That repetitive cringe tier combat

>that repetitive cringe tier combat

how was this game so universally liked?

Other urls found in this thread:

>cringe combat


>le get le BATTERIESTRADEMARKSYMBOL HER to charge le torch to expose le bad spiritz to shoot le rebolbah
>rinse and repeat the whole game

Looks and feels more pleasant to go through than any Uncharted, except maybe 2, and even then that's debatable.

I hate the word, but it's surprisingly comfy for a psychological thriller horror whatever game.

it was a good game. fuck off with your meme spouting retardation.

One of the worst games I've ever played. I really don't know.

Not a lot of games you played then.

Shut the fuck yoda. The game sucks. Get over it.

I'd love your opinion on good games then.

>that repetitive cringe tier combat

Idk ask witcher fans why they like those games. Same thing

>>le get le BATTERIESTRADEMARKSYMBOL HER to charge le torch to expose le bad spiritz to shoot le rebolbah

is this a real post or is this some level of meta that's lost on me because its fucking retarded

Jesus, you sound retarded.

The combat and 'exploration' was probably the best bits of the combat. Stop acting so reddit , you fucking idiot.

Great ideas put to waste.

People liked the potential of the game, not the execution. Combat was shit, stupid violin screech every time enemies spawned, they always spawned behind you and getting hit put enemies into a combo that was difficult to get out of. There was alot of the world you wanted to explore, but you knew enemies would auto spawn if you went exploring, totally ruined all the work they put into art.

so comfy yet so bad, what a wasted potential

I played this at lowest settings 30 fps desu sempai
had fun with it

what the fuck?

I also had fun on my blind run, particularly enjoyed how believable was the way that MC reacted to the twilight zone tier situations he found himself in, despite really hating the western approach, the shitty in-game horror stories which were cringe generic tier.

But on the subsequent playthrough the repetitiveness really shows. A lot.

I want to play through it again but the blacks are crushed pretty bad on the backwards compatible version. Almost dark gray.

>how was this game so universally liked?

It was a 360 exclusive for a year.

I've beat the shit thrice, twice on xbox and once on PC for the graphics. Combat is more repetitive than Oneechan Blue. Like Uncharted, it's a game where it's mediocre as fuck gameplay is just a filler submitted to the story, it's just there between this scene and the next one.

At least in SH2 you can run from most enemies, in AW you're forced to take em all down most of the time, because there's not much else to do either. Again, just like Uncharted.

You need the torch to make the ghosts vulnerable, then you shoot them with the revolver, the torch goes off, you have to pick more batteries, recharge the shit, and torch n shoot them some more. I wouldn't be surprised if these mongoloids watched that RE3.5 footage, saw that zombie with the hook and the light and they decided to make it the whole gimmick of the game.

Couldn't stomach this game either. I really wanted to, but between the combat being fucking tedious, and the game announcing every enemy in cutscenes while trying to be a horror game, I just couldn't be fucked to continue. I vehemently disagree with the design decisions here.

>criticizing alan wake
kek who gives shit about alan wake

I will admit tho, it aged better than I remember, visually.

well, half the thread obviously

just be glad you didn't reach the part where it switches to the dessert and there's tanks from left 4 dead

>"cringe tier combat"

What a retarded thread.

>You need the torch to make the ghosts vulnerable, then you shoot them with the revolver, the torch goes off, you have to pick more batteries, recharge the shit, and torch n shoot them some more.

So it's basically like any other game with shooting except that there's an extra step?

btw you don't have to use batteries.

That's a separate game.

>you will never spend a week with a gf on a lonely lake/sea shore cabin


Who is saying the gameplay is beyond mediocre, it is that - I agree. Alan Wake cannot be compared to SH2. Sure, it was influenced by it some ways. I feel the biggest weakness was tryhard being Stephen King. Stephen King is actually pretty poor outside of lit, it just isn't very interesting or scary in any other medium and they tried their hardest to hold to it. What it did well is pace, it moved you further out and the flashlight mechanic kept it interesting enough. I admit, i finished it when i had no other game to play. Ultimately, it felt playable but just poor experience overall. I didn't feel satisfied finishing it, but i felt relieved and impressed that i got through it.

If anyone is considering playing the game. Ask yourselves: "Have i played SH2?" if not, go play that instead. To this day it holds up as a great game.

Hey, at least the combat is better than Dark Souls.

If I had to give this game props for something, I'd be difficulty even on normal. I had to retry couple of (not a lot but a couple) parts more often than some of Dead Space on the hardest difficulty.

The shooting had a really great first impression in this game. That little effect you got when you "popped" the enemies with your light and the responsiveness of the guns was just great...

But not great enough to justify that being all you fucking do for the entire game.

Almost every single level in that game was identical and I got so bored.

>alan wake was supposed to be an open world game about investigating spooky shit going on in the town of bright falls and the surrounding wilds


>muh SH2


juss play deadly premonition user

Thank god they changed it.

