Have you ever been beaten by a girl, Sup Forums?
Have you ever been beaten by a girl, Sup Forums?
Which cat is the most fuckable?
Not to my knowledge. Could have happened in an online game, I guess.
Yup. Got kinda pissed about it too, but she was actually a hardcore gamer and a good friend, so it was cool
My ex girlfriend always beat me at fighting games. I'm not competitive or anything, and she seemed to have a natural talent for them.
Never in real-life, they've all been easy easy opponents regardless of the game.
Is your ex girlfriends gamertag Gilty?
I always play against people that I know are at my skill or higher, so it's usually me losing over half the time
Have you ever not shitposted?
In Grade 8 I got beat by this girl and her friends after they dragged me into the girls' bathroom.
I'm a guy.
>that girl I know who is just a wannabe "uuuh guyzzz I love Big Bang Theory I'm so a neeeerd"
>one of his friendzoned friend gave her a ps1
>she plays Crash Team Racing daily
>at a party, challenge me to a race
>fug I didn't play for years
>she kicked my ass
did you bang
years ago
>having such shit reaction times, reflexes, spacial awareness etc. to lose to a woman
you dropped this
Fuck you asshole. When the recount proves Hillary won you're gonna be eating shit like you deserve
I played my sister at all types of vidya growing up.
Evil Zone
Battle Arena Toushiden
Bloody Roar
Some other racing game with loads o f different characters, there was a guy who drove a magic carpet, had a turban and could hover, there was a giant summon guy, you could slap people so you got ahead, i forgot the name...
So yeah, of course.
thats kinda hot
did they make you lick their shoes?
can I play your sister ?
good job mang
10 years ago
Yeah a couple of my cousins and my sister beat me every so often.
at least you got some
black cats a best
Mario Kart with my sister. Even after picking up 8 after not playing Double Dash for years, she has consistently rekt me.
The only time it happened was with a couple of friends at some arcade place a few years back.
>She wanted to play a racing game and we all humored her.
>It got really competitive between us
>In the end she won.
>She rubbed it in my face.
>I proposed we settle things with a bet over Mario kart.
>She thought me a fool for challenging her to another racing game
>She was unbeknownst to my hidden power levels when it comes to Mario kart.
>I beat her without a sweat.
>Rubbed it in her face
>AND got 50 bucks out of it.
>She never hung out with the group while I was there again.
Learned two years later that she moved to the UK and became a Lesbian after a friend fucked her. LUL
wait, girls are good at racing games ?
I think one girl ever in Forza drifting and a few in CoD, rocket league and Smite now and again. DESU, I don't fucking care, because I'm getting beaten by 6 year olds all day long anyways, and I do it for fun not competition. Pretty rare though to find a girl that is not absent-mindedly ditzing around like a cunt for attention to build a beta army to carry her all game.
She's mentally scarred from our shit childhood, probably bipolar as a result and is probably infertile due to endometriosis, but sure. She has an unhealthy obsession with finding losers and trying to fix them and they just screw her over, so you can't be any worse than them.
Depends on the girl, you fucking moron.
>daddy issues
>into losers
ma waifu
How did you hide your boner the whole time?
My sister was always better than me at Age of Empires 2, I'm just bad at rts'es in general
hit a nerve there eh
Random song in SingStar. I was on a 3 win streak and then the Veronicas showed up.
damn Veronicas, They kill my groove everytime
>have 3 older sisters
>routinely beat them in fighting games, racing games, and any kind of competitive setting
>get older, go into college
>game club
>pretty average, keep to myself, really just talk about jrpgs
>girl there who opened club, claims to be best at smash bros brawl
>played it a ton when it first came out so I felt I was pretty good
>challenge accepted
>pick Ike
>everyone tells me he sucks
>she picks wolf (of course)
>kick her ass soundly
>she demands a rematch
>same result
>5. fucking. times.
>she gets mad and leaves
>apparently I should have just LET her win after I beat her once
>was left out of the e-mail chain after that and just assumed they didn't want me there
>kept in contact with one bro and we're still friends to this day
Fuck hoes, get bros.
My wife schools me in Skee Ball. She's not very good at video games tho.
Yeah, my anime gf beats me off all the time.
>>apparently I should have just LET her win after I beat her once
Fucking beta-orbiters, man.
>she picks wolf (of course)
what does this mean
only in ddr, osu! and racing games
I hate that shit
Why even play if you get so salty when you lose
How insecure do you have to be to post your "dude I totally aced that match against that girl" story, while the point of the thread is to tell a story about when a girl beaten you ?
there's a girl that plays Smash in Cincinnati that is pretty good. I've only played her a couple of times but she beat me every time, pretty soundly.
It's unusual for a girl to be good at anything.
They were mostly ok but some were those typical white knight, neck beards who only wore black t-shirts, and told me after she left that I proved my point and should have just rolled over after 1 or 2 rounds.
She was a fat weeaboo with purple hair and glasses. Guess I forgot to mention that but she thought he and fox were 'hot'.
how pathetic and insecure do you have to be to always assume someone is insecure over something trivial?
keep your projection at bay, user
So insecure. Please pound my brown hole alpha.
why is it always the fat ones that are fur faggots
how pathetic and insecure do you have to be to always assume someone is insecure and pathetic and insecure do you have to be to always assume someone is insecure ?
little sister beat me at guitar hero
i beat her on karaoke game
My friends and I got matched against some streamer girl in Dota 2 once. We got wrecked by her 5 stack of white Knights but spent most of the match flaming them so it ended up being fun.
>Halo Reach
>gunned down by player in pink armor
>they proceed to tea bag
>Ugh, why do fags do this shi-
>"Heh, I got you~"
And that's the only time I remember.
What do you expect? It's a game about handling balls. She probably has LOADS of practice. Get it? Loads?
How do you know??
Took my wii to school once for one of the last few days before graduation and this one girl was pretty fucking good in Mario Kart with Toadette
I believe there is a strong correlation between penis size and depravity. The smaller the penis the more depraved you are. Pic related.
It's your bf ?
I wish I knew. Her and 2 other girls in the group were really into fox, wolf, bomber-man and jak and daxter for some reason.
>proceed to tea bag
That's called wet rag when a girl does it.
No. ALog
bomberman gets me hot too so I can understand that.
Really? That would be more like sliding up and down, right? Harder to do in a video game.
literally me.
To each his/her/xis/xer own
I have a friend that destroys anyone at Forza or burnout. She's piss at most other games though.
yes but not in real life lol
I have lost to a girl in super smash bros. She was good, we were about even. She's probably better now for the fact that I haven't played in forever and that I stop being her because she's a bitch ass cunt.
>sweaty oversexed charizard
Shit comic is shit.
I have the worst sense of rhythm ever makes me wonder how I can even play the piano, I've never beaten any girl at a rhythm game provided they play them and sometimes not even.
my dad use to be a race car driver after learning the controls he was so good at it, it was amazing as hell
oddly arousing
>straight furries
>losing to anyone
Picking banned boss characters doesn't make you good.
Yes but I was in fifth grade and she was in eight I'd murder her ass now I swear on me mum
what was it a picture of
girl cat being lewd
Haha racism lol
uhh isn't this illegal?
No, but I've been beaten off by a girl.
Probably in an online game by now.