first 2 minutes shows new gameplay video of kickstarted dreamcast/ouya RPG elysian shadows!!!
first 2 minutes shows new gameplay video of kickstarted dreamcast/ouya RPG elysian shadows!!!
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His meltdown still makes me kek
God damn that looks like shit
Undertale was made in a little under 2 years and will be more respected than this piece of shit game
and like this game, undertale is also shit
More facebook meltdowns for you
That "shit" made $185,322 on kickstarter, what the fuck have you accomplished you circle jerking little bitch?
Can't believe this shitty game even got funding to begin with
hes literally making a dreamcast game, for some unbeknownst reason
I don't remember Dreamcast games looking like a shitty flash RPG
>you will never take $10,000 from a fan under the guise of paying off loans after your kickstarter but turn around and use it for hair transplants
>"haha guuuuuuys. i'm eating beans. out of a can. i'm so fucking poor!"
>macbook pro
>overpriced water
>ayn rand tshirt
this guy is a walking fucking meme
When someone says they will verbally annihilate you on a Facebook post during a confrontation in real life....you know they have lost touch with reality. I know a person who Facebook rages exactly like this and he too is making shitty mobile games.
He needs to fix up those character sprites.
Why make a game when you can be a rapist?
They got a new musician, RIP this one:
1:45 is the best part
>pic related
sums up this (((game)))
Why do we get news on this shit and not Anonymous Agony
Fuck you Sup Forums losers, you'll never make a game like me
t. Falco Girgis
I feel like this guy's facial proportions came straight out of Road Rash '95
Daily reminder that even when they won $150000 from the Ouya contest, and even when Razer will respect that contest and they will pay that money to Falco, they can't claim it because Razer demands a playable demo and after these 3 years they still have nothing to show
That literally looks like a RPG Maker game. Is he for fucking real? I can make the same shit for free
They already had 185322 not to mention preorders and whatever else
150000 will change nothing for them either way
how do you know they dont have a playable demo? they showed some dialog and walking and shit in the new aigd chapter, that might count as demo
That's a pretty crappy hairline for a transplant. He really needs further work.
Yikes. Falco if you're here I'm willing to make an RPGmaker demo for 5k. I'll get it done in a week.
Ive seen the games /aco/ cranks out with RPG makers, and they look better than......whatever this is.
That's a fucking tech demo, not a playable one. They don't even have a combat system. Two videos ago they were still talking about implementing classes.
Holy shit nigga I just noticed those character shadows bahahahaha
Any info about how far along in development they are? You seem to know, how much of the game is done do you think? I dont want to watch those fucking aigd things
Every time I think of kickstarter games, I further believe Shovel Knight was a damn fluke. Heres hoping Yooka Laylee gives us another winner
Looks like they ran out of budget before the last step in some pixel art tutorial.
Isn't this the guy who got a fungal infection in his ass?
damn chrono trigger is a good looking game
It looks like poorly drawn sprites done in MSPaint for fucks sake. What pisses me off more is that retards actually gave him money for it. Hell even the premade assets are a million fucking times better than this
The good one is that they're advancing faster now that they have a proper sound designer, and the guy who worked on the game play got fired for being incompetent.
The bad one is that the graphic designer had to go back to Europe and he was so fucking slow anyways. Falco, while a good programmer, he is a try hard who wants to make a super complex game engine that he will not use its full potential anyways.
Did you saw the short game play video? Have you noticed there is a lack of lighting and shadows? That is because they're stuck in that regard, which was their main selling point. Also, for some retarded reason Falco is working on the Dreamcast controller and its save adapter.
In short: they're still working on the engine, the are still talking about the game play, I bet they have an idea about the plot and some segments of the game, but they haven't worked on that yet, because the engine should be completed first.
pixel artists that are good don't come cheap
I would say they probably budgeted too much of their budget into other portions of the game and not into sprite work.
One of the failings of crowd funding is when the devs don't clearly outline where the money is going to be split into during development for the crowdfunders to see.
Didn't they say before even the kickstarter that "the engine is done"?
So how is anyone supposed to play this thing? (on the off chance someone would waste time doing so)
On the Ouya you jigger
looks good to me
just needs shading
They stopped using shading because Falco is so fixated on using a lighting engine for it. If he just dropped that shit and used fixed drawn lighting, it would look better.
This game has been in development for 10 years, how much longer will it take?
They only have one guy I charge of the art, Patrick. They don't have any better.
What? They have been tweaking that shit during every AGD video. They are still trying to make it compile a successful iOS build, and they have show zero Ouya/Razer gameplay. Not to mention the boom lighting and shadows are still incomplete.
Falco is a failed perfectionist. He will never finish it because he can't stop and he doesn't have discipline. Remember that while the kickstarter was 2 years ago, they have been working on this for more than ten years (they have been learning how to develop games on the way, which is kinda a valid excuse).
I could forgive it as passable if the developer wasn't a massive piece of shit.
