Battleborn is getting its biggest update yet!

We did it bros!

Other urls found in this thread:

Why do you shill this shit here?

>new players
>returning players

With people getting bored of Overwatch, this is our time to shine Battlebros.

Give it to me straight: how dead is this game and how much suffering is the studio going through to produce content for it?

Why don't they just turn it f2p.


yeah! another thread bust out the memes, my bros! mods keep shutting down the threads!

Who are they doing this for anyway? Is there a bigger number of players on consoles? 'Cause PC version is barely played:

It's very dead.

And creating new content for it is kind of pointless because fucking nobody is playing it. Maybe they're trying to salvage something out of the game? Maybe it will do okay when it goes F2P? Doubt it.

Wait, it's a b2p game... but the heroes are locked. And you have to grind to get gear. What the fuck.

>new and returning players
Having hope is good, but at some point you have to face reality.

There will definitely be influx of players if it goes f2p, but will it be enough to save it - hard to say

>Maybe it will do okay when it goes F2P? Doubt it.

Nah, they are going to pay you to play the game first before even thinking about going F2P.

i know look at these OW #'s, im so confused by how much content and updates Battleborns gotten

Supporting a game is the only way to keep it from actually dying. They're trying to avoid the fate of NMS. Plus people paid for the support through their season pass. It's only fair they keep going.

Didn't people buy season passes and they have to make good on that?

not with the NEWEST update! but try to keep this mentality as the prevalent one, stick to the smug rhetoric, we gotta keep Sup Forumseddit bro-worthy fuck this gay game yeah!

>First they laugh at you
>Later they fear you
>Then they join you

I'm so hyped.

UGH, can you stop? I don't want to have to start another new thread. WE GET IT, its so ironic, how meta, im just trying to have a good old classic bashing thread STOP

stop stop its already dead!

Who else really liked this game and thought it was treated unfairly?

It's like the Bernie Sanders of video games, the establishment pick comes in an fucks the little guy into oblivion.

seriously, the flavor this month is like titanfall or something catch up

They do but they can half-ass them if it disappoints, which is what they did with Borderlands: The Pre-sequel

can you quit it already, thats not the point of these threads, if i have to make another one because of you fagget shills im gonna be so upset!

When an ethical company Gearbox is.

Sorry should've added a trigger warning, please let me enjoy the games I play

Trumpist anti-free speechers are in full force today

If only there was a way to flag a post for review by the mods, like a way to report directly to them.... Hm....

>It's only fair they keep going.
>Gearboxing giving a shit about Fair
>Randy Bitchford giving a shit about anything but money and saving face
>They resell the Bullestorm "Remaster" (up port) for full price on PC and say a free upgrade isn't possible.

theyre doing it bros

theyre overcoming the impossible

overwatch is fucked
blizzard is done for

i know rite? i wish i could just shitpost in peace with my 4homies about this GAAY game

Titanfall is dead too


Bulletstorm and the company that owns it went through too much licensing and legal shit that the remaster is barely the same game as the original release, legally speaking.


Ehh, not to sound like a shill, but Titanfall 2's sales disappointed but its player-base seems surprisingly respectable, even on PC where CoD:IW/MWR are basically dead.

>Gearbox isnt fair
>Even though they're still supporting a 'dead' game
>I-it's just not fair!!!!

So I like watching a good train wreck, but this is kinda sad. Evolve and NMS pretty much recognized they were shit and accepted fate. Battleborn keeps trying to be relevant and project the illusion that everything is fine

Literally all they had to do was make it $30 and nobody would have given them any shit. Instead, they're delusional and trying to sell a half-a-decade old game with minimal improvements for $50.

Not gonna lie, I might actually give it a shot because of the UI overhaul, provided the overhaul actually makes it palatable.

the artstyle is just embarassing

Paladins was flavor of the month for November and it's already dying. Everyone realized that if they want to play an F2P shooter, TF2 is better.


i know right, all the time they do this. i always see facebook ads for it too its like STAAHP.

I actually bought it in the Humble Bundle but didn't end up playing it because it ran like utter shit on my increasingly old PC. I imagine that's part of what has killed it. I don't really understand why it ran like a dog because it's not really a good looking game. I think part of the reason Borderlands was so successful on PC is because that shit ran on anything.

Just like Trump. It's not gonna be so funny when Battleborn comes out on top and Overwatch losers are wondering where all their players went. We're playing the long game here.

it was treated quite fairly, no amount of meming lead to its death, it was just an unappealing and obnoxious game, people saw this, and didn't want to play it, the few that bought it barely played it and most likely regretted purchasing it.

right?? geekdailydeal is my fav! totally desrves more follows, my bros

Battleborn is an actually good game that was treated unfairly by the establishment gaming community and even more so by having Overwatch as the sort of backyard bully muscle.

Do any of those changes make the characters not look like shit?

