Other urls found in this thread:

boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/raid thread/start/2016-11-29/end/2016-12-1/
boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/ffxv raid/start/2016-11-15/end/2016-12-5/

I critic scores seem on-par, but then I saw those user scores.

so both are blunder ?

there was a literally metacritic raid thread on Sup Forums. what do you expect

you see, the bottom almost gets no games like these at all -- so it's pretty natural they'd be happy to see it

while the above is kinda used to it, and it's just "another one of those"

ya all those ps4 games like bloodborne and, uh...

wouldn't both games have unfair 0/10's in there though?
also I'd like to see evidence of this raid if you have anyway

I don't know what other traditional jrpgs the PS4 platform has actually, so I doubt that's the reason either.

>Every single time the same fucking excuse

Put a bullet in your head scum

kek really? what did the OP say I wanna look up the archive

>niche games get low scores

Not surprised at all. FFXV is a much more unique and bigger risk of a game than Xenoblade Chronicles is, despite both being real good.


>FFXV is a much more unique and bigger risk of a game than Xenoblade Chronicles
I don't know how you came to that conclusion

I'm pretty sure it's sarcasm

literally "raid thread" on the release day.


boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/raid thread/start/2016-11-29/end/2016-12-1/

I don't see it

does this thing record deleted thread ? i swear i saw one too. it was metacritic raid or something.

I'm not sure actually

>does this thing record deleted threads?
pretty sure it does user

boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/ffxv raid/start/2016-11-15/end/2016-12-5/

all i can find is someone mentioning it. might need to be more specific on keyword

How low will XV be by the end?

>OP thinks all three of these games are of the same quality

DA2 is good you retarded cuck

These threads are always shit

>Review scores mean nothing, unless they fit my narrative, then they do!

0/10 see me after class

Alright, i'll school you on why it's a good game

These threads are made by people who think they are epic trolls and le Sup Forums culture xD by posting the same shit over and over

I wish the mods would come down hard on all the shitposting on Sup Forums

>Review scores mean nothing
That is still the case here, I know many people love this game and nothing wrong with it.To be honest, I actually enjoy the game. Thing is XV-Kun always brag about shit that will not gonna happen like 'FFXV will be GoTY and has MTs more than 90, Yo', and it's fucking annoying.

your link is dead

DA2 is better than FFXV, yes 15 is that bad. AAA gaming just keeps getting worse. And that won't change when people like you keep buying and defending them.