Not that guy but OP here
I would love to if the damn game would fucking work on PC

>use gamepad
>game keeps auto-switching inventory items
>don't use gamepad
>have to come to terms with 80s text adventure tier controls


>how was this game so universally liked?
it wasn't. it's the most boring game i've ever finished

buy a controller user, kb+m isn't superior for every game

i promise you'll have fun

It also wasn't too bad, had good atmosphere, and the story was also good. Not just shooting everything also helps

Read again, I do have a controller
the game just refuses to work with it

>80s text adventure tier controls

You mean WASD?

sorry user i misread

that's a shame, it worked fine with my controller, what gamepad do you have?

oh right

Alan Wake is better than Silent Hill 2.

Of course

Using a ps2 dualshock with a usb adater thingy. It works fine but game keeps auto scrolling when in inventory rendering it unplayable. Tried rebinding, tried emulating the official x360 gamepad, everything. Nothing works. I know and expected the game to be borderline unplayable but that was too much.

Again, pretty purdy.

so a game introduced a mechanic that was never used before, and actually added to and fit the games aesthetic and atmosphere and youre complaining about it like a 12 year old


The issue is that it makes everything way worse combined with the other mechanics

>stumble upon the enemy
>all doors are magically locked
>cannot evade, cannot progress until you kill everyone thus rendering the doors magically """unlocked"""
>but wait, you also need to light the enemy up with the flashlight
>except the game always spawns enemies right behind you, no matter what
>instead of making combat challenging this just makes it super boring because you anticipate everything and have to go through all these stupid steps in order to just move to another area
>like all this wasn't obnoxious enough, game ANNOUNCES enemies every single time, in every single area by zooming in on them, rendering the actual enemies obsolete within any kind of horror context
>while doing all of the above, you also have to look for batteries and ammo for your shitty revolver
>btw flashlight is turned on all the damn time, it just seems to magically use itself up when you right click and stick your arm in front of you

I actually like the game, but that fucking objective marker was really pointless considering the linear maps. The game is best played with the HUD turned off.

Collect an item to make enemies vulnerable is original?

I don't know, I'd much rather take something simpler and far more effective on the enjoyment like the perfect active reload in gears of war.

Yeah, and all of this

Oh and lest we forget - every time you right click and go into aiming mode, flashlight depletes itself.

>it just seems to magically use itself up when you right click and stick your arm in front of you

Well yeah. Do you not realize that right-clicking makes the flashlight super-charged? That's the only time the battery drains. That's how the game works, and you're talking about it like it's a bug. It literally is magic; calling it magic isn't a criticism.

Except "using" the flashlight and aiming the gun is the same fucking key. Which is just a fucking gimmick when you simply the equation = gun is useless and has literally zero use throughout the entire game unless you use the flashlight with it.

This is the entire issue with the game, there is zero variation in combat and the way you tackle enemies. They all require the same process.

Was one of the 2 exclusive xfag games so of course they tried to meme it into being good

Been really quiet this gen though. Personally I think they're the ones doing all the falseflag threads baiting PC and Sonybros. Not much else they can talk about.

Never played it but I watched a playthrough years ago.

Did they ever clear up the "It's not a lake, it's an ocean." thing? It's still bugging me.

It's not really an aiming mode, though. It's the button for boosting the flashlight power. That's literally what it is. The manual calls it "boost flashlight", not "aim". The fact that there's no actual crosshair on the screen is a problem; I guess the developers figured that the flashlight beam was good enough because you'd usually shoot things immediately after hitting them with the flashlight anyway. And that's true, most of the time. However, if you turn on Direct Aiming (which you should fucking do if you're playing the PC version), the invisible crosshair will always be in the center of the screen and you should be able to hit things accurately without relying on the flashlight boost as a makeshift crosshair.

So it's a problem, but it's not really a problem if you use non-retarded controls and get good.

Keep the pleb life tight. Atleast attempt to play SH2 before talking shit.

There was supposed to be Alan Wake 2, but it never came. It's remained unresolved so far. American Nightmare does build upon it a little bit by showing that the horrors extend beyond that town and into the world at large.

Stop that


I liked the Mr Scratch scenes in the expansion

Beats me
The idea of a writer being haunted by the characters of his boks sounded cool, but all we got was "the dark presence"

>Did they ever clear up the "It's not a lake, it's an ocean." thing?

What's to clear up? "It's an ocean" is a just metaphor for the lake being more than just a lake. It's the portal to the alternate dimension where the dark presence lives, or something functionally equivalent to that. Alice didn't survive a week under the surface just by holding her breath, and the lake literally being an ocean wouldn't explain that either.

forgot this game existed, and i actually thought it was silent hill downpour when i saw the pics in this thread

I thought the combat itself was pretty good, there was just too much combat. Sometimes I just wanted to explore and take in the atmosphere but I couldn't go 5 seconds without being bombarded by enemies.

I never understood the game's story, what the fuck happened to Thomas? Who was mr Stratch? Did Alan died or something? And what was the purpose of the old singer guys?

>cringe tier

This is how youre ignored


Old singer guys are basically just a reference to Max Payne. They are voiced by the band Poets of the Fall who also appeared and did music for Max Payne.

