Are you excited, or at least hopeful?
Are you excited, or at least hopeful?
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I am, actually. The core Insomniac team that's working on it have just come off Sunset Overdrive and R&C '16, both of which were really good (Well, SSO's writing-aside).
How's that submarine Metroidvania, speaking of which?
It might be fun, but I doubt it's going to be as good as the trailer makes it out to be.
I dont see this being better than Spider-Man 2 or even Ultimate Spider-Man desu
Stopped caring once Insomniac was revealed as the dev. This drought in capeshit is the perfect time to move away from Bamham """"gameplay"""" and try something new and people would be more receptive, but they don't have what it takes. Here's hoping for the Homecoming game to have a better fate, as unlikely as it may be.
With how Sunset Overdrive played I'm hopeful for the game. Let's just hope it's not the same writers.
heres what ill do, ill wait til it comes out and if its good ill buy a PS4 Pro. then maybe get some other games for it like the last of us 2 and red dead 2. but it has to be good, i mean like batman arkham good. if not then i get nothing.
Very hopeful. Its supposed to be one of the exclusives that will entice me to buy a PS4.
>I dont see this being better than Spider-Man 2 or even Ultimate Spider-Man desu
Those 2 games only got good web swinging right, Insomniac can easily nail the movement and can add better story and missions on top of it
Why did they use such a shitty looking costume?
If the movement feels good and feels like youre actually swinging itll be my GOTY
>Moon swinging
Its actually (You), user.
Cautious optimism has served me well since 2013.
I save hype for when I'm actually playing games and hype things happen.
Fun, but literally no postgame kills it.
>rented the PS2 version thinking it would be the same
I remember one of the moral choices being whether you tip a cab driver all of your money, the regular fee, or nothing.
That's hilarious.
>>Moon swinging
What's wrong with this?
That's like saying
>dude with superpowers
it will run at 20-30 fps anyway.
its not like it would run any higher on my current machine if it was on PC...
Dumb phoneposter.
Moon swinging is a type of web swinging where your web attatches to "the moon" and you just fly around. Spiderman 2, 3 and a few others had physics based swinging that would latch to walls.
Its also been shown to just be quicktime events so far.
Pretty excited.
I like most of Insomniac's work.
is it on pc?
if not, then no
I'm not getting the least bit hyped til I see how the webslinging works.
Kill yourself retard
in my defense... have you seen the graphics? the level of detail on his costume? looks amazing.
I'm pretty excited aince I haven't played a Spiderman game in a while.
Hopefully it's fully of exploration
That costume looks like garbage
I'm kinda excited. Wonder which villains will be in
I didn't ask what it is, I asked what's wrong with it.
Go fuck yourself, with your own sanctimonious prick.
Mister Negative
Reading your post Really caused my neural cells to depolarize by opening gated channels in the membrane and passively diffusing potassium ions out of the cytoplasm down its concentration gradient leading to a sequence of action potentials to stimulate in accord with long term potentiation pathways developed through the release of seratonin at key moments of sensory input while also really fires up my electric pulse that travels down the axon until it reaches the synapses, where it then causes the release of neurotransmitters. The synapses are extremely close to the dendrites of the target neuron. This allows the neurotransmitters to diffuse across the intervening space and fit into the receptors that are located on the target neuron. This causes some action to take place in that neuron that will either decrease or increase the membrane potential of the neuron. If it increases the membrane potential (makes it more positive, or depolarizes it.) then it is exciting the neuron, and if it decreases the membrane potential (makes it more negative, or hyper-polarizes it.) then it is inhibiting the neuron. If it causes the membrane potential to pass the firing threshold then it will activate an action potential in the target neuron and send it down its axon.
>looks amazing
>in trailers
get out shill reee
>average sonygger
definitely looks good but there's a 99% chance that's a bullshot.
I don't even own a PS4 and I'm
>implying it didnt look amazing. yes, even if its just a trailer. moron.
Your reply was unclear and I explained that Moon Swinging is lazy.
No more (You)s for you.
>realism over fun
This is autism mate
Dude it's a trailer. How many more times will you eat up a bullshot before you finally wake up?
Look at FFXV at the TGS 2013 and look at it now.
Sort of, I don't own a PS4 but a Spider-Man game by insomniac sounds interesting. I just wish they'd remove the white spider, it looks fucking awful.
ok... you dont seem to understand that at this point i am judging the trailer and only the trailer. it looked great. you want me to repeat? i saw the trailer and thought it looked good.
No it wasn't. It was saying that it's not even a realistic proposition in the first place.
You didn't explain that it was lazy, just what it is. Which I never asked about.
why isnt sucker punch making it?
>trailer is the game
get the fuck out.
After Rachel and Clank I am very excited.
Im optimistic, but they really need to give us SOMETHING to hold us over. Basically there are 4 big deciding factors that determine a good Spider Man game
>Villain Roster
Kind of a no brainer, but the wider the cast the better. This game has the benefit of not being tied to a movie so they have some room to work. Mister Negative is already confirmed, but I hope to see some familiar faces
Hopefully not a pinball nightmare where you get motion sickness from the camera. Lock on can also fuck with this
>Side Missions/Activities
Random crimes can be fun, but they risk being cookie cutter and too frequent. Web of Shadows had drive bys every 5 secs. Then of course you have your web races and collectathons, which can go either way
I cant stress this enough, if we move around NY like shit, the game is automatically shit. Skyswinging feels like a cop-out, and the QTE parkour stuff in ASM didnt feel right. If Insomniac can pull this off, theyre off to a good start.
That said, what characters are you hoping to see the most? I really want this to be the next Arkham style hit
>looked good
>in the trailer
Here it is again everybody. The 20 second memorized speech.
Nah joking m8. I know.
Its 3am and i cant sleep so im shitposting. Whay do you think about my mask?
>implying games cant look this good nowadays anyway.
Not what I indicated at all.
I pegged you right when I called shill.
Wait, no I didn't. You're dumb enough to DO IT FOR FREE
did you fuck your mom yet?
I hope cause they are working on another infamous or a new IP
>All that hype around the Paper Trail ARG
>Get a fucking jacket at the end
I swear to god if we don't get some sickass paper powers in the next Infamous
frankly son i dont give two shits about what you think at this point.
me likey
Do you get to play as SPIDER-MAD?
ah that's pretty cool
I'm confident in Insomniac. I know you guys didn't play Sunset Overdrive because of
>muh reddit
and the fact that it's an exclusive, but the movement in that game was amazing.
>new Spider-Man game
It's not like the 3D ones are awful or anything, but this'll definitely be leagues ahead of 2
Anyone else think Web of Shadows was a tad underrated? Sure the voice acting was shit, but it had some good ideas
Pretty good, but I encountered a game breaking glitch, so I never finished it.
Boy I sure hope it has QTEs!
If you look past the story and voice acting, it had the best free-roam gameplay since Spider-man 2 in my opinion.
I'm not anything until I find out whether the game uses moonswinging or an actually good movement system.