How do we fix the disaster that is the story of FFXV?

How do we fix the disaster that is the story of FFXV?

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Make the main character Lightning

Did they fuck?

Nah, all he got cut off before he could stab it in her.

-don't kill off Luna who they were building up as a heroine for 9 chapters + entire movie

-include more background and side stories that you must do on top of the main quest

-more playable characters you find on the way

Someone add to this that's all I got, the character personalities and dialogue was fine and the world exploration was good. Also I still find the combat fun even though people are complaining about it. Final fantasy out of all games lack a story, Square surely fucked up somewhere

Throwing out most of the script and putting an inexperienced writer will do that

>Give more scenes and time to the secondary characters
>Make all the offscreen shit onscreen
>Either don't kill Luna or give her more scenes so we give a shit about her
>Either remove Prompto's reveal at the end of the game or make it more important

The story itself is okay, but they told the story like shit.



will they have any dlc/exspansions? does modern square even do that?

But FF7 remake :^)

Its a very bad sign if they do

modern everything does that please. They'll be DLC, whether Square decide to patch up there story or not is up to them. Expect more stuff like FF13 probably. Which I'm 100% okay with an FF15-2

Get them back to life so they can marry and live the rest of their lives as human beans. Do the same for Prompto and Cidney, give him a quest so he can go back to her, make her playable with a gun or some shit, combat is lousy anyway.

Sounds stupid, right? Except a good ending is getting more rare than bad ones.

They've already announced DLC since last year

don't play it

killing off luna was the only good thing they good

Its a story written and re-written by 4 different authors over the course of 10 years. We've seen this before; its proven a more protracted game development makes a worse in-game plot (Mass effect 3, MGS5, DNF).

sex scene.... lots of it

The ten years skip should not be a skip.
it should have been like FFVI where you play as somebody else, explore the world and regroup with the rest of the team.
Or play as each character individually till they 'have to go there to meet with others' kind of thing.

The open world elements should be well spread across all phase of the game.
It should be linear-open-linear-linear-open-linear-linear.

Luna gets in casual clothes and stowaways to Hammerhead or that other early game town. Guest party member, side quests and main quests developing her character and the relationship with Noctis

Ravus has a boss fight around this time and some scenes with him and Luna. Everything else stays the same.

Make loli luna the mc

Bro-trip should've just been its own spinoff game because it clashes too much with all the crazy shit

It's sad because you now what XV brings to the table and what Versus was going to be could've co-existed as two well-rounded games in their own right, but one was forced to feed on the corpse of another.

Side note, has anyone unlocked the Limit break yet?

Nothing. It's pretty good. Nice to see Squenix improve from the nonsense that was XIII and its sequels. I'd put XV abouton par with XII, which is also pretty decent, if flawed, and that's what I see XV as, decent, but flawed.

I was thinking of getting this.

Do you really just fucking hold a button down to attack in this game?

Have the models been imported into source filmmaker yet?


Don't buy the game, the combat is terrible and only AAA casuals think the combat is even passable.

I liked how much the happy road trip clashed with how depressing the rest of the game was. It gave it that much more of an impact imo

write a story.

cause the game has none.

Care free bro trip is the perfect lead up to the disaster that's to come. You're sent off, on a care free road trip to get married. Then you find out one morning you're dad is dead, the city has been taken over and you and your wife to be are reported dead.

The only real mistake is including the Kingsglaive cutscenes in awkward places. You get the cutscene of your dad dying before you actually find out for sure that your dad is dead. They never should have put those cutscenes in the game.

That's an actual issue with the game. Not the bro trip.

>dad is dead

>haha lets take some selfies

>hey noct lets go fishing!

so believable!

Pretty sure Episode Luna DLC is on its way. Those are polygons of Adult Noctis and Adult Luna together (also with her hair down). And the position of Noctis seems similar to scenes where they give you a dialogue option when talking to other characters. Or perhaps, it could be an alternate end where she survived or is saved.

That is worse than fucking Kingdom Hearts, which is just jumping and mashing x until the boss dies.

How are people possibly having fun with a game where you hold down a button?

There's no fix for this. People say MGSV has a lot of cut content, but XV is Cut Content: The Game. Tons of characters were just cut or have 30 seconds of screentime, everything happens offscreen, everything is so lazy and unpolished and shit.
Should've cancelled it in 2011, i don't even like Nomura that much, but he at least seemed to have a clear vision, should've actually made a trilogy over time, not even AAA Budget shit, could've looked like the PS3 trailers for all i care, at least i would've seen the whole story and all the characters and the bossfights etc.

No. You can attack or block simply by holding down the button, but you can't actually get by doing that for several reasons.

