Worse singleplayer FPS game in years. It gets boring after 30 minutes...

Worse singleplayer FPS game in years. It gets boring after 30 minutes, and doesn't get any better because every single level is exactly the same as the last one. Also, the music is bad.

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You had me going until the end

You're gonna need bigger bait.

The music is absolutely terrible. Try-hard whine metal that tries to force some atmosphere into a game that completely lacks it.

Nice bait or inexperienced opinion but why do you complain about a game that at least succeeded to a term in being a successor to its classic counter part? How about you give COD and Battlefield a run for their money? But I guess as it always is (OP is a faggot), you most likely like those effortless games.

You fuck liked I it.

Wow, so contrarian, so unique.

Who needs bait when over half of players get bored and give up on this yawnfest before they get to Hell?

>why do you complain about a game that at least succeeded to a term in being a successor to its classic counter part?
It is absolutely nothing like a classic Doom game, for a start. Classic Doom games were not arena shooters. Nu-Doom is an arena shooter. You walk down a boring corridor, and then the doors lock behind you and you dance around a boring, cookie-cutter arena as enemies teleport into said arena and you wonder what you're doing with your life. That's the entire game, and it gets even worse when you get to Hell, because the arenas are even more bland and generic and repetitive there.

I liked it.

I agree 100%, but just watch as consolikids come to bash ya.

get a taste. The music's fucking awful nu-age crap.

>The music's fucking awful nu-age crap.
And what's annoying is that Mick Gordon isn't a bad musician. This is just the worst thing he's ever done.

Try harder.

>don't like casual, overhyped console trash
>that means you must like the OTHER overhyped console trash!
Like poetry.

I didn't think it was as great as many people think it is, however it is far from the worst.

what's the point of your thread, OP

what is your reasoning

why are you this bored

You do realise it's a simple fact that very few people find Doom 2016 interesting enough to play more than an hour or two?

>what's the point of your thread, OP
Does pointing out that Doom is a pretty bad game need a reason?

>simple fact

*Citation needed*


It's clearly bait but you are right about the music, it's utter dogshit, completely unmemorable, in one ear out the other.

Modern metal music in general is dogshit anyways.

DOOM wasn't overhyped, before release Sup Forums hated it and called it shit. Get your facts right pleb, Sup Forums now at least respects it.

IIRC, it has 30% completion on PC, and 20% completion on consoles. PC fares a bit better.

On PC, only 82% complete the first mission, 51% give up before they get to Hell, and 28% finish the game.


He's right though, the level design and flow of the game is completely different than Doom 1/2/64, hell, even Doom 3. Level structure has more in common with Painkiller than Doom.

>I don't like thing

congrats. mission accomplished. We now know you don't like a game

now move along

I don't think liking or not liking a game has any bearing on the game being objectively not designed like a Doom game. Anyone who claims that it has taken Doom "back to its roots" is objectively retarded.

where the DOOM BOYS at

Why does brytal Doom seem btter?


You do realize that's completely normal for completion rates of games, right?


yeo, uh huh, here we go

why did I even respond

Literally every game, especially AAA games, ESPECIALLY on a game that was released on the same year, are like that, you dumb fuck.

Look up the stats on any game.

>You do realize that's completely normal for completion rates of games, right?
It's dramatically worse than stuff like Wolfenstein.

You can't say it is the worse FPS campaign in years when CoD: Black Ops 3 exists.

Pretty normal, man. CoD: Infinite Warfare has an achievement for completing the first mission and only 59.2% have it.


>DOOM wasn't overhyped,
yeah, and I live on moon.

>before release Sup Forums hated it and called it shit
Sup Forums = entire planet. People also totally focused on the shitty MP alpha, and ignored all the evidence of the shitty SP elements.

>Sup Forums now at least respects it.
that's because Sup Forums's overtaken by Zenimax shills, that love to take down and undermine any criticism towards the game, always recycling the same "arguments" ("u didn't play it" / "you played on easy" / "you're a Cod fag" / "you just can't make a game like DooM on modern graphics")

Is there a game like DOOM that throws a shit ton of enemies at you at once, but instead of guns it has swords and melee?

if youre going to make bait at least spell check it

But you're wrong, dead fucking wrong. D44M was the best SP fps in at least a decade.

MP is garbage, though.

