If money is not an issue, what is the best gaming chair with amazing back support?

If money is not an issue, what is the best gaming chair with amazing back support?

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you're mom

I have that exact chair holy shit

>not laying in bed to play vidya
pfft casuals


ones with lumbar support

you'll thank me later

not sure if serious or parodying an underage.

>gaming chair

DXRacer chair has been amazing for me so far. 10/10 support and very durable.

>Not building a custom standing desk with LED underlit monitor stand for your dual monitors and custom sized cabinet for your master race PC.

Fucking casual

Just stick a lumbar cushion under whatever your fat ass is currently sitting on.

bumping for posture


>cabinet for your master race PC
Enjoy those temps, slut

No man wants a chair that will run over their fingers every day.

>gaming chair
Just go to your local office supply store and test out what they have. Anything gaming related is either overpriced or gaudy as fuck.


>not sure if takes things too seriously because he's a faggot or because he wants to prove to himself that he's not stupid

Get a 24/7 office chair if money is not an issue. Got one of these fuckers at work, no matter how long its occupied it stays good.

Otherwise if """""money is not an issue""""" then just get a Dxracer, they are expensive but affordable, while a bit of a meme, comfortable chairs in general.

Can confirm that this is a terrible chair. Arm rests are too high and at the wrong angle. Plus they stick out too far forward to let you sit on top of one of your legs.

I ended up making my own arm rests out of wood.

The international space station

naw bro you need to get a REAL gaming chair
otherwise your posture is gonna suffer

>gaming chair

how autistic are you? i bet you buy stupid shit like gaming mice, keyboards, monitors, glasses, desks, trash bins, speakers, headsets

just get any fuckin chair

>Standing desk

We use these at work, they're fucking amazing. Easily the best desk chair I've sat in

They're also like $1000


Aeron or leap, otherwise fuck off.

Not OP, but fuck that. I bought normal chairs for years and they keep falling apart as if I was some hamplanet fat ass after a couple months. My strayan friend shilled a Dxracer to me and had it for almost 2 years without any problems and it got rid of my back pain I was having. I had a basic wood chair that fell apart faster than this thing. If you want a chair that will never break, you get one of those navy metal chairs off boats. If you want sturdy but also comfortable then don't buy the cheapest china-grade-steel thing you can from a shitty local office depot.

>Not having a standing desk

Fuck off casual.

filthy casuals

That is a picture of a woman in yoga pants and fashionable flats. She's also using a Mac. To stare at the desktop.

How is that selling standing desks as "not casual"?


>Have comfy chair long enough
>Fabric starts peeling off
>Those black flakes of fabric that get everywhere

this, there's no reason there should be something such as gaming chair, anything with lumbar support to keep you straight for a long period of time should do it
somehow this makes me uneasy

How do you people play on chairs without your arm sticking to the armchair? That shit ruins gaming for me.

>made in china

enjoy your cancer

>bonded leather

Anyone know if this is actually good?
It's like 100$ right now at my local.
I alwasy sit pretty comfy in one my friend has but i don't really know if it's the same brand/model because they all look the fucking same

Literally none of these requirements were in the OP. He wanted back support, this is the best lumbar support chair i've ever sat in.

Sitting on the floor so that your weak flabby body is actually forced to use your muscles to stabilize yourself and you have to constantly shift positions rather than just sitting stationary in one for hours.

theyre capris faggot

Ive been searching extensively for info on KAB chairs. Specifically the 24/7 ones. Given they cost an arm and a leg I just want opinions about them. I can't find reviews or anything about them. Obviously theyre durable and fucking comfortable, I just am trying to ascertain the differences in their line of office chairs, so I can figure out which to get. I can't find shit man, is that the only 24/7 chair you've sat in?


comfy as fuck and good for your back

Steelcase Leap

Got mine for $800 or so with a discount from my friend.

Best chair I've ever sat in.

It'll ruin other chairs for you.

>for a chair
wow you guys are pathetic

isnt that pretty small.

or is it just me

Feels good not being poor and actually having an ergonomic chair.

Enjoy your lower back pain.

Fucking me too holy shit.

>Enjoy your lower back pain.
You must be a lard ass if you need an ergonomic chair to avoid back pain.

>le ur poor meme
800 is a lot of money to blow off for anyone who isn't rich.

>amerifat worried about size of chair

are mesh chairs ok? i have never had one before and im not sure it would support my back when i lay back

Where are these chairs sold locally because I want to try one out before buying one?

this thread is full of fat asses. I really feel bad they need an extra strong supportive chair for their weight and size

toy's r us

no kidding. they even have a minecraft edition. you would blend in perfectly. don't forget to bring your mummy

Everywhere in Denmark at least

I got an Aeron

Best chair i have ever sat in. The problem with chairs is its hard to say which chair is actually the best without sitting in each one for months at a time

Yes don't fall for the fabric meme and especially not the leather meme

Are there any detachable armchair chairs you would recommend? I like to use to use arm movement for fps instead of wristing.

sounds fair hopefully i find something good at amazon or i probably will go pick on up at a local furniture store

Yeah but just keep in mind this is coming from my $1000+ mesh chair

aerons obviosuly
don't listen to shitters above who try to sell you leather garbage

u dont even need to be rich for that shit. i earn $100 an hour and could wipe my ass with those chairs.

as do I, it's fantastic.

I got this chair years back, really didn't last. Leather is cheap.

>all this talk of back support
>no neck support
Go get yourself a big and tall OP or regret it for the rest of your life when you tilt your head back and end up staring at the ceiling because the chair you bought is too short didn't come with a headrest.

Grab any shitty office chair and change out the gas cylinder with something heavy duty. Grab a lumbar support pillow

>make $100/hour
>Still brag about it to fake friends on a korean spaghetti recipe board

S..sure user

This one is preddy good

if money isn't an issue you just make a custom bed for your computer

no its not. the cushion is thin as fuck and my back hurts after 12 hours

look at this fucking thread jfc


>i earn $100 an hour
Listen I make $645/h poorfag.

Maybe you should consider getting up for breaks instead of sitting for 12 hours straight you retard

Really? :o?

Yes. I'm a professional shitposter. We're highly sought after by Anontalk.

I take you're either Finnish or Australian then?

I'm sure being a regular Sup Forums- user is mandatory

ur not my pretend friend senpai

I clearly said $ not euros or whatever.

Sup Forums is the new Sup Forums.

Dxrazer seem to be fucking comfy, but they get up to 300 bucks

Get a real office chair, like those ones that cost 1000 dollars. I had the chance to sit in one of those a few months ago and god damn if i had that kind of money
>gaming chair

Sup Forums gives me prime Sup Forums feels

I bought this chair last week and I moved back to my old chair, it's fine at first but you have shit back support

>Expensive high end office chairs
>Don't even have a head rest
It's like you don't game for 8 hours