OVERWATCH took our jerbs

OVERWATCH took our jerbs

Your game was already dying and somehow Valve found ways to kill it even more after its playerbase started moving to Overwatch.

really? how many people are currently playing OW? 34k for TF2

Let's all just hold hands and be happy that we're not Battleborn.

Sorry op everyone else is gay.

Are you trolling?

It's 10 years old you fucking retard. Valve could easily end actiblizzard by releasing tf3. nuBlizzard still exists because Gabe wills it.

because 38 million people own TF2 on Steam alone, and its a 9 year old game thats also been on consoles, and 34k people are still playing it right now.

i know, plklayer count is all that matters. how many are in OW right now?

the concept is old. Battleborn is shit, to be sure but i get sick of seeing the same pictures over and over again.

I play lots of tf2 and its the opposite it brought tons of young kids who couldn't afford or play overwatch.

ahahahahahahahaha h fucking epic south park joke my dude user, fuckign epic that was so fucking funny that I had to type out extra Haha's to show just how funny it was

Nah, Valve never bothering on properly balance the game make TF2 lose its job

in the 9 years its existed, its been balanced for most of that time. im sorry your parents never told you but im afraid youre retarded, you should probably stop playing games son.

Seems like hes been high noon'd

>as if there's anything they could add to release a new standalone game
>splitting the already small playerbase between tf2 and tf3
>whatever new mechanics are added to tf3 will be heavily complained about and hated regardless of how neat they are
>shutting down server space for tf2
Oh yeah that would totallllly save the game...

good memes my man, this on going on the facebook group

the game was never balanced, sorry you are such a shitter that you never realized it.

there is a reason both demo and soldier are absolutely indispensable for every team and if you have even the minimal amount of common sense you can shitstomp 99% of the playerbase with them.

there is no discussion to it, the balance was always terrible and they never bothered to fix it

even fucking TFC was better balanced even with everybody concjumping like retards

Well these memes aren't going to dispense themselves.

>theres no discussion to it
get off the cock of the high horse youre riding, you salty fuck. you just suck ass at the game, thats totally your fault the games free and has been around for 9 years if you cant deal with a soldier or demoman, dont fucking play shooters.

I'm sorry, but you're a fucking retard.

I dont even like any of the games mentioned in this thread.

The only one salty here is you for the looks of it, stop crying like a retarded drone, the game was never balanced, not on release not when it went ftp and definitely not now, i stomp on everyone daily with those 2 shitty classes and its disgusting how easy it is compared to be even half good with any other class,

stop getting your panties ruffled because somebody pointed the mayor flaw of your favorite game, there is a reason it lost so many players, and its not overwatch because that game is somehow more casual, besides being shit

>valve could easily release x game

look at this marvelous pro-gamer opinion, remember to aspire Sup Forums - our gamers are the TOP gamers!

>"fucking retarded" is your only counter argument
How insightful! Thanks for sharing and convincing me otherwise! I see now what a fool I was! Valve's game that they've ignored and completely handed over to the community to make a couple dollars extra so the developers can focus on moneygrabbing DOTA 2 and CS:GO is alive and thriving! I see that now! Sabotaging the server browser and making interesting unique custom game modes and maps harder to play and host was a brilliant idea!

TF2 had a good run. Also, serves Valve right for not making HL3.

>he doesn't think hat fortress 2 is on it's way to the grave
nigga even tf2 youtubers aren't that delusional.

You should perhaps stop being a filthy casual, it doesn't take a pro to stomp pretty much everyone in TF2 (or most shooters this days), it just takes being half decent at it.

but i guess you will never know what is like not being shit, its clearly too much for kids this days

I am a memester myself.
When Mcree hits the bong he goes
"It's HIIIIIIIIGH noon!"


Overwatch belongs in the fucking trash. I hope you kike lovers get lynched. Fuck Blizzard.

No they couldn't.

I stopped caring about tf2 when valve stopped caring
and that was a long time ago


Is Overwatch way better than TF2?, I thought TF2 was utter shite tbhwu and am thinking about buying overwatch

They could, but they won't or they would have by now.

Valve doesn't want to make games anymore.

No. TF2 is better.

You got late to the party.
TF2 is objectively better, but the community itself is dead as fuck and pubs somehow got worse in the last year.
I might end up migrating to Paladins with my normie friends after all.