IIRC, Mr Scratch was made by Thomas, but after Alan disappeared at the end of the first game the stories of his disappearance allowed Mr Scratch to ..create himself and plan to take Alans life from him.

Don't make it so obvious next time.

>Stop acting so reddit
>Stop acting so reddit
>defending this game
t. redditor

WHAT fucking exploration? It was all so linear, corridor-like. There were never any branching paths. What the fuck are you on about?

Well, that's fucking stupid, so Alan is forever trapped in the house and getting cucked by Mr. scratch, what happened to based Barry?
That's retarded, didnt they created songs about some light lady in the game?

>so Alan is forever trapped in the house and getting cucked by Mr. scratch,
No Alan killed him. He stopped Mr Scratch before he could reveal himself and take over his life. Thats what American Nightmare was about.
>what happened to based Barry?
He's trying to find his friend.

They should ban the word cringe from this board

Thanks, this game story was confusing, never played American Nightmare though, and what about the expansions?

>what the fuck happened to Thomas?

Wasn't he fucking dead decades before the game started? Who cares what happened to his ghost? I thought he died helping you fight evil bitch lady.

>Who was mr Stratch?

A video preview of the unreleased Alan Wake 2 explained that he was created from nasty tabloid rumors about Alan's bad attitude coming true, because of the power of the lake doing what it does to every other work of fiction.

>Did Alan died or something?

Why and how would he have died? We see him typing at the end. Typing is exactly how he got out of that shithole the first time he got stuck in it.

>And what was the purpose of the old singer guys?

It's implied that they helped Thomas Zane fight the dark presence.

>A video preview of the unreleased Alan Wake 2

Here's the source. Unfortunately, it's Polygon.

They should ban people who shitpost offtopic in threads with a very clear question/theme.

The bonus episodes are more of the same, but weirder. They don't expand the story much, because they take place in Alan's mind as he's stuck under the lake trying to write his way out of it.

American Nightmare has a completely retarded story, but the arcade mode is fun if you can get good. The combat is improved by the addition of several weapons.

Le epic Twin Peaks references so all the nu male journalists felt like they were "in" on the "throwback."

the combat for the most part was optional though

The game had like 3 references to Twin Peaks.

1) Rusty drinking coffee in the diner kind of looks like Agent Cooper, herp derp, and this is mentioned in the developer commentary.
2) The diner itself is loosely modeled after the one in Twin Peaks.
3) The Lamp Lady is like The Log Lady.

There's practically nothing else, unless the creators of Twin Peaks have a trademark on "the Pacific Northwest". I don't know why Twin Peaks gets mentioned so much in the context of this game. I guess it's because the developers said something about it while they were promoting the game, but really, the game is more inspired by horror tropes in general.

>Twin Peaks

Because the lead writer fucking said it was an influence.

>this thread

Can you really just run from all the enemies, though? They tend to catch up if you try, or at least the fast ones do.

People on Sup Forums like to meme about the game revealing enemies that come up behind you, but that happens only once per fight so that you don't get attacked from off-screen. (I'm sure Sup Forums would call this "artificial difficulty" and cry about it.) If you start running away during a fight, however, the game will not give you any more warnings about the enemies approaching from behind, and you'll often have no warning before you get hit.

So the last sentence of my post is correct? Okay, no need to get mad about it.

>wasting an entire battery on a single taken instead of just stunning them into the shadow realm
>focusing the flashlight
>changing batteries

>Can you really just run from all the enemies, though?
Apart from the forced boss fights, yes you can just run to the next checkpoint and avoid combat, it's even a useful tactic on the hardest difficulty where ammo is rare.

>enemies that come up behind you
I was turning around checking my back every few seconds so I didn't have that 'surprise' I guess. Some enemies will catch up to you but you can press dodge to avoid damage, the timing is very easy.

Never had a problem with running out of torch batteries either because you can just shine the light for a split second to stun the enemies, giving the battery plenty time to recharge.

this game looks fucking hilariosu

It's very decent. The game has straightforward everything, the story isn't hard to understand. Not the best and not what Alan Wake was idealised to be. It reminded me of a few older game's, perhaps because of its development date.
It's a middle aged guy with issues looking for his wife.

Really nice water

It was a stunner on the xbox, mainly looked ahead of the time because it ran on low resolution (576p) althought with nice multisampling.

Looked great visually, and had a small file size for the game itself.



People were pretty universally dissapointed about how it didn't feature a lot of the aspects that were shown and announced in early demos last time i checked.

Game was seen as ok or passable but in the end nothing really exciting or noteworthy. Combat was fine, but like you said the encounters were very repetitive and the levels incredibly linear. The very short bursts of openworld seemed like a salt in the wounds for people that expected the realtime openworld shenanigans early promotional material suggested.

The problem with the combat was that every enemy took the exact same amount of bullets to kill no mater where you shot.

3 for the normal enemies and 6 for the big dudes.

god it fucking sucked

Quantum Break didnt even have the visual or atmospheric charms and played like shit

It wasn't.

Alan Wake had a resurgence because it's regularly on sale for