Literally this.
>based Jill gets a couple more millions of dollars donated and gets recounts going
>it comes out that Drumpf rigged the election in swing states that he won
>Hilldawg becomes president
>Overwatch dies and Battleborn overtakes it
December is going to be a great month.

I don't think a single update can fix a game that's irredeemable trash in nearly every facet of its design.

nice ironic meta-post friendo - now quick post memes!

TF2 is garbage now.

But, yeah, the Paladins hype has worn off, probably because CoD:IW/T2/BF1 all at once has taken a chunk of the FPS player base and there wasn't much to keep you coming back.

Evolve and NMS were successful scams, they got their profit, if the games are still shit or not, it doesn't matter, Battleborn probably doesn't even recovered the investment.

>one shoe one barefoot

I fucking hate that design so much.

Didn't Battleborn start it by starting shit with Overwatch? Battleborn changed their open beta to the same date as Overwatch and now they saw what happened.

Shucks, maybe I should have grabbed it Black Friday for $10. Maybe.

That's great news for the nine dipshits who still play this garbage.

>slow and steady wins the race
get the fuck out of here jeb you fucking suck

Actually pre sequel's development branch shut down and they didn't get to finish

TF2 may be garbage, but it's still better than Paladins. That's why all the BRs and Russians are going back to it.

Ehh, Evolve wasn't even that bad. It just wasn't compelling for very long and the DLC "shitstorm" pissed people off. I'd be interested to see what Turtle Rock come up with next - I don't really think they've burnt that many bridges simply by making a meh game.

oh god its so disgusting

establishments, man, the worst

politics man, this is em

opinions, m'lady, yours are the ones i await

throwback reply! it running bad on your computer IS the reason no one liked it right everyone?

That zoom in transition is really disorienting.

No, the Battleborn release date was the same day as Overwatch's open beta

post them being mean to us!

right so faggets arent they

RIGHT this gif is so exactly that!

I still have some distant hope Valve sees Overwatch's success and it spurs them to create a TF3 that isn't fucking F2P garbage.

Games that run like shit on mid-to-low-end PCs have a smaller audience. It's one of the low-key reasons CoD has basically died on PC, tons of really shit ports that don't run well on many people's machines.

It's reserve, Blizzard chose to obscure Battleborn's release by attacking it full force with sought after beta access.

O, woe is the opressed.

Is he pushing that scope in his eyes?

>zoom in
>shoot yourself in the face

>Didn't Battleborn start it by starting shit with Overwatch?


>justifying your purchase of garbage

this is our good english writer, he'll tell you. its all a real travesty tell em!

Are you trying to write some shitpost Haiku or something?

>combination of faithless electors and delays from recounts
>Trump doesn't have 270 on December 19th
>Congress hands it to Jeb
Better luck next time, Drumpfsters and Hillshills.

>come at me bro

was this from 2008 ?

Valve is dead. I honestly don't think they'll make any more video games. They're pretty much a software company working with steam now, and they made a lot more doing that.

woooah what a deadly exchange - so sick man blizz really is OUR guy right bros they fuckin showed them faggets yeah i love rallying behind my brand my brand is TOP

welcome to Gearbox writing. They are stuck in the past with their "sick memes"

fucking hell, NEPTUINA has better writing than any Gearbox game

What does Gearbox think about the most popular character being Benedict purely because of furry reasons? I'm honestly curious.

My guess is they're contractually required.

OW isnt garbage you meanie!

t. Randy

>inb4 half of the players are bots from gearbox

i meaan he tops all the pop charts ive read, real scandalous why GBX doesnt respond to this serious allegation i mean everyone knows benedict is so googled the most furries love him i mean i know ive looked it up

it's the most popular character on Sup Forums because Sup Forums is full of degenerate fur fuckers

>that artstyle
>those animations
>that gameplay
>that everything

Jesus, how could they possibly fuck up so bad? Do they really think they can breathe life into this garbage?

I like everything about it user

Maybe youre parrot opinion isnt the reality of why the game failed

that those that, right, its like how what why? i mean wow really yup, its crazy so insane what were they thinking, its like did they even could they have thought that why would you though, right?

The vast majority of people who have laid eyes on it think otherwise
Fuck off, Randy

So what is it, then?

believe you me, the vast majority - we talk, me and old vasty share the same opinions, i got mine straight from them thats how i right know. and seriously boogeyrand, GET. OUT.

>My opinion differs from yours, thus you're just parroting

Maybe the reason the game failed is it can only be enjoyed by dribbling shitposter retards.

>it can only be enjoyed by dribbling shitposter retards.

aka gearbox fanboys?

Bikini Costume for Benedict or I walk.

>Game is releasing an update aimed at encouraging players to return to it
>In the same year the game was released

man im so proud of you guys, bros, you dudes know what s up FUCK this game and these FAGGOT players - its like get off the chan NO one here likes you!

How upset do you think Gearbox after this PR nightmare?

you're only proving them right

judging by this thread, very upset.