Tfw you'll never be able to stab as much shitposters as you can before getting shot

>tfw you'll never be able to stab as much shitposters as you can before getting shot

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No user, you are the shitposters

What made you mad? Did someone say they enjoyed Infinite Warfare just to piss you off?

stab my ass faggot

This is the gayest thing i've ever seen

>being a shitposter

Go to the local Aussie pub, start glassing.

It's just that easy mate, you won't even be shot.

Don't come to Sup Forums tomorrow, some of you guys are alright

I have nowhere to go

This is the part that sucks.

The best part about it would be the look on their face when they dont even realize why they are dying. Or maybe they would if its the likes of CTR or some shit.


Tripfag is a faggot as usual

Die you degenerate Barneyfag

thought so


nice try

>2 minutes
>impossible to fake

you still have no reasoning behind your bullshit

Just stop samefagging, barneyfag

>you will never be able to kidnap all weebs, traps, and drakeposters, kick them into huge open grave, and then fill it with a dumptruck.

>wanting to kill traps
>not wanting to kill trumpposters


not much, if you can count it: use many