Robot Thread

Post robots

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user, the least you could do is post something to get people talking.

Faggots, where do you draw the line in fucking a robot?

RVR-74 is dogshit. SVR-14-A or kill yourself.

Posting the best vidya robot

Reminder that the mecha genre is dead
Reminder that japs don't care about giant robots
Reminder that kids thing giant robots are lame
Reminder that Mechwarrior 5 NEVER
Reminder that all current mech games are freemium garbo
Reminder that Armored Core 6 will just be another V

3 is literally master race



>Reminder that kids thing giant robots are lame
Wow, children don't follow the same fad children before them did? Never heard that one before.

But that's not quote


>mfw people shill clones
Why would you NOT choose the army composed entirely of killer Terminator robots?

I don't.

So did the sex robot rape those cops?



This is the worst fucking meme in years.

>tfw no robot game where you shoot bullets out of your finger


Here is the correct version.

practically the only good that came out of fallout 4

Protect the pilot

I actually have this dakimakura, I blame /m/

I'm sad how rare 8 is as actual characters, and how they always need to have a human holographic projection or something that is treated as their "actual" character

Where the robutts at?


Imagine there's no humans
It's easy if you try
No worms below us
Above us only gunship-filled sky
Imagine all the people rotting away

Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
No meatbag to kill or die for
And no robosexuals too
Imagine all the people leaving us in peace, you
You may say I'm a maverick
But I'm not the only one
I hope some day you'll join us
And the world will be a metal one

Imagine we're not possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for their greed or hunger
A brotherhood of no more man
Imagine all the people fertilizing all the world, you

You may say I'm a maverick
But I'm not the only one
I hope some day you'll join us
And the world will be a reploid one

most stories in AAA games are written by shitters and most games that have that concept are mediocre Indie games.


>mediocre Indie games
What are the least mediocre of them?


rip Iris' japanese VA


>Pochincoff is the only Jap artist to consistently draw robutt dedicated doujins and pics

God bless this man who has excellent taste

Did you mean robots or waifubots?

Elsword still has some pretty great robots, introduced a bunch more recently
also pic of Maya for the guy sad that she fucking dies like every other attractive female boss

>has high heels

for what purpose?


>almost 2017 and no robo-waifus

80's anime lied to me







Miss Nanny? I thought you were talking about Cain from Binary Domain

Cats lash their tail when they are angry or irritated.

I was referring to this beauty.

Anyone have that picture of a loli robot pointing to a vagina upgrade?

Do golems count as robots? Or only the metal ones?