Why does Sup Forums hate female protagonist?
Why does Sup Forums hate female protagonist?
Because they love memes too much.
Because its unrealistic to have a woman doing something that benefits others before themselves
They are gay.
Because the dick makes it better
>why do fat virgins hate women?
You did this in school - that story about the fox and the grapes?
I like them if they're cute.
because they had no childhood
>Why does Sup Forums hate female propaganda?
I don't
I love girls
Girls are cute
but anime has lots of those girls and you love anime.
I don't, but have it make sense in the story, write her well personality with flaws and shit, especially don't do the bullshit "LOOK GUYS HERE'S A WOMAN HAVE A BILLION UNFUNNY JOKES ABOUT HER BEING A WOMAN AND SMASHING MEN AND SHIT" it's painfully unfunny. Also woman for the sake of being a woman = shit
if you tuck your dick between ur legs does that make u a women?
>Also woman for the sake of being a woman
That's different from "let's make our protagonist a 30 year old white space marine dude" how?
Because they're manchildren that have never grown out of the 14 year old phase where they could pretend they're the guy swinging the sword in the game
>Sup Forumsshitters
>insecure fags
Same people actually.
Some of my favorite protagonists are female though.
Of course back in the 90s being sexy was okay and even empowering and badass
30 year old white space marine dudes are more likely to be space marine dudes.
One of my favorite protags is a girl.
am I gay if I always wanted to play as the girl because I found stronk big sword guys boring?
Guaranteed yurishit most of the time.