
>Has made a fighting game that has more fan service than many otherfighting games
>Works with R34 porn animator, Zone, after he made a porn animation parody of said game
>Also works with Trigger, the people behind Kill La Kill, a fan service anime
I don't know about you guys, but that sounds like SJWs to me

Other urls found in this thread:

Fan service = SJW?

I would've thought it was the mudskin stronk women protag, the history of feminist self censorship, the female art director with generic tumblr style, the association with other indie clique kikes, the getting funded for free from the public yet still charging people for the game and the extremely uninspired game design from devs who seem to have played

Last thread was 500 posts of retards arrguing about social justice.

Fuck off. When we finally get in beta phase there will be actual things to talk about.

Or even if they just show more shit.

But now there is nothing.

There's the free to play prototype we can talk about

Do you think it's too complex and difficult for the casuals gamers of today?

The combat is pretty close to a fighting game with all the combos and we all know how casuals feel with fighting games

What if Morgan Freeman voiced the dumb tomato nosed scythe man? Would you like him then?

That's been discussed to death, there is nothing new to say.

>Do you think it's too complex and difficult for the casuals gamers of today?
Not other than the cat.

>The combat is pretty close to a fighting game
No, it's really fucking not. The full game will be, but this isn't, combos in RPGs isn't the most radical idea ever, especially considering the prototype version isn't too far from VP.

>getting funded for free from the public yet still charging people for the game

30 dollar tier gets you the game

Can somebody explain to me why the jews would be fans of social justice and racemixing?

Like I get the whole boogeyman aspect of it by why the hell would jews want whites to breed with blacks?

>Has made a fighting game that has more fan service than many otherfighting games

But how do we quantify fanservice?

What a bad nose to give the black guy.

iuno lol

I just wish Mike Z would fuck off
He is quite possibly the biggest retard that has wasted oxygen opening his fat gap

Whats wrong with you? Why does it matter?

obvious bait, but Zone is the last thing close to sjw lmao

>went back later and censored their game

>not SJW

He has started putting black dicks in porn for "representation".

Jews actually pushed for the police training to attack blacks more with the Patriot act in the Bush era.

You still haven't gotten tired of posting your whiny rants on Sup Forums? Why haven't you stayed in your containment site neogaf? I know other sites you might enjoy if you got banned. Try r/gamerghazi.

How are black dicks SJW? Thats like saying white dicks are KKK activists.

Seeing posts like this just fills me with such joy. Not only do I get to be right but I get to watch you suffer.


They officially worked with Zone?


I like to know motives or explanations
Yeah I know this

plenty of artists do just that, shared convo with zone and hes far from sjw. Quit screeching shit

>cucking and white inferiority
>not SJW

come on.

Zone worked on Skullgirls AND the Indivisible prototype. Will/has probably work/ed on Indivisible itself as well.

Kill yourself, YandereDev

You can stop posting now Kike Z

I'm just a MikeZ fan, just like you, YandereDev

That's not an excuse. They're taking no development costs onto themselves. The entire thing is getting fully funded from public donation, why would they charge money for the completed copy to anyone? At that point, it's pure profit for them. They're not investing in anything, putting in any risk.

Normally, the investment would come from a small group who would then get a share of the profits in return for risking their capital. Here, the crowdfunders are putting up their money but then not getting anything in return, instead the devs are just pocketing it all when they aren't risking anything. It's completely a scam. There's a reason kikestarter STILL has yet to deliver a single worthwhile game.

Zone streamed himself animating this which might be in the game

We know. You're the neoGAF lunatic who keeps making these threads just to shitpost.

>>cucking and white inferiority
Fucking what? How are black dicks a representation of cucking and white inferiority? Whites can cuck whites and a blavk sleeping witj a non-black does not show Afrocentric thinking about the white man. Thats also like saying white on asain porn is cucking and asian inferiority.

>white on asain porn is cucking and asian inferiority

But it is, retard. That's why racists watch it and the women are made to say asians have tiny dicks.

>The entire thing is getting fully funded from public donation

again. Not true. Just a portion of it. They have a publisher who funds most of it.

You just don't know what you're talking about. Besides if you get funded publicly then give the game away for free, it doesnt gain you anything. You can't really expand your dev team with no money. Most crowdfunding campaigns work like this

I will never understand how dumb sjws and you niggas are. How is everything in porn somehow a conspiracy? Is white on white and black on nlack porn racist?

>putting up their money but then not getting anything in return

except the game. Because the 30 tier gives you the game.

you've mistaken me for someone else

they are not this namecalling we are repeating over and over
they just happen to love money, like any other businessman
and thought of the worst method of getting some: befriending people who most likely would never buy their games

is this a story mode stage or something? I've never seen it

Stop fucking shilling this shit. Fucking reported.


Most crowdfunding games are scams. They can pocket a stated percentage of the funding as salary, not 100% of all fucking sales

>They have a publisher who funds most of it.
It was funded 2 million dollars. You're saying that's not even the most of it, just to make a sidescroller?

The game that should be released free, considering its funded by public donation.


still salty it got funded?

>I want to move to one of the most xenophobic and conservative countries on the planet with one of the tightest immigration systems because the U.S elected an anti-immigration xenophobe

>Exposing boiling mercury near your breasts

>Most crowdfunding games are scams.

This one wasnt. They very clearly stated how the funds would be used and where they would go. There was a very comprehensive guide detailing the use of the money. They also ran a successful kickstarter campaign before this that was fulfilled 100%

>It was funded 2 million dollars. You're saying that's not even the most of it, just to make a sidescroller?

