>Call out teammates for intentionally playing like shit
>"Lol dude calm down its just a game xD"
Call out teammates for intentionally playing like shit
Other urls found in this thread:
>Call out teammates for intentionally playing like shit
for what purpose? how is hurting someones feelings going to help you win?
>Tilting your teammates
They're shit anyways so they aren't going to help you win in the game, so the least you can do is let them know it is their fault for you losing
No, the least you can do is nothing. Anything more is just a pathetic attempt to gratify your ego
>Hey guys, you suck and this is all your fault. You need to be like me and play constantly and never be shit
Yeah, that'll show them
And I know what you're going to say
>Learn how to play
I'm sure they do but the fact is people play on different levels. Some like to relax and unwind while others like to be tryhards and play all day
more like
>Booted by admin. Reason: Being Toxic, please read the rules for the server before you attempt to rejoin
>intentionally playing like shit
If they're intentionally playing like shit, you've already lost. If you're just raging about someone not up to your standards, you need to calm down, it's just a game.
>be me
>playing smite
>friend and I queue for conquest
>want to play dual lane
>queue pops, someone else calls carry
>call solo
>friend calls jungle
>mid picks scylla
>supp picks sobek
>friend picks nemesis
>I pick odin
>all four of us lock in
>carry picks ah puch
>screaming ensues
long story short, sobek was outleveled and quit out. scylla was fucking trash. ah puch was not much better. my friend and I could have carried if sobek stayed (we were fed and were the only ones rotating). we were holding our own 4 v 5, then scylla quit. I fucking hate dumb random cunts in smite. it is literally unreal how shitty people are at that game. I understand it is casual, not ranked. I understand it is meant to be fun. But intentionally DC'ing after fucking your team over is fucking bullshit. It is just a game, but you're a stupid fucking cunt. The stupidest fucking cuntiest of stupid cumdumstery cunts. Fuck.
And then I hopped on rocket league. shit got worse from then on out.
it just makes them play worse and you'll probably get reported. if you do this you're an idiot
and they get reported as well for intentionally fucking up. stop being a feeder apologist.
>am a nice guy
>decent but not great at games
>offer carefully worded constructive feedback to friends
>they thank me for helping them grow as a player and eventually get better than me
>they return the favour
Having friends is good :)
Look, you're delusional. You think that anyone who isn't playing how you want them to is conspiring to make you lose. Next you'll get to where you think that people disconnect just to torment you.
why is everyone underage
I am both of those posts. No, the guys dc'd because they knew they sucked ass and quit. I don't believe that they do it for the sole purpose of tormenting me. I don't think everything is a grand conspiracy. I just hate it when people fucking suck on purpose and then quit, which utterly fucks over the other players.
>leading raid
>call people from Sup Forums shit because they keep doing stupid shit and can't understand the simplest of mechanics
>they all sperg out because they're being called out when they're not in their safespace
as a kid someone asked me if i wanted to play tic tac toe
i agreed, then i squatted and took a fat shit all over the game just as i was about to lose. he got mad and i asked why he was mad cuz i was just trying to have fun
i made that story up
>playing battlefield 1
>driving a heavy tank around
>a squad member is in the tank with me, going completely insane on the squad chat because i'm not driving the way he wants
>literally fucking insane
>after a couple of paragraphs of insults, i just type "that's pretty mean though"
>he goes in full sincere apology and is very nice to me the rest of the game
was he some kind of bipolar crazy person?
>i intentionally ruin the game for everyone else, but the people who call me out on it are the immature ones
you are less self-aware than anyone I have ever seen.
>i made that story up
prove that it didn't happen you fucking liar
who is this person shes qt
You seem to think you can read minds. People disconnect all the time, and it's very rare that it's because you think they suck. Although if it was to not have to play with someone as toxic as you, I wouldn't blame them for leaving.
>played X for hundreds of hours
>the meta for the game is black and white at this point
>Pick options that either suit my play style, do it for fun or for the sake of trying different things
>Autism on my team notices I didn't build my character in the most optimal way
>goes on about how to play correctly
>he thinks he's being helpful but he talks like a douche and doesn't care about any input you have on the matter
>check the scoreboard
>I'm pulling my own weight and then some
Fuck off, I play games how I want to
>>Call out teammates for intentionally playing like shit
>>"Lol dude calm down its just a game xD"
This is the point where I just switch teams if possible.
It's Sup Forums, are you really surprised scitzo OP is freaking out about people trying to make him lose everything
I came to this thread to tell you to shut the fuck up.
nvm i turned my brain on
you posted the same thread with the same image yesterday
Instead of calling them out like this, you should try helping them and try to achieve the mind of a Great General of the Heavens, leading even peasants to victory with your superior tactical approach
You're toxic and don't want to hear it.