Let's talk about holding down the dodge button, first of all, it costs MP for each dodge. But, even more important, you have to actively tap the button to dodge certain attacks, to set up a parry. If you're just holding down the dodge button in that scenario you'll get hit, as the held down dodge button counts as hitting the button 'too early' and those gets you hit. There are several things done with the dodge mechanic that further complicate this, meaning you can't just hold down the button to auto dodge in real encounters.

The only time auto dodge really works is on mobs you've already out leveled, who pose no challenge (the auto attack on holding down the attack button has a similar issue). The holding down the button to 'auto' dodge or attack thing is more like an auto battle for easy encounters you don't want to deal with.

Battles more your level, or above, require more than your auto attack. It requires use of the warp system, the magic system, items and times or link or break attacks that just holding down the auto attack button gets in the way of. The system also benefits from weapon switching at select times in combat for a quick two-handed aoe attack, but quickly switching back to single target now that several mobs got knocked down from the big aoe attack you just did.

This isn't even getting into the summon system, or the magic system. Magic has you drawing elements from the environment, combining those elements into spells of different power, or even making combo spells, PLUS you can then add items from your inventory into the mix to further alter, empower and change or even add to spells.

For example you can make a fire aoe that resurrects your party members in its aoe by combining an aoe res item with fire, and even use lightning or ice to empower the spell further.

The brotrip is poorly done though. The amount of car rides where no one said shit is crazy to me. This is where skits would have been mega important. Even if they were option, at least I'd feel like characters were interacting.

Instead no one is saying shit. About anything.

how come noctis kept the same exact style of hair and dress for his entire lifetime

this shit is fake

Go fishing with your line below 50% durability to get all your talking needs. Skits are cool and all but when you hear the same shit over and over and over it loses its shine.

You have those skits though. And the characters shift around and mess around in the car at times. Yes, there are larger spans of silence, where these things don't happen, but they do happen. I'm about 50 hours in and still seeing new skits , animations and hearing new dialogues. There are large spans where they lack, but it seems to be because of some internal system that spreads them out so you don't see them all in the first ten hours of gameplay.

That seems less bad.

I guess I need to try this out

There're so few attacks that are unblockable that they might as well not exists, even in high level dungeons using tempest or OP magic works just fine or parry fishing. It's far from complitcated, you can just make it more complicatred than it needs to be. The combat system itself is overall really unpolished and unbalanced though, especially because most bosses don't even have good movesets or stagger. The Aranea and Ravus fight were the wrost contenders, literally damage sponges that don't give a shit about your hits

The game is so lazy in so many places, aside from obvious cut content, characters and story, there're so many PS2 tier animations, so many fades to black because they didn't even want to animate you pushing a button or turning a valve or opening doors etc.

Even common mobs have abilities that need to tap parry, where simply holding it down will dodge the attack but a tap dodge allows you to actively parry them and perform a large hit. Outside of low level mobs you don't want to deal with, holding down is always a worse option than a tap to gain a parry.

No it isn't. Every parry works perfectly fine with holding square and then following up with O

If you're just holding it down, it registers as an early dodge and you just dodge. You have to actually tap to get the parry.


I don't think you understand that FF13 is decent. FF12 was an incomplete offline MMO.

>FF13 is decent

FXIII wasn't decent. Stop pushing this meme god damnit.

I didn't even like XII but saying it was incomplete is beyond retarded.

Exactly, FF13 is decent. Glad you agree with me.

By not buying this piece of disaster FF15 is.

Surely will send a message to bankrupt Sqaure

This is incorrect. I've held down dodge seconds in advance when the prompt appears and still parried. It could be that you are dodging a different mob attacking you instead of the one you are trying to parry thus leading to your incorrect belief.

No you fucking don't. I played through every dungeon in the game and parrying always works by holding, that's the whole premise of the combat system

Square's been dead for a long time now buddy. It's square-enix.

Just let it die already, they should've cancelled it or actually worked on it for longer alongside an actual FFXV

Why is everybody complaining about them not talking in the car, seriously have you ever driven with bro's before , mostly you talk about a minute or 4 and then half of the car goes to sleep or some shit, honestly them talking every five seconds would feel forced and the only people who actually do that are grandparents who hate silence and just spout random things like hey look at that car in front of us user.
Honestly its ok like this. Just fast travel or make something to eat while their driving, I honestly just saw it as a loading screen.

Put Lightning in it

FF13 is decent. Okay story, mostly good characters, good combat system, familiar gameplay.

FF12 is incomplete. Just look at the list of things that had to be put in there for the IZJS.

Luna is bland and has useless powers.

The combat looks cool desu and Noctis swings swords so fucking quick that holding a button is the only way to be efficient in battle. Yeah you could tap it but you'd get tired of it quicker than you'd think

Have more exploration of Ignis, Gladiolus and Prompto.

DLC Set before FFXV Where Aranea meets Nyx, Crowe, and Libertus, and leads into taking place after FFXV, following Aranea after FFXV's conclusion.