What are some good video games about bad girls Sup Forums?
What are some good video games about bad girls Sup Forums?
Fuck off vendettafag, stop harassing me
There is no reason for you to be doing this
If you think what you're doing is in any way benefitting this site, you're just plain wrong.
No seriously, there is no reason for any of this.
>the irony
What the fuck is the endgame here
As long as you keep taking the bait, it's a reason.
Hey, I'm just trying to clean shit off the site.
No it's not, there's no fucking reason to be doing this at all because we know you'd just be feeding your own ego by doing this.
I can see right through it all.
What games feature sisterly love?
>mfw lee is legit insane
for barneyfag own good could somebody call looneycar for him?
There really is no reason for any of this
>barneyfag got doxxed but is still continues to sperg out
yes, there no any logical reason for you to shitpost about ponies here
The reason is that you're insane and it's funny to me.
Is barneyfag desperate now? It's hilarious.
post it
No, you're even more insane.
You're still doing this for over a year just because you're so buttblasted over liking MLP that you have to do continue doing this so you forget about your own insecurities
show yourself to the toilet then Lee.
>barneyfag calls somebody more insane than him
god damnit
its just fun to trigger you
What, this page or all of it?
Well, that's what it really is. I'm merely a crusader for justice. What these people are doing is plain cruel.
so begin with yourself
I don't like MLP at all. I don't watch MLP. You do. You watch MLP more than anyone.
Maybe you should stop watching MLP if it makes you so angry.
It needs to stop because you're only shitting up the board by doing this and making things worse off for everyone involved. Go get in a feud with ACK or something.
>he actually belives this shit for real
so stop using Sup Forums, what the problem?
you are even less welcome here than ponyfags
Well, it really is fucking cruel.
all of it, I wanna see if I can get off to it
>stop harassing me
you first
>man this river is filthy. gonna dump my shit here so the town and hopefully cleaning crew notice
This is you
so visit a phych, sure ponyfaggots are manchildren but you are legit fucked up in head, no i am serius
>you are even less welcome here than ponyfags
Okay, ponyfag.
League of Legends.
Christ you don't miss a beat, do you? I would never have even recognised this as pone.
sorry but i am not ponyfag
no lee you are the bronies, you are one of us
>200 gorillion pages
I forgot this has been going on for something like 5 years, here's part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3, ongoing:
hope you pick up a fetish or two, Thursdays are pretty nice on Sup Forums
Oh, it's been posted several times by one guy.
And he only uses it because one thread on Sup Forums back in May had the full pic as the OP and it lasted several hours and almost hit bump limit before it got deleted by mods.
This guy then downloaded the image and then reposted the same exact thread soon after it was deleted, then he just makes pathetic "what are some [x]" threads with it now.
Just a little reminder that barneyfag just like to falseflag
But I didn't make the thread that was in.
That was in a thread where the OP pic was a legit screencap from MLP that stayed up for longer than it should have. I only did that because the mods weren't doing their jobs properly so that was a last-ditch effort to clue them in, but alas to no avail. I'm not going to do that again.
I wouldn't be surprised if you are though
>barneyfag saved MLP art
>barneyfag saved MLP EG art
>barneyfag saved MLP EG foot fetish art.