this game comes out next week
will you play it Sup Forums?
This game comes out next week
I wish user, I wish.
Does it just play like the Sonico game?
Tits too big
Thailand pls go.
Bitch is too skinny for my tastes.
I want fatfags to leave.
I'd buy a ps4 right now if this was real.
Can you bully her for being overweight, causing her to stress eat and get fatter?
How do you communicate with FAT?
Porkchop be cuter if her head wasn't so fucking tiny.
>Can you bully her for being overweight, causing her to stress eat and get fatter?
I second this. It's it's for research.
I want to believe.
I just want a weight gain related game, period.
>there are people who think this isnt PERFECT THICCNESS
>causing her to stress eat and get fatte
This is the exact opposite to what should happen
Now i realize that moot most definitely had already turned to the social justice side before opening that board.
That's too thin for pochaco
That's alright, but she's normally drawn much fatter.
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.
>get fatter
It is because of people like you that i fear aliens will erradicate us on sight if we ever meet them.
This is why Japan's birth rate is in decline.
Go get some pussy, instead of cartoon shit.
>he doesn't know the aliens have been overseeing our puny existence since the dawn of humanity
they would have destroyed us ages ago user, they probably laugh at our misery
They could be posting alongside you humans even now
You go get some pussy, lmao bitter virgin
>no santa pocahco to deliver your presents and feed cookies
Who's the one on the left?
Tsuji thought people wanteda fatter Porkchop but it turns out she was perfect already
I like her better then Porkchop.
>no Porkchop to squat on your face while she eats and you eat
Why can no one but Santa draw Pochaco?
Usually fan artists improve on the original design. But not a single one has improved on her original design.
fucking disgusting
she's so fat
Taco's tits are too small and she has glasses
Porkchop can get just as fat and attract just as many more people without grandma's help
great isn't it
Because sometimes you hit a homerun the in the first try
>no doujins where Pork gets BLACKED
come on japs
>no doujins showing off that porky gut she has
her belly is unf
Then you and your shit taste can gtfo.
Because she's fat and so the fatfags that get attached to her want her to be even fatter.
I think Taruko could've gotten some fans if she wasn't a nothing character. She's barely more than a name. Porkchop can get a pass because she was the first one and she has a smaller waist so she's more like super hourglass than just fat. Even if you tried to give Taco a pear shape niche it wouldn't be enough without a little characterization.
I'm not super into centaur but I'm always curious. Which is the fat part, the human stomach, the horse stomach, or both? And is that by kip, cause it looks a little like that in the face.
Heavy centaur from the mobile game is super cute too.
Fat Princess
If you're saying fan artists draw her too fat, that is true. But other fan artists also draw her thinner and don't understand why she is unique.
See for yourself
All parts getting soft and squishy > only human parts getting squishy > only horse bits getting squishy
>Porkchop can get a pass because she was the first one
What's she even from anyway?
God no. I liked her when she was new, but then she just kept getting fatter and fatter.
I might play the Sonico one. If I remember correctly they actually released it on Steam.
what kind of game user, what people were thinking about the rpg/platformer type of game or a visual novel?
I think it's a headphones mascot. Pretty sure the pink-haired one came first.
>Porkchop can get a pass because she was the first one and she has a smaller waist so she's more like super hourglass than just fat.
Pochaco is more of a pear body shape with big tits added. She also got attention because she's not technically fat. Most people will think she's fat. But if you look beyond her stomach, she has all the signs of a skinny girl. She has the skinny arms/legs/neck/ankles and the small head/hands/feet of a typical super skinny, super small Japanese girl.
>clearly no need for panties
>still wears them anyways
when will this meme die
Maybe she just likes the way they feel.
Can't be comfy, being that tight
skindentations are pretty neat sometimes user
Clearly the ideal Pochaco game would be a cooking simulator. You run a restaurant and cook all the food while Pochaco is the waitress. And whenever you finish a dish, you are rewarded by seeing Pochaco deliver it and flirt with the customers. While also having to make sure she doesn't eat the food.
Absolutely. I can't stand those fat meat-sock looking arms or double chins. That kind of stuff is horrible, but thick thighs, big breasts, and fat stomachs with otherwise thin features will get me every time.
No people, let's be cool and jack it off
Toppest tier taste, my friend
Would the sandbox cooking mode where Pochaco is your sole customer be DLC or part of the main game, so she can get more business?
>Would the sandbox cooking mode where Pochaco is your sole customer be DLC or part of the main game, so she can get more business?
That would be a fan made mod. Basically like the Liru hentai game.
it could be an incentive to do better, as the more tips that pochaco gets the more she'll use her paycheck to eat from your cooking, and then eventually you could unlock the just feeding her mode
What happens if you let her eat the food?
>This entire thread
She gets bigger
Customers get mad and leave. Your stores reputation goes down. BUsiness goes down.
But there will be a point where you have so many customers that you can't keep up. So it becomes a balancing game of letting Pochaco eat enough food to keep your store only half full.
okay guys just let me get the diner dash source code
member when fat girl posting on Sup Forums would get ostracized
>porkchop is best
I dunno about that.
Reminds me of playing Mabinogi and learning to cook. All that taste testing really weighs on your figure. But even for fetish bait that cooking game would need to be 10/10 if you expect people to sit and watch the computer flirt for every meal.
You'll probably have to give her advice on how to flirt or hire different types of girl to come in and give her advice depending on the type of restaurant atmosphere you're going for. I want to see her throw her weight around as a bully for a tsundere cafe.
I'd be fine with that.
Sounds fun trying to balance between the two. Would her clothing get tighter the longer the game progresses?
nothing knowing most porkchop fans
It would be like Princes Maker where Pochaco gains stats that make her a better waitress. And the higher her 'appeal' rises, she starts to wear more revealing dresses and being more suggestive (like purposefully bending over when she delivers food or shaking her butt when she walks, etc).
imagine cumming inside that belly
maybe have a sort of risk/reward with the techniques as if you were going to go the tsundere store route, pochaco could overdo a belly bump or something and injure a customer, making your resturant lose money, but if it succeeds you would get glowing reviews and a larger tip
I didn't play the first game but the 3 sisters were all really cute. Rana with the orange hair was the best. Middle sister was a little much but I thought it was really cute that she was afraid you would go after her best friend instead of her. Eldest was past my limit and her route is more boring but she isnt bad either.
Yeah, yeah, that's the stuff.
Only if Popura and Chiho show up as cameo characters.
Like inside her navel?
Fat kunt.
this tbqhwy
Remember when you couldn't post any girl unless they were a loli? Remember when people were flamed for bad spelling and grammar?
>3 sisters
You are thinking of an entirely diffrent game.
That head ltierally looks like a drag and drop from another picture
Kip did that centaur bitch? Full image when?
Post the rest.
Oh yeah, sorry. That's the military game. I know about it but I forgot the name and I haven't played it. Isn't she super tall too? Plump giants are pretty great.
Fuck im stupid
just continue posting fatties
Delicious Filling Calories
>americans given up on getting a normal weight gf
>force a fat fetish on themselves