How's the progress on that gaming channel?

How's the progress on that gaming channel?

Other urls found in this thread:

>"Top of the mornin to ya laddies!"

I decided doing this for money is cancerous, and doing it for fun is more towards my personality.

I'm trying to string together a shitty lore for my channel with little animations in the begining

He's the reason I double-check the name of the uploader before I click on a video

Slowly getting my shit together.
>game review

>opinion piece

It's okay.

When someone says manchild I instantly think of this pathetic fuck.

Great that he's successful but that means fuck all if you have a repulsive personality.

>Sounds like having the time of your life
>Were refunding it

Tell me about it

I made this
Watch til the very end before you bitch about the quality

Which one?

WHo is this faget

I got a kek
Not a fan of the rambling voice over. I would rather hear commentary on the game you are playing, with less cursing. I know that makes me sound like an old lady. but it makes you sound uneducated.
Im enjoying that game.

no no, watch past 2 minutes

it doesn't end there

Working on my uncharted 4 video now.

God so many false endings

Your game review is good, Just lower the music and game volume next time. It's a little hard to hear you over it.

I know! I fucked it up, but it took an hour to render so fuck it. I usually lower it more, but it sounded good in premiere.

Kids these days are fucked if they find this shit entertaining. Cunts like pewdiepie don't even get close to this guy's level of obnoxiousness.

same but because of that faggot max, I just want to see some fighting games, not hear a retard

Just released a new video about a VR set from the 90s:

And because the future of YouTube is up in the air, I started up a Vidme page. Slowly uploading all my videos without any ads on them:

Sega master system had a VR headset as well that used parallax like the 3DS

I made some shit with a few friends of mine. It's really sloppy and very obviously a first attempt, we're all trying to improve.

It starts at 40 seconds.
I swear the clickbait title was ironic.

I'm no professional at this and I don't do it on a regular basis, but I feel like there's a good trailer buried in here somewhere. What do you like? What don't you like? I think some of the cuts are a bit jarring and I'm not fully happy with a couple of the space clips I included.

Yup, invented by the guy who design the PS4.

Pretty good I guess.

I'm working on something new, but I've been stuck trying to think of something new, made a sequel to another video a while ago. Rate my first edit ever.

He seems lonely. My guess is people in the YouTube community pretend to like him but actually despise him

I've heard he's a good guy, but seems to play third fiddle to Mark and Pewdiepie.

I want to transition away from Youtube, but Im hooked on the ad revenue. Is Vidme a good alternative?

PewDiePie >>>>>>>>>>>>>> dogshit >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Markiplier >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> waterboard >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jackfageye

Fuck of Rerez

Vidme has no source of revenue besides people who donate to your channel. I don't care so much, so that's why I posted my video on there.

Lord no.

Im losing subs so fast on YT. I need a new site, but one that has ad revenue or... Something.

Going to put Gears of war 3 ps3 footage up when my devkit arrives.

Not really much to show content wise but it's neat regardless. Main issue is setting this 40 pound machine somewhere on my desk. Not really sure how I'll work it out
this joke video is my highest viewed

Tell them to use the bell.
Can you rate my shitty video and tell me how to get better?

I'd like to think its going okay. Im over 1,700 subs now. It's more me giving people shit in games.

The editing is tight. But its almost exactly like that WD1 video where the guy goes around killing all the gays and black people.

How are you choosing targets? Its not super apparent.

YouTube is the best for generating revenue from videos. That's just the way it is. Any other site you try to use will have a much smaller audience unless you can really pull in viewers.

Just as a reference:

On YouTube I've got 10 million views. Daily Motion (another revenue generating site) I've got maybe 500 views. On Vidme I'm sitting at around 5 thousand.

YouTube offers the best viewership and the best revenue, there are no other comparable sites.

Currently doing Hyper Light Drifter and Dungeon of The Endless. No big changes recently as most of my energy has been finishing college.

not him but youre basically right

in my case i got lucky and a trailer dropped that just blew up my views due to being related

Thats about what I expected.
Im just gonna upload on both and shill the fuck out of Vidme.

i'm just taking it slow

>because the future of youtube is up in the air

Do you honestly believe that shit?

Even for a fucking second?

The second something odd happens on youtube everyone starts screaming like it's the end of fucking days.

Seriously, kill yourself.

Well, it was made to be a sequel, and I had lost most of my footage due to shitty captures, so I had to rush to finish it before i went to my Wage job that night.

Reminder, if you sub to any of the channels in this thread, watch their videos within a day or two of them uploading.

It seems like a fucking hassle because it is. But because of Youtube's new algorithms, you will be automatically unsubbed if you dont watch new videos within the first few days of them being uploaded. After you dont watch multiple video uploads, you will be unsubbed. Its bullshit. Support Sup Forumsposters

Yo they actually fucking thought you were daniel from SL. Thats fucking classic, what a bunch of idiots.

Make more Cute Girl videos, you cunt. Or write a real book, or an Audio book.

What do you guys think about my channel?

Also, just from my experience. Making let's play or video gameplay content without any additional work is a bad idea. There are 1,000 new let's play channels a minute and the chances of you becoming big enough to make it work financially is near impossible.

>Top 10 [Insert genre here] video games
>Top 10 Upcoming [Insert genre here] video games
>50 million views

Doing pretty swell.

I dont do lets plays. I do a lot of editing.
I know my latest video is sloppy as fuck, but Im an editor, not a LPer
This is me

Be gentle Sup Forums. I tired my hardest editing this together of us guys.

I'm speaking as someone with a channel large enough to identify trends. YouTube's future is uncertain as they don't seem to be able to correctly identify or support communities. Ad revenue is in a constant flux and never seems to be stable. One month you make $100, the next month you make $5. Plus the creators on the platform are constantly upset at every single point. I personally don't care to argue, that's why I wanted to start a Vidme page. Make videos and upload them because I just enjoy making them.

Nowhere because I play on ps4 and don't have anything to record gameplay
>it's better this way

I haven't found anything good to play.

I only play things that other people are going to play and there is nothing on mobile or PC.

... Are you serious?
the PS4 is always recording. Thats why it has frame drops you rube. Press that share button instead of bitching about it you daft cunt.

Hello, fellow list video faggot.

slow run or long play
review emulations if you have to

You made me actually consider buying this.
>Fuck you and your good job

>playing second life seriously
You and all the griefers who fuck with those people do gods work. Bless you

>review emulations if you have to
I have to do new games or games in alpha/beta with no NDA.

I teach people to git gud.

I know it has a record button, here fine. Let me find my battlefront video

its amazing how seriously people take second life

im not sure how they do it

i handle prototypes all the time user. VMC im guessing? been considering them
its nothing new to me so i get your issue. NDAs are a bitch

Here m8

It's just not the quality I want. I want to be able to do more than what Sharefactory allows. I wanna pop in my own music and add other things in. I'm just really picky.

>Step one: Pirate Vegas or Premiere Pro
>Step two: Edit your gay ass video
>Step three: You have an edited video

I'll take that. Thanks user.