What are the chances of there being a Mech game renaissance in the near future...

What are the chances of there being a Mech game renaissance in the near future? I mean Xenoblade Chronicles X was a success and we are getting two battletech games in the near future.

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It wont happen. We might get a new Armored Core that will be popular for a bit but that's not really a mech game it's just a TPS that looks like one. There's not really an audience for a good western mech game like MW anymore and if one was made it'd be some kickstarter shit that never gains any mainstream traction.

Is Mechwarrior Online still shit?


Post vidya Mecha.



>Xenoblade Chronicles X

Not a mech game.

it still hurts.

I know you people like your fugly chicken walker mechs but come on


We have community made games. I don't see big devs making any good ones.

Probably not. Hopefully Mechwarrior 5 is good, but regardless if it is or not, it's likely all we're getting.

l love both weeb mechs and fugly chicken walker mechs.
both have a charm of its own.

the appeal of western mech games is that they are a slower, more strategical fps. this does not appeal to casuals, and allows good players to easily and consistently shit on bad players. in faster paced fps (aka low TTK), a bad player can still get frags semi-often by accidentally flanking or otherwise surprising another player, as with a low TTK the fight will be over the moment it begins. this does not hold true for a slow pased fps, as while a flank will be beneficial it will likely not singlehandedly determine the outcome of the fight.

TL:DR Western mech games as we imagine them don't and can't appeal to casuals. the only hope for the genre is a re-imagining of what a western mech can be so that the game is more rewarding to players who are unskilled

When we have really good VR and a controller along the lines of Steel Battalion that can be used for multiple games.
read: never

I'm gonna go out on a limb and say I'm extremely doubtful the fate of the entire mecha genre hinged on the success of a game as mediocre as XCX.

MW5 is going to be a Mercenaries type game, isn't it? I know that MW2:Mercs is the most highly regarded game in the franchise but I really didn't like it. Randomly generated missions are awful.

>the appeal of western mech games is that they are a slower, more strategical fps


>every server disables temperature and enables infinite jumpjet
>every match becomes flying assault mech alpha strike battles

casuals will find a way to ruin everything

Im pretty excited only just saw the trailer to MW5 today, pretty happy they are going single player just hoping they have a progressive story to go along with it

MW4: Mercs is better. MW5 is literally titled Mechwarrior 5: Mercenaries

Keep in mind the abortion that is MWO originally started as MW5. I'm not counting on anything until the damn thing is actually released.

Shit taste

Mechwarrior was a mistake

Might be a pipe dream, but i'm hoping Hi-Rez could do something with the EarthSiege ip.

Anime was a mistake, fuck your giant samurai

Mechcommander 3 by the Wargame or Company of Heroes devs when?