Whacha going to do on Christmas?

Whacha going to do on Christmas?

Your fat butt. I'm gonna stuff it full of cum and watch you squeeze it out like you're icing a cake

>tfw OP wont reply

Probably play Minecraft with my little sister.

Drink copious amounts of alcohol and suck my gf's dick.

Which pony did you crop out this time, Barney? We all know it's you.

You fucking missed a spot, OP


I wanna fuck that Link.

open shit with senpai
go to more senpai's house and open more shit
drink as much as possible

Jerk off and play vidya.

Me too

Merry Christmas user

>suck my gf's dick.

Watch my family fall apart.

Hang with family mostly. Feels like a waste to play games during the day. I do love playing new games Christmas night after everyone is asleep though. Max /comfy/

kuroneko pls

>wake up
>walk to the living room
>open christmas presents with my family
>relax the rest of the day
>drive to extended family and have Christmas with them (I get two Christmases)
>drink at their house
>get a strong buzz/drunk
>go home
>Play vidya

Usually how it goes

Contemplate suicide

>Driving drunk

I hope you die alone in your car.

I meant to say drive WITH family to other families house. I would never EVER fuck you ill drive drunk if I want to faggot

I hope you don't die alone in your car.

I hope you get in a serious accident that causes an entire family to die while you are completely unharmed so that the guilt eats away at you for the rest of your life until you eventually kill yourself.

Spend time with my family, I also got me and my brothers tickets to goto Chiba,Japan in January. Also got my momma a Pac-Man figure and a new purse. Getting my Aunt a Ps4 with Skylanders then getting her Crash.

Shit, I forgot they still filter f a m

probably sit in my room and get drunk and high wallowing in self-pity

not in a feel bad for me way but why change my daily routine way

Don't worry, it's ok

>not driving drunk with the rest of your drunk family

I'm a good driver though user. I have never in my life gotten a ticket.

My aunt just died. We're all gonna get to my uncle's house to try and cheer him up, hopefully. I have no idea what kind of present I should buy.

>hoping innocent people die so that some faggot online you don't know gets what you deem right


Try sucking your uncles's dick. That should cheer him up

Get him a year of Tinder unlimited swipes/messages

I'm Jewish :(

I actually agree with you. Not about the family dying, but the drunk driver dying. People that drive drunk are sub-human garbage. I still think that the punishment for drunk driving is too lenient.

After all this time and the millions of deaths caused by drunk driving, EVERYONE knows you're risking the lives of everyone around you doing so I don't care how "good of a driver you are". If you're caught drunk driving you should have your license revoked for life, your car confiscated and banned from buying another, and anyone that lets you borrow or drive their car should suffer serious legal consequences up and including the same restrictions.


Something about this though, a lot of people and i mean A LOT are hypocritical about this. There is only a very small portion of people with licenses that never drove over the tolerated limit of alcohol.

Were I live it's 0.08ml/l of blood. That's like 2-3 beers within an hour.
Tons of people drive under the influence during Christmas times and those are the same people who would like to see people with DUI's at the end of a rope.

I fucking hate people anyway.