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how many in total?
1006 :(
you should consider suicide.
That would require self control, which I do not possess
Find a different hobby.
Just do what I do OP, sort nothing except your CYOA text-only adventures.
That actually reminds me, I think there's a few I haven't put in there yet. Just bought that new one anyway.
So let me ask you this... How did things get so bad? Do you feel like this shit is oK?
You seem to possess a little in order to prevent yourself from making the world a better place.
christ, how many of those have you even played at least once?
Of course it's ok. If you know what you're looking for you can just start typing in your library and immediately go there. If you're not sure what you're looking for then you can scroll through your library until something catches your eye.
Switching to grid view so you get "Game boxes" can help with that.
Honestly how does this even happen?
8 years, steam sales, and indie bundles.
Jesus, This makes me feel better about my Steam Library. Just thinking about the amount of time it would take to play all those games would be enough for me to never touch them. How the hell do people do this sort of shit.
Was he autistic?
What's your average price, average price per hour, hours on record, average playtime, games not played %
one game at a time senpai, one game at a time
>mfw PCfats dont even legally own their games
Neither do you
Now fuck off
yes I do retard, i physically own all my copies.
Gaben can decide to delete steam if he wants to, and you cant do shit about it
>I'm 13 and don't understand software ownership
Current account value
Total cost with sales
Steam level
Average price
Average price per hour
Games owned
Hours on record
Average playtime
Games not played
I haven't bought every bundle in sight, I've just used Steam since beta and had a tendency to buy games, long before bundles were a thing.
nice projection
nice projection
Wow, you're worse than me.
nice life
Honestly? Who gives a fuck? Like I have space for that much shit. I'm not a underage& like the majority of people that live here and live in their parent's basement. Even if I had the space I wouldn't want to litter my house with hundreds of games.
>who gives a fuck that i spend thousands of dollars on something i dont get to keep for life
Because Steam has become nothing but a bundlethon now, people buying every bundle in sight.
nice projection
Were you trying to make a point or something? I almost never replay games. I don't even remember the last time I did. Not to mention that there are very few/no things that will last you for your life, your physical copies of games included.
>I bought a bus ticket last week and now the driver says I can't use it again
It's not like Cartridges and Discs don't have their own shelf life. I prefer Physical over Digital, but physical isn't perfect either.
Let's also not ignore how sony and microsoft tried to push their systems to be all Digital. Both systems have you install the entire game to the hard drive. The disc itself is literally DRM.
So enjoy the future.
I think what he means is you have over 3500 games and will almost certainly never play more than half of them and most likely impulse buy a lot of shit which could be perceived as a problem
If that's a problem then I'm doing well in life, user.
>digital collection of games
hello newfag
0 gets are a thing bud
>pay for a disc
>have to download the game anyway
Further proof that Valve is a cancer
>gaming on pc