Best design in game followed by Baron, Spider mastermind and Caco demons.

It's the very definition of "meh, it's okay".

It's worth a single playthrough at the least.

I found that once I had got all the collectables etc. there is literally zero replay value.

Multiplayer is trash and snap map is a fucking worthless excuse for "moddability" but yeah, whatever.

Better than Doom 3 but shit compared to Doom 1,2.

Then again, as far as the FPS genre goes it's the only good one to come out this year.

Unless you consider Dishonored 2 to be an FPS (which I don't) and I'm sure most of you faggots hate Dishonored anyway.

Literally the only people who aren't shills are those who agree with me.

>D44M was the best SP fps in at least a decade.
It becomes more and more apparent every day that this site's infested by Xbots and Sonyggers, and that they literally have no other shooters than fucking COD nowadays.

nu-Duum is generic AAA console trash even by this decade's standards, and you have shit taste.

>the ONLY good enemy design of the game

>Sup Forums = entire planet
People on YouTube also called out the game for the glory kills and looking slow.

shadow warrior and hard reset redux are the first two that came to mind

Keep being wrong, m8. I may prefer the original Doom over it but D44M is still one of the best fps' to come along since the genre went to shit.


The soundtracks are the weakest part from Doom 4, tho

Sure sure.

I'll admit not being a shill by listing off the shit I don't like:

>The first two levels
>Weapon upgrades being better than another
>Some lockdown arenas are annoying
>Samuel's office
>Snapmap instead of Modding when we could've had Snapmap AND modding.
>Cyberdemon redesign
>MP as a whole
>Arenas became a little samey by the end.

Everything else is fine.

>The worst
not even close, It's still pretty bad though


Mick Gordan's guitar work and distortions are pretty good.

I like it too. The music wasn't that good though. It's like the project lead told a musician to make "I don't know, something hardcore". They need someone who can really emulate Megadeth.

Too bad the songs all sound like shit and metal music as a whole has become shit since the 90's

Yeah, but apparently he was confused and thought he was doing the ost for a Quake game.

kill yourself

So were some of the design teams when they made the Cybermancubus and Hellrazers. Those scream Quake.

>Doom 5: Hell on Earth
>more levels like the Foundry
>more Hell levels
>return of Arachnotron, Pain Elemental, Arch-Vile, and Mother Demon
>return of the Unmaker

Your opinion is not widely shared and can safely be assumed to be the cause of a malfunctioning brain.

>NuDoom Icon of Sin.
>Hell guards as regular enemies.

Can't wait.

Don't forget
>Mod support in addition to snapmap that isn't bound to console restrictions on PC

>Also, the music is bad.
Stopped reading there


the what?

>>return of Arachnotron, Pain Elemental, Arch-Vile, and Mother Demon
Please no.

Does PC Nu-Doom have mods or is it just snap map?

I bet it's just snap map.

No modern vidya company is going to give it's users free reign to fuck with their IPs.

What would you do for their glory kills?

Secret, upgradeable weapon in Doom 64. After you acquire it, you can locate three hidden Demon Keys to power it up further.

Feel better?

No him, but I'd personally keep them. Promotes movement around the map for the player

>people like a game chock full of hit scan
sonyniggers i s2g

>secret levels
>new Glory Kills tied to specific guns

oh okay I know what it is I just didn't know it had an actual name. Isn't that basically what the Hell Shot is in DOOM MP?

I'm asking what glory kills on those enemies would be like.

It's never named in-game when you pick it up, just a message saying, "What the fuck is this?"

I have no idea what the Hellshot is since I never played MP.

Everyone on Sup Forums hates good games and loves shit games, it's always been like this. I don't understand how people even manage to get upset over threads like this.

what the actual fuck

Forgot to mention the name comes from the Doom Bible as it was supposed to be in the original Doom.

>Glory Kills
This dumb shit should have never made it into the final game

Its not perfect but calling it the worst is a huge stretch compared to some of the other garbage that came out this year like Homefront.

>This thread is going to get hundreds of responses because Sup Forums can't stop swallowing bait.

They're optional so quit bitching.

No they are baked into the design and balance of the levels and combat system (which is also piss poor btw)

They're the best way to get health though.

Literally the only think making it an M rated game.

Also, the shooting is so fucking boring they HAD to put in some SOOPER EDGY TERUM 2 PIECES mode.

