Why do the japs hate this literal 10/10 game?
Final Fantasy XV
Because they have taste?
No, you can't pull that shit. Not after all the times Sup Forums has said they don't.
It's because japs have shit taste and only care about mobile games now.
No cute anime girls.
Because they don't have taste.
Leave JRPG's to us
Because it's a piece of shit and unlike in the West it's very easy in Japan to buy a game brand new and then return it for your money back a week later so they feel no need to rationalize their purchase after wasting $60 on a turd
killed off waifu too fast
that's literally the reason
"For fans and first-timers."
This is why the Nips hate it.
the game don't even give you a reason to care about her
>thinks XV is good
>thinks Sup Forums is a hivemind
Levels of faggotry this high haven't been witness in centuries; researchers say.
It's because westerners have VERY low standards in what they consider a good game. What they actually want is a good interactive movie that is just shades above playing itself.
The game is just to much of a scattered mess. The story has way to many plot holes. It raises more questions then it answers. It doesn't give you any background on anything throughout the game. The combat is spotty and janky as hell. For everything it does right there are Two more you can complain about and that isn't good.
Because they actually played the story
If you want to see what the general opinion is about a game, just check neogaf, they are sheeply faggots who will praise most shit that gets a thumbs up from their journalist of choice
Pretty much this. Look at how much they like generic trash like Lillie.
Japan's standards are even lower. They buy MonHun games that are nearly identical by the truckload, they're no different.
No he is right. I've seen for a long time now the vast majority here say that japs are extremely casual and only like phone trash now. Maybe at one point the majority consensus would be different but this is usually what I see people here say.
If I had to take a guess japs probably hate that it isn't turn based and it is too realistic for their taste.
It's a crap game that was in development hell for years.
Stop praising shit because it has a brandname on it.
Writing 1* reviews on amazon is the Japanese national pastime.
Humanity would be a lot better off if all chinks and weebs dropped dead right now
Then explain P5 score
Westerns having low standards.
I won't necessarily disagree with your generalization but let me throw one out that is definently more valid: if a game, even mobage-tier trash or fucking Touhou, has sexualized pre-school bodies in it than the Japs will eat that shit up. Literally pedos.
They just hate that it isn't a phone game.
Are britbong the sheepish consumers?
All of those seem fair reviews desu
Just because westerners are naturally incapable of giving 3 minus stars don't mean that the japanese reviews are wrong
Honestly forgot all about this game
They don't like the fact that all the best content is postgame shit.
Most gamers are casual and beat a game's main content and put it down, the problem is that all XV's interesting content is side shit that is easily missed.
because calling a completely unrelated game "Final Fantasy" annoys people.
It's like if they made "Super Mario Galaxy 3" and made it a tetris style puzzle game using toads and goombas and shit.
Identical or not they are at least games that require way more effort and "skill" than anything the west has developed in over a decade.
Westerners are historically and factually more inclined to give good reviews to entertainment.
but user, FFXV is the most casual FF yet.
>game is about 4 white heterosexual males just broing it out
>Sup Forums shits on it
The discussion isn't about validity of personal fetishes. It's about quality of games. Which I gaurantee those Touhou games require far more effort and skill to play than anything made by a western company in a decade.
Its just the chinks natural lack of empathy
Chinks have awful taste in video games.
>Then explain P5 score
They like waifushit games, it's why they hated XV, because there are no cute little girls showing their panties.
Japan has proven that the opinion of the the masses is always wrong. At this point, I'd take the opinions of any Sup Forums nation over Japan.
They don't like it but they can't stop.
It probably is this simple. If the cast of the game were 10 year old girls it would be selling like hot cakes.
Sup Forumseabs don't like anything that doesn't include waifus and lolis, same as Sup Forums virgins who don't like any anime that doesn't have little girls.
They're closet pedophiles lusting for underage girls because they were too fat and ugly to get any when they were younger. It's why they play all these shitty high school simulators, to fill a void they never had as a ugly little kid.
This is also chinks as well.
i mean i always knew that chinks were fucking soulless unsympathetic pieces of shit but now i realize i guess lacking empathy also causes people to behave like entitled brats too, because they sure as fuck do, my god, asians are fucking dense
Almost spat out my drink
FF15 is an insult. It's a piece of absolute trash, but it doesn't surprise me that Sup Forums likes it. This board is a joke.
Read through some of the top-rated "most helpful" reviews
They all pretty much complain about awful and confusing story / storytelling and bland 1D characters
Are you literally blind?
"Skyrim is a 10/10 game"
"Watchdogs 2 is better than GTAV"
t. jap Amazon reviews
It's another "scores matter when it's about a game I don't like" thread.
These threads should be deleted on sight and their OPs range IP banned.
It's not weeb at all. It's very American feeling, very Frontier Western feeling. The Japanese HATE that. They want panties. They want kawaii girls. They want doki doki moments and beta main characters that they can self insert into.
FFXV was a game for Western players, not weebs, and so the weebs are doing their screeching frog shit all over the reviews.
oh and here's a nice contrast
what interesting content
>fetch this
>fetch that
>now kill this
Hardin isn't exactly giving me hope for the English version.