Actually it was only 1 million from the publisher. I was wrong. But yes, 3 mil to make a game with animations like this isn't unheard of. A rather small budget considering its scope.

>The game that should be released free, considering its funded by public donation.

The $30 tier gave you the game.

Yeah, but how much fan service do we currently have in this game?
A somewhat thick Indian in spats and a Quadriplegic Chinese woman

Nobody salty that the most aggressive shilling effort and cameo selling trash met the bare minimum at the 11th hour. The continued shilling even after the shit got funded is aggravating people because there is nothing to talk about, you brain-damaged animal.

>The game that should be released free, considering its funded by public donation.

A publisher gave them 1mil dollars. They expect a return. You're dumb.

Don't forget Thorani and Shantae

actually they hit several stretch goals.

you sound pretty salty

Let's talk about the anime opening

It's going to be 3 minutes long and they want Tales' level quality.

Isn't that cool?

Do you think cool cinematic intros for games bring in more sales?
I only think of nostalgia when I think of cinematic intros.

Reported. How much is Lab Zero paying you cocksmokers for the shilling.

>I don't know what game development costs

isn't it against the rules announce that you reported something?

>being this mad

That's interesting. Why would the investors who only gave 1/3 of the total budget expect a return, yet the other 2/3's share of the profits is pocketed by the devs?

I also forgot Phoebe
Still, maybe 5-8 fan service characters in a game with more than 20?

>Why would the investors who only gave 1/3 of the total budget expect a return

because they're investors

>yet the other 2/3's share of the profits is pocketed by the devs?

Because they're crowdfunders

Noone got tricked here. Everyone know what crowdfunding is.

>Do you think cool cinematic intros for games bring in more sales?

Nah, but they're still great to have. They are more like very fancy packaging. You don't buy something just because it has nice packaging, but it's something you still appreciate when you do make a purchase.

For example, Battleborn had an animated intro that was really fucking cool. It didn't save the game from being a spectacular flop, but it was a great intro.

that singing girl is kind of hot if you're into hippies and chocolate

It's a shame the amount of effort they put in this game will go largely unnoticed when compared to other games, despite being in EVO, Skullgirls ended up being niche with a small play base. Hopefully I'm wrong and this studio's project does better.

>Everyone know what crowdfunding is.
A scam, run by scum, fleecing idiots

Reminder the autist behind these threads is a neofaggot shitposting.


SJWs love cartoon porn, idiot

you're just making that guy's day by falling for stupid bait like that so hard that you take screenshots of it

I bet get traumatized every time you see a smug pepe

>le every crowdfunding project is a scam meme

Fuck off kike.

>Works with R34 porn animator, Zone, after he made a porn animation parody of said game




mariels body is fan service enough for me

Crowdfunding a product, like a board game, that has physical costs of production and distribution and putting a price tag on it isn't a scam. Crowdfunding a digital game to release for free isn't a scam. Entirely funding a work by public donation and then putting a price tag on it to profit for yourself is a scam.

Stop objectifying xer you bigget.

stop being so mad that it's hilarious first

Lanshi, Kushi and Kogi. I need them all.

>This game is made by someone I have decided is an SJW
>Therefore I can't play it

The real reason these people want to play an "SJW" game is that they are scared that they will agree with something.

I think that people on Sup Forums are good at heart deep down. They post gore and make mean posts because they want to look tough, but no one who grew up spending a lot of time on the internet can really be tough. Sup Forums especially has a lot of romantics that would enjoy being happy and making others so. When they agree with something in an "SJW" game, they don't understand that they can pick and choose their own beliefs. Agreeing with one "SJW" idea means accepting every progressive position to them. I think that people from Sup Forums will eventually accept themselves and others for who they are if they can understand that being different does not mean being opposite.

This racism shit has to stop though. Thanks for reading my blog

good thing this wasnt entirely funded by public ddnation

It will be a chore to play because it'll be filled with gay shit, and it'll be a chore to discuss because it'll be filled with faggots like or OP or you.

>Entirely funding a work by public donation

Again. Incorrect. You're not knowledgeable in the thing you're trying to discuss.

And it still wouldnt be a scam anyway. Its made very clear that it will be a paid game, and how much you need to donate to get a "free" copy

is this copy pasta

>fuck off there aren't good crowfunded games!!!1!1ONE

sure, shitposter

Trigger x Lab Zero fighting game when?

Sexualizing female in a game isn't sjw. That what is suppose to happen. Having a game with a female in it who isn't there for titillation is the sjws agenda.

>look at this loser for liking something.
Does Sup Forums even know what the word faggot means anymore?

RNG garbage where the only saving grace was the excellent narrator.

Im pretty sure OP was making points as to why they arent sjw just with a bit of /s

that would be sick

its a shame we wouldnt be able to get gainax characters though

Oh, nvm carry on then haha. Hard to catch sarcasm.


You are the literal definition of entitlement.

>RNG garbage
git gud

I looked at the youtube thumbnail and the character he "needs" is a shirtless bara with a chilli belt.

It is now.

>>Has made a fighting game that has more fan service than many otherfighting games
>>Works with R34 porn animator, Zone, after he made a porn animation parody of said game
>>Also works with Trigger, the people behind Kill La Kill, a fan service anime
>I don't know about you guys, but that sounds like SJWs to me

do you realize how much of a retarded brainwashed stooge you sound like right now

Go back in the oven, kike.

If you bothered to watch the 40 second video he's a joke character. Of course doing that would expose you to the sjw poison you try so hard to avoid.


he's making fun of people calling labzero sjw

>it's all a joke bruhs pls buy my game
If you are male and want to play Indivisible you are gay, sorry.