Should I get Project Diva X before Future Tone comes out in the west...

Should I get Project Diva X before Future Tone comes out in the west? I heard many complains but how is the core gameplay, do you still unlock songs by beating other songs first? Do you still have to beat them on Normal / Hard before you get to expert?

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There's a sort of free play mode where you can play all the songs right from the get go. You won't unlock modules though. It's a solid game.

You don't buy modules with diva points anymore?

Nope. You can only unlock them in that story mode. You play a song, nail the "Chance Segment", and you randomly unlock a module. Yes. You can get the same one twice.

Why would they change that? What was wrong with the way it was done before?

Songs are grouped into "worlds" and you play through each world in order to unlock the songs and progress to the next one. So you're playing through all your J-Pop songs, then all your cheery songs, and so on.

The worlds-mode is Easy and Normal only. You can free play songs on Easy through Expert, but it's just Easy/Normal for unlocking songs.

You only unlock new costumes in the worlds-mode, by completing a section of the song successfully. The outfit you unlocked is random, although it is an outfit for the starring character of the song. And since they are limited to worlds-mode, that means only on Easy or Normal modes.

I've not played the game but I've read up on how it works. Kind of strange but I'm still planning on picking it up.

I don't know. I've only ever played X and Future Tone. Future Tone gets all my attention.

Most of PDX's songs are not in Future Tone. It's alright, but for your money's worth, Future Tone blows it away.
In Future Tone, Easy/Normal/Hard are unlocked, beat a song on Hard to unlock Extreme. In PDX, only easy/normal are unlocked first.

Does all the songs in X take place on the stage? I'm yet to see one with an actual PV

Core gameplay is the same in free play and mostly the same in story mode. Main difference in story mode is that score is counted as 'voltage' which can be increased by using certain modules and accessories.
X also removes star links and W star notes and adds rush notes, where you get more points by pressing a certain button within a short frame of time.

>Does all the songs in X take place on the stage?

Yup. Although that Urotander song starts off off-stage.

>Why would they change that?
Probably to keep certain audiences (read: more casual) interested in the game for longer. Apparently some players just unlocked some songs, bought one outfit they liked with Diva points, then put down the game and forgot about it. I'm the kind of person who wanted to Perfect everything and buy all the stuff so that doesn't make too much sense to me, but I can see why that decision might be made.

Honestly, from what I've heard, the biggest problem with the changes were that the worlds were genre-specific (and limited to just one world at a time) and that the outfit unlocking was limited to playing songs in the worlds themselves. If they'd allowed for the Chance Segment in any song, even outside story mode and on the Hard/Extreme difficulties, then I don't think there would've been a problem. Also, mix up the songs for each world and/or give access to multiple worlds at once, so the player can pick which song they want to play at the time for progress.

That's kinda boring, feels like I'm playing lazy edits

When's Future Tones second DLC coming out? Wasn't it supposed to come out in december?

>Wasn't it supposed to come out in december?

I'm pretty sure that's when the Arcade version is updated. There hasn't been a release for the PS4 version.

The season pass was released though, I think they had a road map for when the DLC song packs were released aswell and FT was supposed to get one in december.

>After the release of Additional Music Pack 1st, an “Additional Music Pack 2nd” will be released in December

You're right. Haven't heard any news on that.

I hope it doesn't get pushed back because of the western release.

I've been playing through X recently after having dropped it back in September. It just feels like a downgrade from F and F2nd. Game expects you to play songs over and over to unlock modules, less songs, no actual PVs.
I still find it fun because its Miku, but if you can wait till Future Tone I would recommend that.
Also you only have to go through the worlds once on Easy or Normal to unlock extreme. Thats something I really appreciated. Though it'd be better if you didn't even have to touch Normal.

Future Tone gets a western release? What the fuck.

next month, where have you been?
Where were you when it got announced?

Took a break from Sup Forums until I beat the last guardian and FFXV obviously. Fuck this shithole when it comes to spoilers.

>getting the same module twice

>Forced to grind on slowass normal difficulty to get modules
>You have to grind one specific song if you want any modules for non-Mikus
>Even after all that you might just get a duplicate anyway

Ubisoft, take notes.

For no other reason than

I actually started restarting songs if I didn't get the module I wanted since the module drop isn't seeded. Crappy way to do things, but I wanted to expedite things and was getting tired of Ai Dee's modules not dropping.

Wait for Future Tone, it's fun. Most of the time.

X has a great song list but the game and the grind are both bad. Wait for Future Tone