Fallout 3 is now real life. You spawn outside the vault

Fallout 3 is now real life. You spawn outside the vault.

What do you do first?

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Uninstall myself.

pretty much this, I can handle weapons but nothing will save me from the reality of being an obese smoker

Do nothing since that's how the game plays out

try to go back inside the vault

Kill myself and hope that I get born into a better game.

>kill the cannibals underground

Get directions to New Vegas.

The only thing a person should do without proper combat training, try to find the nearest settlement to join and make myself useful at in anyway so I don't starve, become enslaved, get eaten or melt from radiation.

Join the Enclave


Glitch my way out so I can finish such shitty existence on this sorry excuse of a game as fast as possible.

Bang moira

uninstall immediately

Take a nice dump.

Smart, I'd do the same and eventually get Brotherhood of Steel armor, and venture off to fight evil in the wasteland.

This, then learn how to use weapons and live a full life of 2 years because radiation gave me cancer


uninstall life, hope I'm reborn in new vegas instead

Fallout 3 fanbase > Fallout New Vegas fanbase

We can all agree on this, right?

>tfw in the worst fallout game
Just join the Children of Atom and die of pancreatic cancer or some shit.


How can you fail at life so badly?

head down to that grocery store and kill all the raiders for some starter loot, what else?

I eat because I'm unhappy. But I'm unhappy because I eat.

I hunt down what every real man wants.

Probably kill myself since anime doesn't exist.

It wasn't the radiation, it was the fucking game.

Fuck off, I bet you think FO4 is a good game too.

Normally I don't give a shit; people like what they like. But anyone that prefers FO3 isn't a fan of the series. Not a proper one, anyway.

hate fuck Moira

>iwalk around for a few days
>use the metric fucktonne of radaway I've accumulated to invent radaway for plants
>suddenly area becomes garden of eden
>become constitutional potus for life
>spread my bounty across the world through force when necessary
Something like that I hope.

and nothing of value was lost

First i would turn the chad sliders all the way up

Then i go back inside the vault and fuck Amata, followed by Moira Brown and Lucy West


Sounds like you need to smoke more.


Fallout 3 needs this man.

Try to find a settlement with a farm. Realize there are none. Starve to death because all the food is realistically rotten after 200 years and no one grew anything new.

FO4 is a good game. It's super casual but has a very satisfying gameplay loop. It just fails at being a Fallout game.

Not every RPG has go be Baulder's Gate or KOTOR or what have you.

>these plebs that wanna fuck mustache Moira
I'd eat Sierra's quantum pie

yeah we all know how people like winston churchill and roosevelt failed at life

just say you're some /fit/fag who is full of vanity

You could choose to spread lush flora into the Wasteland from Oasis. Of course, you get absolutely zero payoff in game.

Yeah but every RPG with "fallout" in the title should at least be an actual RPG

head straight for little lamplight
drink out of the toilet till i die

Open up console
>turn off collisions
>Fly around

> all the food is realistically rotten after 200 years
cockroaches are food

Punch that little faggot mayor of lamplight.
Cheeky fucker

Also, Stalin.

>cocks are food

go to lamp light. Make princess my woman. Go to that springs place and buy more children. Inject psycho into my toes and dance like a russian thug as king of kiddy diddlers.

Marry (rape) Moira

Thread music: m.youtube.com/watch?v=qLozm8LNxsg

Fight for truth.

W-W-What's your problem?...

>fallout 3 is real
>but not fallout the series
Alright then, I walk out the vault and fall through the map because its a buggy piece of shit.

You'd rather control yourself in overhead view?

>and eventually get Brotherhood of Steel armor, and venture off to fight evil in the wasteland.
i imagine OP wrote this because only a 12 year old retard that thought fallout 3 was good would think like this

I go shoot some female raiders and leave some alive and force the alive ones to have sex with the dead ones

Shouldn't be too hard with the Enclave's mind toys.



Turn 360 degrees back into the vault and join the Tunnel Snakes

>implying the Tunnel Snakes would let a square like you join


Kill myself so I'm reincarnated in new vegas world

Imagine if people were mutated. I bet you deviants would waifu and marry the first decent looking girl with a pair of extra tits you find.

If you say otherwise you're a liar

Is there a more boring answer? You're acting like prostitutes don't already exist. You're thrown into a world radically different than ours and the first thing you do is something you can already do.

I would prefer a woman whose mutated into having XX tits or something. Or a mini-giantess.

Ghoul Prostitutes.