>"dude we're just having fun"
winning is fun
>"stfu tryhard go play ranked"
Back to your hugbox
>literally sent no messages
>popped no VGA's
>helped them in their lane (solo laner helping out in dual lane 5 minutes in)
>guy is outleveled because he is just not playing (never cleared minions, never farmed jungle camps, fed the opposition)
>tries to lead a surrender vote
>spams 'yes' when the surrender box is up
>'disconnects' after we don't
>scylla does the same 5 minutes later
yes, it was a random connection error. both times. on only my team. on the people who were feeding. who were then playing different games as we were forced to surrender 3 v 5.
stop being a shitter.
But then he can't rage about how everyone but him sucks!
>tfw I actually know what a vagina feels like and play games for fun, and not to become the next epic pro gamurrr xD
>tfw gold in league is comfty
>tfw LEM in csgo is comfty
Wouldn't want to go any further desu
Are you sure? OP seems quite happy with his autistic rage.
Rage is obsolete to win. Don't judge the OP, he just doesn't know better, but eventually he will find his way.
People have fun in different ways, also if you only have fun winning then you arent really enjoying the game you just like feeling like you won
sure, I honestly doubt he'd be anywhere past silver in league and nova in csgo. The people like OP are almost always in those ranks
was Thomas the best balloon?
>its an op has no concept of relative skill episode
OP, you're the same level as them, you're JUST as shit LOL
It is though
It's almost like there's a reason why they're matched with poor players.
>It's this thread again
Even the same image. Stop.
Plat in League and MGE in csgo, sometimes I react like OP but I never talk about it to my teammates
>going 1 and 27 in modern warfare remastered is fun in any way, shape, or form
You know, I play extra shitty when faggots like you are in the lobby
>those fucking weird videos he posts on youtube once in a while
thomas is still the best
It is just a game.
Git gud and play fightan. No teammates mean only your personal skill and nothing else determines if you win or lose.
Why do you heff to be mad
I will inseminate Annie.
He needs teammates to blame.
>play a video game
>treat it like work because you're underaged and don't understand what entertainment is
The day you get kicked out of your house and have to get a job to support yourself will be really fun, OP. Good luck growing up.
Bullshit. I got better because a person calling me a fag pissed me off
If you can't rise up to even basic challenges like that, you may as well not play a team-based multiplayer game.
>you can carry a full team of shitters to victory in a game that intentionally keeps this from happening
And who is the conceited one here?
I don't often get people who are actively trying to ruin the game for me.
I get a lot of shitters, though, and any attempts to offer support generally result in them yelling at me.
It's a video game, faggot. People play it to have fun. If you're yelling at people YOU are the asshole, not the other way around.
Most of the time it just means people are spending more time typing back and forth instead of playing, guaranteeing they lose.
If you can't understand how to communicate effectively to your team, you may as well not play a team-based multiplayer game.
have fun playing with people that struggle to turn on a moniter ya that sounds like a blast
B-but other people are bad at games!
When did you people get so goddamn sensitive?
>he thinks taking a game seriously is impossible when you have a job
>tells OP to grow up
Says the person who can't focus on two things at once
>voice chat doesn't exist
>multitasking is impossible
I'd say calling someone a shithead is effectively communicating that they need to try harder.
>Call out teammates
For what purpose?
If they're intentionally playing poorly, do you think they're just going to stop if you ask nicely?
If they're trying to win and are just bad, do you think they'll magically improve by you telling them how bad they are?
>says the person who can't focus on two things at once
Is that supposed to negate his comment? He is 100% correct. Anyone who's experience real life would not rage on a videogame I can promise you that, you seem underage
>hey man, your build is missing a pen item, you'll need it to take on the other adc and the supp
>fugg u, I'm trying to have fun
>proceeds to die 7 times in 6 minutes with a 45 second respawn timer
>calling out teammates in casual matchmaking
yeah you cunts are faggots.
>When did you people get so goddamn sensitive?
Maybe you should stop being sensitive at being called a petulant child.
I don't even need to say anything, my posts can write themselves
>I'd say calling someone a shithead is effectively communicating that they need to try harder.
You're a shithead. You made a shitty post and can go fuck yourself but you'll even shit that up.
Now, did that communicate effectively why you're a shithead and why your post was shitty?
>argument relies upon calling others petty
>points out spelling errors
this is a shitpost thread. It took me an hour, but to be fair, I was watching a movie too.
faggets xD
Not him but I can see where he's coming from. In many cases, barring an extreme miracle twist of fate, the outcome of the game isn't going to change. You can effectively throw any opportunity for a friendship under the bus by systematically dismantling/berating someones playstyle and pointing out any and all flaws in the most asshole manner. Is this a shitty thing to do? It depends on how you want to look at it.
