Winter Update

-All characters unlocked at start
-Incursion tutorial for people that suck at PvP
-Dojo for people who suck with a character
-UI overhaul
-Draft Mode (picking/banning, not much info yet)
-Daily Quests
-New rank cap
-In-game economy overhaul
-PS4 Pro support

How did you feel while reading that GBX made a great game even better?

Other urls found in this thread:


if this was 10 dollars on the ps4 i'd get it for orendi but even on sale its too expensive

>Game's been out for several months and has been dead the entire time
>Even bothering to update it, let alone support it

its okay to be poor

FOTM Sup Forumsedditor plz go

If the game was free2play it would definitely surpass Paladins. Damn arrogance is going to kill that company.

more like its okay to hold of on spending after going hard on black Friday you sperg

This all very good but it's way too late. Some of it should've been in the base game. Kids adult,b that you can't test out hero abilities

keep wishing everything was f2p, you must like being disappointed.

I think they may be contractually obliged to provide a certain number of updates. It doesn't matter if 0 people are playing.

>way too late
you dont know how online multiplayer games work do you, go make some fotm charts for r/videogames

its sad that gbx treats the 160 people playing right now better than most companies treat the thousands/tens of thousands playing their games right now.

Now if they only made a few settings that turn off some of the visual clutter...

Looking forward to the training mode, though. Learning new picks was getting annoying when all you had to practice against was bots and people who have been playing the same 2 picks for 3 months straight.

I want to fuck her silly

wow this looks good!

maybe I am starting to like girls!

the animations only last for like a second, and the idea is that its supposed to be hectic when youre in the fray. if someone blows up a grenade in front of you while a giant pillar of energy is also forming where youre standing and someone throws up a bubble shield all those things are going to be happening and its going to be a bit tough to see. you could blindly fire or retreat - or complain that you lose visibility for a second or two when someone blows you up like thats the most realistic complaint you could have.

Any new Easter eggs?

didnt even know about this one, probably though. have anymore?

No, that's why I'm asking for more.

The complaint it mainly directed at melee characters. With ranged, there is a certain degree of uncertainty with the screen clutter, but I'm alright with it. Especially now that they changed how friendly collision worked, it makes it a lot more rewarding to win hectic firefights

With melee on the other hand, it's not as much of an issue of I don't know what's happening, but there's so much going on that it's disorienting. It's especially obvious when you're fighting an enemy that takes up 90% of your screen and it flashes white and spews particle effects every time you hit it. In some of the worse scenarios, I end up with a small headache after fights and end up switching back to ranged.

I mainly hate the flashing, but I extend it to the visual clutter because that seems to be a huge complaint. The menus were definitely a component to this, but I'd like to play the updated game before I decide one way or another.

Saw a crop of this and couldn't get source. Thanks, m8.

Also great taste.

i get the flashing thing, its less prevalent at higher framerates. if you play at 120 capped and just adjust the settings for your hardware it should look less disorienting. but to an extent its part strategy to blind melee characters because of their damage output.

Orendi's okay

Her and Phoebe are best girls.

Orendi is pure

Is there a mod to make the character models different? I'd play this if I didn't have to look at most of the characters.

pity, you could always try LOL

I've been stuck playing on a shit laptop for a while. I'll give it another chance when I get my actual computer back and see if it's tolerable.

Even still, I wish it's something they'd give an option for. Even outside of player comfort, there are already tools for characters to zone and CC players in the game. This is an issue of balance and counterplay, especially now that we have a draft mode. I've never really been a fan of physically messing with the person on the other end of the network connection and calling it a gameplay strategy.

Then again, I'll admit this is falling under personal opinion. I'm just tired in general of PC games that aim at wide audiences but then make the assumption that most people are playing on near top of the line machine. I get that you can only support back so far, but I mean my shit isn't even that bad and it's a pain to play Tempest maps still.

Can't really tell what you mean man. I just dislike how small some of the characters heads are and how ugly many of the faces are and would like to change it a little. I'd gladly try it out for $10 if I could, I like multiplayer games without overly huge communities.

They're the only ones that will be buying cosmetics (I assume there are some) so I'd roll out the red carpet for them to. Much harder to persuade 100% of a small community to buy your shit than 1% of 20 million people or whatever OW is at.