>this literal 10/10 game?
not even Sonyggers can give this game a 10/10 and those are the people with the best mental gymnastic capabilities
Because the main party isn't full of cute girls that they can fap to. This is the same country that made mobage trash like granblue and kancolle successful.
>all those reviews
Funny how you all shit on japanese reviews but they are actually the closest to the real quality of the game.
Unless you think that
>all games are 4s and 5s
Approach of westerners is actually helpful
XV is very very western feeling, from the locations to the technology to the food to the interactions. This game is very anti-Japan, and Japan has some extremely fierce loyalty to their culture and its roots.
Japan is literally a disgusting Otaku haven in some areas, filled with stores featuring comics of 12 year old girls with their assholes spread wide open for virgins to jerk off to. The only thing in this game that appeals to their loli-centric sensibilities is Iris. Cindy is too tan and too fit for their tastes, even with her huge boobs. Manly timeskip Noctis is seen as disgusting because in Japan, once you're past age 21, your life is basically over for any kind of adventure or honor (this is why so many JRPG characters are high schoolers). Too many muscles, people in Japan are either really thin and noodley, or kind of chunky, there aren't really that many "ripped" people, it's seen as ugly.
>dont tear each other apart every election circle
>dont get attacked by terrorist
You can boil any video game down into that if you wanted.
Wrong. Japs are actually very critical of their loli games. And all games. Jap gaming isn't over run with casuals who will eat up any shit like the west. They are still all "gamers" who are considered social outcasts. Much like gamers in the west before it became "mainstream" and "cool" to play games. Those gamers still require their games have substance. The casuals just stick to mobile games, there. Which are, for some reason, more socially acceptable than actual games. It makes no sense, but this discussion isn't about that. If they want porn they just watch porn. Fetish pandering only goes so far. Take a trip over to 2chan one day and see for yourself.
is the Atelier series kill?
Atelier Sophie didn't do that well either.
Samurai Warriors > Sengoku Basara
I bet you liked Skyrim and Witcher 3 and think that anyone who doesn't like them is a contrarian.
No user
Its literally, all fetch quests
As good time as any to post this old image
I think the series needs a rest. They do make one every year so it was only a matter of time before both devs and fans got tired.
On a scale of 1-10, how no-homo is this game?
Dragon age origins is actually a good game tho
Name a game then and watch me boil it down into
>go here
>fetch this
>kill this
Because literally every game can be boiled down into those three things. That is the ESSENCE of video games.
Only FFXV is literally LITERALLY only fetch quests and go kill x
>boymeat barbeque for single women who smell like butter
Holy shit that's a good one.
How it should be really, 1 is awful, 2 is playable but not good, 3 stars is good but not amazing, 4 is incredible, 5 is a milestone. Not the overinflated "only 85 and up matters" critically and childish 1's and 10's only for user reviews of the visible english system.
It's fine between friends.
No user
You don't get it
Im not using generalizations here, im not being proverbial
FFXV is drowning with fetch quests
Fetch frogs
Fetch junk
Fetch Dogtags
Kill this group of mobs here
Kill this grou of mobs there
I'm sorry, did you think that image was in any way shitting on DAO?
>The best game
>Did poorly in Japan
I'm not so sure. There's a new Musou game featuring Sophie and Plachta as playable characters in the game. She still might have a chance.
Do they hate it more than the other sengoku hack and slash series?
and XII
and the gran pulse part of XIII
all the bad ones have fetch quests
>Japanese made game
>a game filled to the brim with Japanese shit, along with the culture
>Japanese shit that Japanese love
>High scores
Or maybe...you know...its good?
I know you contrarians like to fit in by shitting on persona, but its a consistent series
I've played p3 and 4. They are awful games only entry level weebs love.
why does FF games need side quests? classics like 6,7,8 and 9 didn't need them and they were so fucking fun to play and sink 70+ hours into easy
>japan only likes the waifu gaemu and not actual good games
nice meme
Is it better or worse than FFXIII?
>inb4 "but the witcher 3 is shit"
is persona v going to be game of the year?
Those games had side quests.
the difference is they weren't open world trash. Open world shit = fetch quest mmo shit
>he says while posting a shit game
Shouldn't you be in a thread arguing over which annoying cunt sorceress is your waifu?
Wait until the game comes out, retard. Japs also love stories that take place in modern Japan in a high school setting because it's escapism for them.
Imagine being a fun loving adolescent turning into a depressed, overworked, and underpaid salaryman in the span of a year. That's the reality in Japan. The reason why so many animes take place in high school is because this is literally the best time of their lives for them. Afterwards, they're resigned to a life of 80 hour work weeks with a salary equivalent of $25k/yr.
Sophie is one of their most sold titles. Meruru was the last time they sold that much.
The games getting hit with all the one-star reviews are also Japanese games filled with Japanese stuff.
It could very well be good, but the point still stands. It is a game that I would believe most Japanese games players would like.
I like the series though, but not putting much interest in P5 until the English version is out.
>all PS4 releases
Do the Japanese not play on PC?
>witcher 3 not basement dweller quintessential waifu daughteru power special snowflake grimderp fantasy with animu fag protagonist who brood and prance around in combat like a fag