this is a thread about afterbirth+
This is a thread about afterbirth+
oh gosh does anyone still play this
I've been trying to get the newest 100%
but its just tiring and tedious
afterbirth really sucks
Afterbirth is so shitty
Greed mode is actually pretty fun but the fact that you have to grind it over and over again to get the unlocks really kills the fun
And NO one gives a shit about coop babies
Now you can mod in your very OWN co-op babies, with Afterbirth+! Holy shit! Wow! Remember to chew your steak!
I agree a ton, but once the pain is over I do like a lot of the new items when I'm doing D6 isaac runs for fun
So according to the thread, is Afterbirth worth buying?
I'd say so, if you like Rebirth. A lot of the new stuff feels like annoying bullshit and everyone was salty when it initially came out, but in retrospect I enjoy it
i really love the coop and i think the babies are a great addition although coop in isaac is pretty tedious in general... lots of arguments
Afterbirth added the two worst bosses in the game
But it also added some of the best items in the game
The price I paid was worth it literally just for lusty blood, continuum, tractor beam and tech X
Waiting for the christmas sale to buy afterbirth and maybe afterbirth+
>Buy the game again
Lol not happening.
sooooo....whats new?
Wait is this out yet? I got 1001% and ducked out until it came out
When is it out?
sometime this month
I'm just not even bothering with the keeper
also did anyone else lose their negative wins as soon as they bought afterbirth?
Is the update coming to consoles as well?
is after birth worth getting? i was thinking of getting it
you may like it you may not but youll definitely spend a lot of time on it
It's a trick, I forgot all of them but if you do Keeper you get bad power ups like sticky nickels that makes you waste a bomb to pick up nickels
Do afterbirth+ then keeper
Nice that it's a free update and all. Wasn't super happy with original Afterbirth, seemed to wreck the flow the original Rebirth had. I'd go back if I could, but I'm not sure how that would affect saves.
Grind it with Cain and Judas mainly, the book and a free key at the start are usually all the leg up you'll need
Sticky Nickels have a separate chance to drop than nickels. Unlocking them effectively increases your chance of finding nickels.
It's not going to be free.
When does it even come out?
Fuck you're right. Hopefully it's cheapish, haven't been following it too much since I like a good surprise. I've barely payed a thing for Rebirth and Afterbirth due to various discounts, so I guess it's not that big of a deal.
>almost to 1001%
>can't beat brains or speed
Brains wouldn't be so bad if it didn't go all the way to the fucking chest. Speed is just ridiculously hard.
>not downloading a save file
>tfw waiting almost an entire year for people to fix a flawed game
There's not even a solid release date yet, come on Mr. Slow-Eating Steak
there is no real point
I already had 100% and im only actually missing about 3 items
plus unlocking items is the only thing that makes me want to play this game at all
im glad afterbirth was terrible enough to put me off this shitty game so I wont have to pay edmund another $6.66 just so i can fix his game for him
You only have yourself to blame since from it's very concept the games have all been dis-functional.
He's not even fixing it. Just selling us the tools to do the fixing. and 200 coop babies.
its a weird sort of game where the more its fixed the less entertaining it is
everytime edmund adds "fixes" like scaling bosses it just makes people want to play it less
That's because Edmund mistakenly thinks the reason people like the game is because its "hella hardcore" and not because they like picking up cool items.
If you uninstall Afterbirth, you can only play your saves from right before you installed Afterbirth, so you won't have any progress made in the DLC even if you unlocked non-Afterbirth items.
I don't know how reinstalling Afterbirth works in terms of saves though.
I was mainly refering to howshitty the original flash isaac ran but yes Ed is largely retarded with his balancing patches.
>mfw once AB+ comes and makes modding accessible and even more popular, every last bit of shitty balancing can be reverted with ease
>yfw it was edmunds plan all along to make afterbirth awful so that a year later he could sell mod tools
I lost interest in this game after they started asking the Subreddit for suggestions, and then proceeded to ignore anything that would've made the game better.
Also Tyrone's a Jew.
I doubt people will get very far with rebalancing, at least with items.
Existing items can be tweaked, but it may be difficult to remove/change their hardcoded behaviors.
Cool post about posting on reddit. very good.
I personally like the mood that tells you exactly what an item does before you pick it up. Just cuts out the middle man from looking at the wiki.
>Implying anything in what he said implies he posts on Reddit
Does the name Reddit trigger you or something?
Ed posted lists of Reddit suggestions on his blog you fucking retarded harlequin baby.
Hey reddit!
cool why dont you go back there to talk about reddit instead of here
DAE post on Reddit
What's your favorite Reddit
I like r/atheism and Kotakuinaction
DAE think video games journalistm is stupid
Gamgate for life, haha
I like r/TheDonald
Haha stupid cucks amirite
Fucking cucks
Only we're not cucks, unless somebody's acting like a cuck. Haha cuck!