Demons still drop health if they aren't glory killed and glory kills will get you killed on the higher difficulties.

music, optimization and decent graphics at times were only good thing doom has to offer

>System that promotes movement around the map along with getting close to danger as a risk vs. reward mechanic is bad

Come on man, we all hated it at first because it rightfully looked like shit in the initial showing (whoever was in charge of marketing Doom should be fired), but it didn't end up that bad

its better than doom 3 but that isnt saying much.


The animations are repetitive and interrupt the flow of the game, even if it lasts a few seconds. Blood has life essence that acts just like that without using an animation or taking control away.

This is the other reason and shows how poorly thought out the balancing is especially for nightmare
>risk vs. reward mechanic
It sounds good but literally only works on paper
the whole thing breaks down and becomes redundant on nightmare

It's like you don't understand what risk vs. reward means. In Ultra Nightmare, and maybe Nightmare too, never played that difficulty, your damage immunity is removed during Glory Kills. You have to be smart as to when you Glory Kill something and if you do it at the right time you get rewarded, otherwise you'll probably take a fireball to the back and die.

Because Life Essence replaces the traditional health pack system and it completely random when an enemy drops it.

As stated earlier glory kills are optional. There's still health packs in the levels as well as demons still dropping health when killed normally. Glory Kills take 1sec tops and there's even a rune that cuts that time by at least 50%.


*/le tip

>never played that difficulty
there is no reward on nightmare even the most basic enemies will kill you in 2 hits so what is the reward of gaining 5 hp from a glory kill when that itself can get you killed?
>your damage immunity is removed during Glory Kills
you are immune during the animation that also takes control away from the player, as soon as it finishes you can be hit
> You have to be smart as to when you Glory Kill
yeah like not doing them at all or only on the last enemy in the room
It's bad design frankly

How do you get triggered at absolutely nothing like this?

It boggles my fucking mind.

What part of my post triggered you SO much that you had to resort to current year man reddit shitposting?

Who hurt you user?

So what do you enjoy exactly? The gameplay in DOOM is more involved and mechanically focused than the majority of AAA FPS games. Whether or not you like it is subjective but thats a fact. Strafing patterns to avoid projectiles being shot in front of you, towards you, while demons chase, flank, and claw you, and you kill to regain health while searching for ammo/armor is sound game design and miles ahead of
>hitscan enemy does unavoidable damage
>take cover to avoid damage and regenerate health
>shoot enemy when he is out of cover
which is what a lot of FPS games amount to in recent years. Care to explain how its worse than that in a constructive manner or is that really all you have to say? If you don't like it then that's fine but your post has no criticism in it and saying its worse than all recent FPS games is such a hilarious exaggeration you're like a self parody of Sup Forums posts.

The levels also aren't the same, but i'm sure no matter what I say you will respond with a trivialization snarky one liner so I will go into detail. Each new weapon introduced changes the gameplay, each new enemy type changes the flow of combat, as they are slowly introduced the game keeps itself fresh. In addition to that combat is spaced with exploration and platforming. There are also levels entirely built around platforming, ones that blend platforming and combat, and ones that are entirely focused on exploration with minimal arenas.

Whether or not you like the music is subjective, no one can change your mind. However many people do like it and it's use in the game can't be argued against. A song will start very simple and repetitive, then as the combat ramps up with higher tier demons being used it progressively adds layers and layers to the song so your brain recognizes the combats getting more and more intense through the music and gameplay. It's good game design. How is it bad again?

Why there is no Doom-related bait meme

And no one claimed that when you made the thread, you made the initial statement. If someone else made the thread and claimed that it would be one thing but thats not what happened you retard. No one ITT has even said that at all, you're literally making up things to be mad about no one here said. Stop projecting so hard.

You know the game is positively received by the majority, people only make these threads based on the idea that they're different and it's attention grabbing to say so. I agree with this guy You don't like the game, congratulations. Move on. You're not changing any one's mind and by using words like "objectively" no one will change your mind either. So what is the point if all possible discussion is pointless and you react so hostile?


Im in love with the Baron of Hell and Pinky. They look exactly how they should but more menacing and demonic.

Yup, it sucks:

But the Arcade mode saves it.

I'm glad they kept the Hell Knight design from 3.