on a scale from 7 to 10. Are you really that dense senpai?
welcome to Sup Forums newfriend
This is why I never take peoples views by arbitrary numbers. It's so fucking pointless. If you go by the words the actual reviewer goes by he does says a good amount of positive things.
Ah. Oh. Yes.
I had the last laugh.
It's a forced meme about someone saying "just fuck my shit up" when getting a haricut.
Sup Forums being idiots as usual.
user i dont have a horse in this race i'm just telling you how it is
in the game industry a 7/10 is "average" or "mediocre"
5/10 is "shit"
anything below that is just rubbing the developer's nose in it
After 10 years of production they couldn't pay for a good review.
son... please stop posting
It says good right on the review though.
>tfw you thought you'd be able to leave Sup Forums once it got to a certain quality of shit and you're light years past where you originally thought that point was
I really want an atomic bomb to hit everyone in this thread including myself.
still no excuse for the shit visuals (textures) and controls
Such a low note to die on
RIP Team Ico
Team Ico isn't going anywhere.
Because a C grade range is around 70%-79%.
So about a 7/10.
Where did you get your insight on what the game industry says about rating? Not being sarcastic, I'm curious.
70%+ is a 1st class honours in university. So it's pretty gud
1.) It was an early PS3 game, and it looks it
2.) They weren't going to spend any more money than necessary to get this thing up and running on the PS4, it was already written off as a loss years ago when it was cancelled. They sure as hell weren't going to re-texture every model in the game.
3.) I assumed Team Ico was done when they cancelled this game the last time. Are they making anything new?
I just want to be a part of something for once in my life. Why can't someone on Sup Forums like this game so I can feel at peace for a second
maybe in your home country of Nigeria
Sure, but the point is that C is commonly refereed to as the average or the middle range. That's why it can be hard to tell if a 5 or a 7 should be perceived as the average when compared with the school system.
But if what you're saying is true, then even in some schools a C (70%+) could be considered above average.
actually laughed/10
Nice to know you're dumber than a nigger
says the person that compares game rating system to a uni rating system
Just stop. You're embarrassing yourself.
>just stop
10/10 arguement right here!
The team literally split up years ago over TLG falling apart back in 2012
Other devs managed to finish the game.
Stay deluded
>3.) I assumed Team Ico was done when they cancelled this game the last time. Are they making anything new?
No they are dead.
The argument that user was making is in both cases those are percentages that aren't bad for you to get.
Didn't only two of them left?
last guardian is actually a much, much better game
FFXV is a final fantasy with no story. amazing.
Pretty sure their all goneski
It said a few departed and the team created a new development team GenDesign. It's still Team Ico under a new name, I'm sure if they made a new game those few developers will chip in somehow. I live in a positive world.