In the last few weeks did Sup Forums get a requirement where someone in a thread has to accuse someone else of not belonging?
Wait, it's out? Shit, I might have to buy it just for the modding tools. How slowly do we need to chew our steak for A+?
Speed's a million times easier now that Isaac actually moves in accordance with the speed increase. Before you were at base speed for the challenge. Still don't know how I managed to do it back then.
Nope, still not out. It's intended to come sometime this month.
It's supposed to get a release date trailer sometime this week, but don't get your hopes up; Ed usually only posts on Mondays.
>Afterbirth is an expansion for the fans
>It's the shittiest, priciest, most lacking of content iteration of Isaac ever released
What did they mean by this?
Brains is one of the tougher ones, but you can do it you fucking pussy.
It's easier than beating lost (Pre-afterbirth anyways)
Wrath of the Lamb was better than Rebirth in everything except the engine. Rebirth didn't add anything that made the game more interesting, just more bullshit and new enemies. WOTL had secret bosses that you had no idea were there, Rebirth telegraphed the "secret boss" with a giant fucking doorway. It's less creative, less fun, but it runs better. Is that really a good tradeoff? I don't think it is.
So are the mod tools going to use the steam workshop? If so that'll be a weird situation for people who bought the base game new expecting to use what they see in the workshop.
On brains pick up a devil deal that will kill you but open the menu and leave before you die.
Press continue and you will die in the devil room. Restart and now you're Isaac boom.
Still can't shoot normal tears but red hearts make it a lot easier than just soul hearts.
No need to thank me. I'll take my thanks by ass raping you and slitting your throat. Your whole family's dead you fucking faggot
Brains is easier, but the real issue is in how fucking slow and tedious the entire challenge is. Literally the only thing that'd need to change about it to make it fun is to make the recharge timer lower or just go full retard and make literally every item drop into Bob's Brain. Having to kite fuckers for some 20 odd seconds before you can attack again is just boring and anti-fun.
Wrath of the Lamb never felt balanced to me always felt like a fan expansion with the way it was stapled to the original game.
Rebirth felt like a solid compilation of the previous efforts in the flash game. And then they made afterbirth and it felt tacked on again.
I would never recommend WotL and Afterbirth for new players.
WotL was pretty fucking great. The only engine change I really miss is how tears worked. In the Flash version you could lob those fuckers damn near anywhere if you got gud enough.
>2 billion new coop babies (items)
>5 holy water clones (items)
>10 trinkets (items)
>new secret character that dies if you hit an enemy with your shots
>mod support
>mod support
ed needs to kill himself
Don't forget
>Actually Real Final Boss No Joking This Time Guys has an HP Bar that just says "Fuck You" and spams two rotating brimstone lasers going in different directions
Was rebirth as big of an upgrade as WotL was? No, I don't think so. But I'd still rather play Rebirth than WotL, I think it plays better and there's more variety.
Afterbirth is just a huge disappointment. They should have spent more time and made a really good expansion with a shit ton of stuff, instead we got that.
i refuse to pay dlc just for mod support gibe torrent pls
got at least six copies of rebirth i got on sale for a year ago that i intended to give away but just forgot until now
add me if you want a copy on steam
id: TimeCalm
>caring about Isaac Maker
Gonna be pure shit.
Afterbirth + will be a disappointment but at the same time Isaac's literally my favorite game that I play hours on a day so I'll just have to keep my expectations low
>tfw still didn't beat anything but mom with the Lost
its not like the items spawn or that youll have any desire to play the game normally afterwards
How many hours have you put into the game?
godhead actually spanws a surpringly large amount for me
its loads of fun to use
but yeah lost is shit
The only way Ed can fuck up is by limiting the power of the mod support. I want to be able to change the whole game based on my whims, tired of all the bullshit
61 in Rebirth
I don't even know for the original
Somewhere north of 300 for both the Flash and New versions of the game.
140 hrs
150 hrs
Northernlion, please.
>take dead cat first on accident
fuck FUCK
250 in Rebirth
Like 120ish in the original. I haven't bothered to go back and beat the hardmode bosses in the original Isaac because I lost my save file, and the game is significantly harder than Rebirth it seems.
AWWW BABYYYYY 1000 more BoI episodes.
>Welcome to Northernlion plays the Binding of Isaac
>I've been doing this for 5 years
>Literally just playing this same game
>For five years
>And people still watch it
>Anyways let's dive in to some Canadian culturalisms.
To be fair, he does play other games. It's just his gimmick game takes forever.
Would you say that it's
career suicide?
I like NL. However, I literally cannot watch him play another episode of Isaac, it's fucking awful.
His XCOM EW series is pretty good though.