Why does Sup Forums hate this game?
>Fantastic graphics
>Levels set all over the world
>Day stages were super fun
>While the night stages were worse, the soundtrack was kickass
If you think this game is irredeemably bad, you're a faggot. Flawed, yes, but still enjoyable.
Sonic Unleashed
Sup Forums hates any game that isn't rampant with memes, or made before 2000
It's pretty good
Honestly if the werehog combat was done by Platinum or whatever they were at the time it would probably be a pretty perfect game.
Unleashedfag, get married before you become a Christmas Cake.
It would still be hated by fans of the series because it's not "regular sonic"
Just play The Unleashed Project. No reason to play the original anymore.
>Generations engine
>4K 60 FPS
>Better drifting
>No Werehog
>No levels locked behind Medals
>Other, smaller mods allow you to play as Shadow, Blaze, whomever.
There are no good Sonic games
Nice bait, faggot
The gameplay was mediocre, Spagonia Day was the only fun stage in the game.
However, I do believe this game has one of the best soundtracks in any video game.
it was unfortunately a very average game that came at a time when people were wanting an apology for sonic 06
because its a retarded concept
and it only pandered to furry fags and the craze for werewolves at the time.
wanna make this game slightly more enjoyable?
replace the whole werehog thing with knuckles
and make Sonic & kunckles 2.
There the game is now GOOD.
Sega and Sonic team are fucking retarded. i swear to god.
Gameplay sucked dick
Cringeworthy story
A companion somehow more annoying than Omochao
Music is overhyped and ultimately meh
Colors was better, Generations was better, there's no reason to play Unleashed unless you're a spastic desperate for more blue hedgehog action
Unleashed still has better lighting, shaders and overall art direction than Generations. Resolution doesn't make up for that.
Would the game be better if it was a Sonic/Shadow team up game with Sonic covering daytime speed stages and Shadow covering nighttime combat/stealth stages?
>Music is overhyped and ultimately meh
Fuck you you tasteless fuck.
>overall art direction
Yeah, no. Unleashed was still made during that 06 phase of Sonic Team where they were obsessed with putting Sonic in the real world. Even though Unleashed was cartoony, the locales are still boring cities and realistic areas. Sonic levels are much better when they're super colorful and abstract.
Day levels are great, medals shit and insanely long night levels ruin the game
Replaying the game just doing the day stage is pretty fun but replaying sonic 2006 just doing the stages is also fun
>wahhh wahhh he's not on the bandwagon wahhhhhh
It's a good game and I can look past the werehog but you have to wonder what they were thinking including that gimmick when 06 was the last game out at the time. You'd think they'd be playing it extremely safe.
Because SEGA are morons that think the people that play their games would be bored with only regular Sonic levels
No. Fuck Shadow. Retcon him out of the games, pretend he never existed, I don't care, just get him out of my sight. What a shitty character.
>Why does Sup Forums hate this game?
The medal system
Because the time you actually spend playing the fun daytime stages is considerably shorter than the time you spend playing the shitty parts that no one likes. It's just not worth it.
Worst part is that they added the night levels because people would ignore the game for being too short
Maybe if they tried making more day stages then they wouldn't have that problem. Fucking Sonic Team. They prioritise releasing a game early over making a quality one. The same thing happened with Sonic 06.
I know. They do that bullshit with every game since Sonic went 3D. Even Generations has those shitty missions that you have to do to progress. But they went way overboard with Unleashed and it ended up taking up way too much of the game.
Stupid gimmicks that no one wanted ruined 3D sonic. The day stages are the absolute pinnacle of 3D sonic though, if they can replicate those in a new game with no lame gimmick that would probably actually be good.