From the attackers POV it's cathartic. They wasted their time in the game and lost due to things they otherwise couldn't control, ie their teammates play. Expressing their feelings is a healthy and useful way for them to destress before another game, lest they carry that negatively into their next match and ruin it before it starts.
From the Attacked's POV, they are told that what they're doing is wrong and they should stop doing it. This is negative reinforcement, which while largely not as effective as positive reinforcement is STILL effective to some degree. They can choose to; ignore the criticism and stagnate themselves, listen to the criticism and retaliate often by explaining why they did what they did which means they're analyzing their own play which is a good thing, or they can get offended and opt the disregard the attacker entirely and thus stagnate.
Goating people into playing better isn't a bad thing. Obviously just obnoxious shittalking for no reason isn't good for anyone, but bants and trashtalk is a good and healthy thing in literally any competitive medium.
You're getting wrecked by their stuns, get a bkb you'll get more damage out of being able to act rather than another damage item.
>i fuken hate bkb its boring
adcs should almost always be out of range of most stuns. Fucking supp is stupid if he doesn't have cc reduction. But the reason for the salt is because the supp was fucking stupid.
>Faggots who think they're good bitching about their teammates bringing them down
A good player knows how to encourage good play in their teammates to make everything go better, and doesn't spaz out like a fucking autist which makes the whole game go even worse due to putting everyone in a worse mood
>playing team games
>playing multiplayer games
Prove it
>Teammate calls you out for intentionally playing like shit
>Remind them that you're at the top of the scoreboard
>From the attackers POV it's cathartic.
Catharsis doesn't actually help you become less angry.
> lest they carry that negatively into their next match and ruin it before it starts.
I've seen that a few times. Guy rages all match and then won't stop next match. At least it's obvious to everyone who the bad guy is there.
> From the Attacked's POV, they are told that what they're doing is wrong and they should stop doing it. This is negative reinforcement, which while largely not as effective as positive reinforcement is STILL effective to some degree
We're not really talking about people who give actual criticism, it's people who just cuss out their team the whole match for not meeting some arbitrary standard. OP probably spent all game calling them shit instead of saying what choices they made were poor. You can't call yelling at someone about how they're shit negative reinforcement for being bad at the game.
>bants and trashtalk is a good and healthy thing in literally any competitive medium.
They're healthy among friends. It's just not the same when it's some asshole you don't know, who isn't joking, but is actually pissed off over a video game.
>Catharsis doesn't actually help you become less angry.
you just wrote this. this is blatantly wrong. stop it. that is all.
I'm going to post twice as hard now, big boy
Take a few psych classes. Research has made a pretty good case that raging doesn't make you less likely to be angry in the future, unless it causes a fatal heart attack.
I'm right, you're wrong
that's fine
that is irrelevant. he said cathartic, as in reach catharsis, meaning release of stress, implying the process works for that person. If it didn't, it wouldn't be cathartic.
>politely trying to help a bad teammate improve
You know that's not what OP meant by "calling out" his teammates.
OP probably just blew up at someone in his casual team-based mobashooter and told them how shit they are, and is salty that they responded in kind instead of apologizing and putting an end to their game-throwing ways like he wanted them to.
>this image
jojo reference?
>Damaging your team's morale for your little tantrum
You are the problem.
You sure showed me.
Too bad the process doesn't actually work.
I'm right
and yet I agree more with op than the dissenters. Intentionally playing like shit is not 'playing for fun'. It's like joining a multiplayer race and intentionally crashing into others for fun. Look at the words OP uses. Intentional, implying they are doing it on purpose, implying the person antagonizing OP is doing it for personal enjoyment. In most cases, this action violates the online terms of service of most games. Sucking is one thing, intentionally ruining the game and then further antagonizing someone is, quite literally, trolling.
Fuck those people.
>Too bad the process doesn't actually work.
yes, because science (lol, psych is at best a soft science) is gospel, and theory is never wrong in any way...
>captcha requires you to outline a round traffic sign with straight lines
>implying trolling isn't fun
You don't get to decide what other people may find fun.
Except it's OP's word that they're doing it intentionally. I've seen enough ragers in Smite to know there's a 99.9% chance he's just a poor loser who's easily triggered into tantrums, and is convinced anyone who plays bad is doing it to attack him. I see it all the time, and it's usually just someone who maybe is new with a character or got put in a game where they're way outmatched.
If they were griefing, they deserve to be stuck with OP.
Except catharsis is a disproved and unsupported hypothesis. It's like saying the Earth might revolve around the sun.
>Except catharsis is a disproved and unsupported hypothesis. It's like saying the Earth might revolve around the sun.
Semi-related it's funny the amount of people that still think Freud is thought of as legitimate too