Remember playing on a blurry ass, tiny CRT as a kid? How did we do it?

Remember playing on a blurry ass, tiny CRT as a kid? How did we do it?

I still do it.

It was better.

Because games were made with them in mind, so it looked the way it should have.

The games were designed for the display, that's how we did it. Playing retro games on an LCD make them look like shit, there's a reason most emulators include scanline overlays.

I didn't care because I wasn't a time traveller

That doesn't look blurry at all though.

Retro games on modern TVs give me AIDs and took my lunch money.

Why do you have an empty base near your CRT?

Wait a minute....that screen

Not mine, famdongus.

I remember if I needed to beat a difficult level I'd mute the volume ;_; I also remember beating Rachet and Clank over 30+ times, because we couldn't afford new games.

The poorfag life is kinda comfy in a way.

Mother of god the bolt multiplier after you beat the game 15+ times is delicious.

Would you guys recommend using a CRT for a PS2?

reminder that crts have no lag and hdtvs have tons of lag

well duh

it looked cool with 2D graphics

>extremely high quality in comparison to basic quality takes much longer to load
well paint me blue and call me oscar

this so much, once things started going 3d the flaws of CRTs became pretty obvious.

Games were optimized for it so it wasn't a big deal. Usually the living room had a big nice TV while the bedrooms had older stuff or those kitchen TVs so if you didn't mind sharing you could play on a nicer screen.

HD games look like muddy nightmares on a CRT to the point were text is never legible and older games on an HDTV look like ass warmed over even if you using a Framemeister with RGB or some other weird fancy trick.

If you think MGS or Silent hill look better on an LCD you're insane.

Everything should be displayed at it's native resolution, end of conversation.

>booting up oddworld: abes oddysee in my room
>using an old crt with fake wood paneling and big scifi knobs
>i found the tv myself, cleaned it, fixed it up, carried it upstairs.
>it works
>get engrossed in the game
>play with the colour and contrast knobs
>make sure every area looks exactly how i want it to
>the desert area is blown out red, looks boiling hot
>the dark areas feel shady and cool
>literally impossible to reproduce the intensity of cookie on my HDTV.

I want one but that's such a meme console

The retards who sold the TurboGrafix in America should be shot. There's no reason a system with so many awesome, accessible games should've failed.

Of course.

It's much better than just running component or composite into an HDTV that stretches the image and adds latency...

yes, of course

Yes, with Component if possible for optimum quality. If not I guess you can use S-Video

The MGS HD collection looks great.
But yeah, PS2 and HEUG versions should be played on a CRT.

>that fucking gif
mate why

Well, actually the HEUG is capable of up to 1080i, so it's slightly more complicated.

>It's a SONY PVM thread

You will NEVER afford a PVM

what's wrong with a sony pvm

>he doesn't know about game mode

>Lightgun games only work with a CRT
>Modern LED-tracking guns are slow and inaccurate no matter how much you calibrate it
I miss having good home console rail shooters.

u wut mate?

I remember you. How's that downscaler working out for you?

>order PVM on eBay
>comes broken thanks to their Global Shit Program
>buy Framemeister instead

LCD tv's have hideous input lag for old consoles and disgusting motion ghosting of a Cross-hairs

CRT arcade machines had none of that rubbish

I'm more concerned how devs made games on primitive screens and shit.

Comfy as fuck. Being able to emulate pretty much everything up to wii and PS2 games on a CRT feels just right.



2D sprite based games looked great on CRTs though.

there's literally nothing you can do to remove all lag on hdtvs

they are objectively inferior for gaming

My OCD. Please someone find a gif where the square goes in.

I sold david bowies last record on ebay because the price skyrocketed after his death and used the global shipping brogram and it arrived damaged
the dude in australia was fucking pissed, rightfully so but once it leaves kentucky it is not my problem
I will never buy using gsp but selling is nice because you only need to get it to the facility in KY
they repackage it for international shipping and are notoriously shitty at it

you're inferior for gaming

Who needs a PVM??
Pic related was taken from a Samsung Syncmaster 551v PC monitor.

pixel art still impresses me
its amazing what they were able to convey using a few dots

>david bowie

you realize he just switched identities like michael jackson right?

I do not find this amusing