Why play stillborn when overwatch is the most popular FPS om the planet?

well, not messing with them anymore than legitimately blinding them i.e, making it hard for them to see while playing. they did several tests over the bets for a 'blind' effecct and then other 'blinding' attacks. like getting blinded will make it impossible to see, but being hit by something 'blinding' is supposed to fuck up most of your vision. you dont need a top of the line machine, just drop it to 720 and 120 capped lower the particle effects and any other settings like foliage to low. theres so many hardware combinations, just dick around in the settings

Did they fix the awful writing? The cluttered, garish visuals? The lack of satisfying gunplay? The half assed 'campaign'? Or the nonexistent character balance?

GBX has 1/50th the employees as Blizzard, and 1% the revenue, and made a better moba than HotS and a better team shooter than OW at the same time, with more content than each. gotta recoup that marketing budget, great to know 15 million people bought the game - how many people are currently playing OW?

still waiting for the SFM porn

your misinformed and coveted opinions sway me nu-poster

I've had the misfortune of playing Battleborn. Pretending your game is without flaws doesn't make it so.

Feminism is awesome!!!

>Cute anime grill in fanart
>Fucking stick monster, all straight edges and sharp points in game
Why do people do this

I guess I draw the line at player comfort, then. The actual blind mechanic doesn't affect me in quite the same way as the visual pollution can.

I'll fiddle with the settings a bit more and see how it goes.

how sweetly worded, master meta nu-gamer

Most art of her is pretty faithful to the original model.

because people aren't you

all I wanted for christmas was a webm or two of that short, brown, beauty with an ass that won't quit and a run animation that make
s Monty Python green with envy.

I know how you feel, user.

I look forward to more BADASS updates, Anthony!

Brush up on your memes, family.

Haven't played this since the open beta. I saw that Ambra got nuked into uselessness on release because baddies being bad crying bitch tears. Is she still complete shit now?

This has to be fake.

Alright, without sperging out and telling me I have shit taste etc., are there any headless or faceless characters? I cannot bring myself to like the despicably ugly characters in this and would like to see if there is any character I might like, e.g. one without a face.

ooh noo the boogeymans here foor yoou

I think the military anti-paladin is pretty cool.

now quick burchposter, post the cap of burch saying a 'woman of color' in an advertisment was cool

she's only useful late game but reyna and KU are better at everything she does so whats the point

>all this fucking shilling
Well done! Fifty cents has been deposited into your account!

Actually that is rather nice. Is this a base or some costume?

so tsundere, play the robot

Hmm, pretty nice, doesn't suffer from the problems of the others. Reminds me of Dekal.

It's the base model.

hahahahahahahaha holy shit, this has to be a joke. uncage yourself you upset cuck.

>Purple accents ruining the yellow and black aesthetic
>Those fucking heels

you get it

wtf i love battleborn now

Purple and gold go together.





>All characters unlocked at start
Thank fucking god, Played this with my bro and hated not being able to play someone I wanted since I haven't unlocked anyone.
I wish there was a vs. bot mode since I have no idea what I'm doing online and keep going up against people who have played the game for 400+ hours.

At my local Game it's only £4, I honestly couldn't believe it.

Damn, if only that was Phoebe on the bottom.

i think thats the point of Dojo, also incursion tutorial. honestly, no one likes playing against newer players either so im stoked. you can tell when someone just started using a new character and it sinks my soul every time because no one bothers to practice the character in story mode first.

>not Alani

I liked the game during beta, but fuck man, its not even salvageable at this point. Playing it on PS4 was ass too, it was hard to hit things with someone like El Dragon, and his fucking gauntlets took up a large portion of the screen.

Don't get me wrong I did complete the Story Mode with Orendi and I knew well enough what to do with her, as well as 8 hours can, but I have 0 map awareness, 0 technical skill, Close to no idea what I'm doing etc.
I get it's honestly no one's fault per say but I can't play at a level expected of someone with 400 hours experience in my 10 hours of playing.
Almost every online game I've lost with no idea why, I don't know what I did wrong, Where I could have done better or anything so the Dojo I'll be happy with
I doubt I would get it as much I have Overwatch or even Paladins but I'll be happy I can finnaly play against someone more my level, Even if it a bot.

