What the fuck? How does this happen and how can I fix it?
Am I fucked?
Game is Pokémon Sun
What the fuck? How does this happen and how can I fix it?
Try to be less of a mentally challenged brute?
Humidity over 90% or just plain wet.
I played it last night and came home today and it looks like this.
Is it fixable or what
looks like someone took some blue paste to a game cart and then used a pen to try to scrape it off
try not doing that next time
On what kind of subhuman country do you live user?
Did you cum on the exposed part of the chip thinking you'd impregnate the girls in the game?
It knew it was a shit entry so it committed suicide
lol op we can tell you tried to wash it with toothpaste
>he actually bought a 3ds game
serves you right faggot
I put a catridge in my 3DS the other day and there was a strange, gritty feel when I pushed it in, like something was in the grooves. Game played fine, though, and didn't repeat itself later.
Here is that (you) for you. You can stop updating the thread now
yfw nintendo switch carts will look like this
A good erasure and try to rub the pins clean. Seeing how you fucked it up once, try using some rubbing alcohol and clean that shit out and make sure to dry it.
How the FUCK does this even happen?
The only DS game I ever broke out of the 80+ I own (DS and 3DS combined) was Mario Party DS. And even then it still boots up until it randomly freezes at some point during the main game, but that was probably from me haivng some sperglord temper tantrum and biting the cart too hard due to the RNG.
What the fuck did you do OP?
OP here
I didn't do any of this, I didn't cover it in gunk and scratch it out with a pen. It just looked like this when I tried playing it. I have roommates and most likely 1 of them did it
There you go, mystery solved. Next time, keep all of your important shit under lock and key and never lend out games to anyone ever.
epic jojo reference bro
Scrap it with isopropyl alcohol and cotton.
Corrosion from humidity.
Its normal.
It shouldn't happen if you take care of your things properly but its normal.
>tfw my golden sun cartdrige is starting to show sings of aging
>tfw I used to lick the contacts on my ds games because I thought it would make them work better like blowing into a cartridge does (I know this isn't actually true now)
>now most of my old games look like this
I was not a smart child
it's very simple. Pour a little bit of acetone (cheap nail polish remover) into small dish and let the cart soak in it for a few hours. After it soaks scrub the contacts with a soft cloth to get all the corrosion off.
Pic related, should be green, not white.
More concerned about those around you that didn't even attempt to correct your childish antics. Were your parents trees?
Can anyone point me to a rom of Sun?
Its not a great idea to use acetone.
It will work, but its corrosive.
You should use high purity isopropyl alcohol or it will fuck whatever you use it.
It's a joke. If you soak a 3DS cart in acetone it'd melt down all the plastic into goo.
My DS's X button sometimes doesn't work, any tips for cleaning the button? Should I take it somewhere and have it looked at?
It's not like I would go full autism and start licking the games in front of other people. I don't think anyone besides me knows that I did it.
Original DS? Open that shit up and clean the pad with isopropyl alcohol.
If the rubber is fucked replace it, they are $1 tops.
If DSLite the same than above but be careful since the motherboard is delicate as fuck but enough to do self service.
If DSi you are better paying someone to do it for you.
Looks like you're a fucking idiot and deserved this.
So you never did it when you had friends round to play or anything?
Seems like a lonely childhood.
Stop projecting
what happened to ops cart?
The new firmware update sends microvolts to fuck up your game carts if it detects custom firmware. Shouldn't of fucked over nintendo, pirate scum.
>getting defensive
You shouldn't be ashamed about your childhood.
Can you not see the blue paste on some of the corners in that pic?
Someone put paste on your cart and then tried to remove it.
OP reporting in. My game works now but I'm afraid to use it.
turns out that the culprit shoved it back in and got some gunk in the main slot.
What should I do?
The 3DS works other games, I just don't want to worry.
Put your dick in instead.
Yeah it's toothpaste.
Turns out one of my roommates has blue tooth paste that's fits the color of the pic perfectly in the same light.
We've always SILENTLY hated one another but never stepped over bounds like this.
Thank God my other mates hate him too and we're going to boot his ass after the new year
Maybe dont put your game card in the Microwave next time?
Try flushing it with mouthwash.
Might as well go through with the full hygienic course.
... does it smell minty?
thats all that matters here
should've either pirated or bought off eShop. always go digital, piracy or eShop to avoid shit like this
What kind of fucking housemates do you live with exactly?
>What should I do
How about pulling them up about it and decking them for ruining your shit?
hey i watch repair videos on youtube, so i need something about repairing boards
you need to ejaculate on the contacts and then bring the jizz to a boil using a hair dryer
This is where you tell him he's buying you a new game and a new 3DS
If he doesn't you just take a baseball bat to everything he owns
It's what I'd do, for real, I'm really badass, I totally would.
I know you're trying to meme, but that actually works.
Why does this image look so lewd
Which song by erasure would work best?
Just give him a lewd bro job in exchange for him not bullying you so hard, or maybe he's just trying to get your attention senpai and wants to have lewd bro job and kissu with u
I've spilled soda on a couples cartridges, and then left them in the glove box of my car for months on end.
booted up fine once I cleaned them off.
Listen to this person.
Did you buy this from a legit seller? fake cartridges tend to corrode quickly because of the cheap shit they use to make them.
He's a big guy
I think you shouldn't play games anymore. You're obviously incapable of simple things like keeping the media dry. Take up a simpler hobby user
>for you