Not a valid excuse when you can use fucking Unity
why even work on the dreamcast shit, like... what actual percentage of their fans intend to primarily play on a dead platform?
just a hipster way of saying its on the play store
Falco is trying to make its own Unity, that he will share it for free so that everyone can make better games than his, and compile them for PC/Mac/Ouya/Dreamcast.
Technically, he can't use Unity or RPG maker because the platform compatibility and the need of real lighting/shadows over 2D sprites. But yes, we can say he made his own bed.
Falco is a Sega fan, and he would have made the game for Genesis if it wasn't because the limitations of the console. The Dreamcast port is not to please the consumers, but for him.
He doesn't have the right to do dumb shit to please himself when he's taken hundreds of thousands of dollars and is a year late already. Given the lack of anything they have, they should just drop their own shit and use unity, i bet that would speed their process up
He can't, because he also promised to deliver the engine.
This project wasn't just about the game per-se, it is about the whole framework to make games. Too ambitious for a small team of one programmer.
Also, even if he decide to use Unity or RPG Maker, his team sucks. He is a competent programmer, and he knows about Game Theory, but both the art designer and the sound designer are lame and uninspired.
Shouldn't the bridge be longer here?
Holy fuck, can't unsee, what a piece of shit
What was that shit about child paedophilia at 6mins?
Shitty PHP web devel here with low-to-average C# skills/knowledge and some notions of directx stuff.
I'm pretty confident I might be able to pull out something much better than this shit in a few weeks if I wasn't that lazy.
Is falco /ourguy/?
is that rpg maker?
what is making this game so popular or WORTH that kind of money?
I'm sorry, this is a genesis game
I remember Skies of Arcadia, it sure as shit didn't look like that
It looks like a shittier Pier Solar and that game wasn't very good to begin with.
holy shit
i can make a better game with basic RPGmaker 95 tilesets and i haven't used it in almost 20 years!!!!!!
why is he cussing so much? how big is his swear jar?
Why the fuck would you tell people that
don't know if you noticed, but Falco isn't the sharpest crayon in the box.
this image always bothered me, because "yamete" isn't demanding or ordering the person to stop like screaming "stop!!!" would imply in English. "Yamete" is more like asking the person to stop.
Image should be "yamero."
literally and figuratively who
>tfw file 2 never
>we'll never know who the Patriots are or what they had to do with anything
>kickstarted dreamcast/ouya RPG
>PHP web dev with low-to-average skills
How hard is it to actually get a shitty webdev job?
Jesus christ it looks like some kind of flash game from 2002.
Same publisher
Dreadout raised 29,000 USD to fund its development. This is a game that cost 6 times less. Their project was launched in 2013, and was released in 2014.
Elysian Shadows started in 2014, and has a projected release date of 2017. Who knows if they'd hit that.
What's hilarious is that someone already did the same fucking thing and a thousand times better. Pier Solar was a critically acclaimed indie RPG that got physical releases for the Genesis and Dreamcast, as well as a digital release on all major modern consoles, AND had a gimmick that let you use the Mega CD with the included soundtrack to get CD quality music while playing the Genesis version.
There are Gameboy games that look better than this.
The kickstarter launched in 2014, the game started sometime between 2004-2007.
Pretty sure some other user said it was all stolen assets. Shit stolen from RPG maker, gba games, free shit, etc.
The entire project is just a scam. The guys have no talent at all. They just raised money to coast on free money for a few years and put out some low effort trash.
for what purpose
They used Indigogo actually. But that's fine. Dreadout is obviously a passion project and they invested years in it. They're real developers, and they should get more support.
These guys? Total hack conmen. Fuck em.
Ouya was a meme console at the time. And a modern Dreamcast game is fine. It's been done. This is just a shity project.
Actually a new 3D Dreamcast game would be really interesting.
I was talking about Elysian Shadows as far as the 2004-2007 goes Dreadout is cool
Just a thought.
This guy brought attention to his project via his outlandish dudebro personality. How many other projects are just as big failures or scams but we don't pay attention to them because they don't have a cokehead rapist running the project?
>I was talking about Elysian Shadows as far as the 2004-2007
Oh my god, are you fucking serious? How is this even posible? HOW!?
Earliest forum post by falco on his forums was 2004 I believe
Earliest aigd as 2007 but that was AFTER they had already started the project.
So this game has been in development for roughly 12 years, and they've been working full time on it for 2 of those
Since its clear they will never finish it makes me wonder what the fallout of failure will be. will they run or try to repay backers?
We all know they won't launch in 2017. They still don't have any gameplay.
It sounds like mismanagement and talentless hacks and a con. They are dragging their feet and they will release something but only when they money runs out. They're just living on the kickstarter donations for the last 2 years. They probably have other sources of revenue too.
How hard is this? A jrpg is just some numbers and minimal animations. This is like fucking famicom level complexity.
>for some unbeknownst reason
To put the hip back in hipster, probably.
I don't mind it.
Pathetic. Get over yourself.
Is there a form of such that involves wanting to have sex with other adults? Otherwise I don't understand the redundancy.