Out of curiosity: Where do you go to talk about BB? Everywhere is dead.

200k people own the game on steam, and the games only been put for 6 months. you dont understand how online multiplayer games work with your 'game iz ded' fotm mentality. you just went 'liked it, but i was bad at it, also i didnt like it, also i wont play look at player count'. dont play it, no one wants some scrub who's ass at the game to play.

you go to the game to talk about it, just talk in chat. and if i can make a recommendation, stick to one or two characters for a bit and try to know everything about them - the way you can play using their helix, when/where during a match you find yourself most useful, which other characters you play well with/against. you learn by observing, testing shit out.

>-All characters unlocked at start

I think the game could've had a better chance of surviving if they did this from the begining.

why would they add more game modes

the only problem was that there were too many queues stretching the small player base even thinner

a team made up of the base characters is probably a well assembled team - its almost impossible to fuck up. it gives new players who didnt play any of the betas a chance to get accustomed with the first characters that were balanced.

its just quick match now, and everyone votes on the mode/map when everyones in. unless you queue into private match then you can pick whatever.

>Turn all the characters into sexy anime girls
>Playerbase shoots like a rocket
>Pitchford in all his cucked glory personally shuts it down
>Game tanks again

I legit can no longer tell if people are unironically supporting this game or baiting. Have I been here too long? Should I go?

your greentext is both warranted, and profoundly important - thanks for your valued contribution


well maybe i'll start playing again

That'd be nice but honestly I'd settle for anything that isn't the hideous monsters with fucked up proportions the current ones are. Seriously, the army guy with the tiny head, the wu-elf, the horrible looking demon thing with one huge arm, etc.
It's one guy (presumably the OP) cheering on anyone who likes the game and shitting all over any post with a hint of negative opinion or even just jokes.

its an ironic ouroboros, get out quick while you can still keep up with how meta the irony is. qucik, get out

>30 IPs not counting me because this is my first post
you tell me


I'm trying to imagine a physical depiction of the ironic ouroboros right now, seems like an ouroboros with no end, like a loading swirl in a game or pc

im CLEARLY a spy here to tell you about the winter update

>200k people own the game on steam
Then where are they? Obviously not online.

>you dont understand how online multiplayer games work with your 'game iz ded' fotm mentality
When did I say any of that? With numbers THAT low, why should I even bother spending money on it when it could be dead in the near future?

>you just went 'liked it, but i was bad at it, also i didnt like it, also i wont play look at player count'
I never said I was bad, I was actually pretty decent and won a majority of my games. Why the fuck would anyone buy a game with a player base that low? Its not going to suddenly increase now is it? I don't want to waste money on a game that could be considered as good as dead in a year or two from now.

I don't know why you decided to attack me for bringing up a concerning issue this game has.


>just dont play it, you - as a person - are probably trash at the game, please dont play it. Battleborn will still be here without you playing

>i took your inability to hit things with a melee character as a confession of being ass at the game. well, also playing with a controller but we can overlook that.

>theres people playing every day, ive never gone a day and not found matches and the matchmaking has gotten a lot quicker. 'why would anybody become part of a playerbase?' thats a pretty dumb question, you only play things youre told to play? then theres the age old 'how many people are currently playing OW'? and then theres you saying now "i could buy and play a game - but if i buy it and dont play it im wasting money" dont buy a game you arent going to play you hardheaded fuck.

im not attacking you, look at yourself

So this is the local Gearbox hate thread?
Just like Duke Nukem, Randy can't give away free stuff to previous owners

>im upset, youre attacking me

He's trolling you dude, very obviously at that. Let it go, he's been doing it all thread, devoid of logic or reason and instigating fights with every poster.

you found it, good eye sniper
we were just wrapping up actually so quick post memes

>Sup Forums suddenly likes battleborn

Yeah dude, real meanie - go to another thread this one is PURE cancer. He's being a real arguer - you're better than that

>It's a stillborn shill thread

Give it up already.

>its a betterborn thread

Give me memes allrandy