So what do black gamers on Sup Forums think about this?

So what do black gamers on Sup Forums think about this?

The fuck is this CC

Name one black person that naturally has long flowing hair

"natural" hair


Michele Obongo.


abos have normal-ish hair


I honestly don't care about this kind of bullshit, I just wanna play the damn game. She needs a new hobby or something, I don't know, but people like her need to cool it.

I'm guessing character creation

character creator

>long flowing hair options

I call bullshit. Most character creation system avoid long flowing hair like the fucking plague because 'muh clipping'

What game?
47 long hair options ARE pretty stupid desu

All I can think of is Skyrim with Apache Hair mod.

I said naturally not chemically treated
It's a fact that black people have coarser wiry hair with a lot of kinks
Her complaints about them looking bad I'd probably valid since a lot of games have shitty looking hair but whining about the lack of style is asinine

A game that doesn't fucking exist.

>Long unkempt hair isn't natural
>Methodically arranged dreadlocks are

so xe is saying anyone who plays a game with a character creator is a fucking racist white male

What does this have to do with black gamers?

>"natural hair"

>doesn't count bald or close-cropped, literally in every creator, as 'natural' black styles
She's a racist.

In other words not part of the actual game, and something fans added? There's far more than one black person int hat game too, even without mods. I still call bullshit.

True long and flowing hair styles in character creators are rare as all fuck.

Pretty great, you mean.

Dragon's Dogma came to mind, but it has 62 hairs and what would a twitter warrior SJW nigger be doing playing DD?


I don't really think about it but it is nice to see black looking characters in muh animu and gemu. It's really rare.

There isn't a single hairstyle in DD longer than shoulder length.


afro and dreads are natural, what are you on about

Black user here, it's not that big a deal. In most cases more creation options are a great addition but bringing race or whatever into it just for the hell of it is stupid. People who get upset over stupid shit like not having blacks in a fucking dynasty warriors game or something are fucking retarded. Just play the damn game or don't and keep it moving.

Watch Dogs 2 desu

I wish whites would stop forcing themselves to feel guilty and stop forcing other whites to feel guilty about shit they had no control over.

I imagine she'd look better if she didn't have a steaming pile of shit on her head.

There are three, one of them is purchased I believe.

shameless begging for handouts as usual

Isn't every african hairstyle just how far you grow your afro out?

Blade and Soul and I'm assuming other Korean MMOs

I think FFXIV might have 50+ if you add both genders

Yeah there is. The last one is mid back length.
Also the dreads is one of the better styles, so fuck her.

That and I want them to stop speaking for minorities, that would be tubular.

By natural hair, she means hair that isn't treated or horse.
Something a normal black person would wear as a hair style.

>There are three, one of them is purchased I believe.
Wait, what? You could get new styles from the hairdresser shop?

I actually wear an afro and I don't give a shit about fandoms so I don't actually give a fuck.

I love how the companies that try to be oh so diverse get shit on by the crowd they are trying to please

>level 27 that hoe over there mage
See, nobody except black females call themselves these disparaging names. Thats stupid. Call anyone, even a black maalr, some disparaging name. They will reciprocate with the opposite. But a female will literally call herself a bitch, a whore, whatever. Learn to fucking respect yourself!


Dreads are actually a natural thing that happens to hair. It's what happens when your hair forms into locks and gets matted as fuck.

You just never really see them naturally anymore because of things like basic hygene.

"Hey we should all feel guilty that less than 5% of the US population owned slaves, and that 5% included chinese, native americans and other black people."

More white people's ancestors fought for the side against slavery than owned slaves, massively more.

White guilt is pure bullshit.



>Dreads are actually a natural thing that happens to hair. It's what happens when your hair forms into locks and gets matted as fuck.
Which is totally not what modern dreadlocks are.

Everytime someone cracks a joke about a race and they get all hot and bothered I just sit there saying "This is good shit, tell me another one"

>natural hair
>cornrows and dreads
Bait? That shit is natural in the sense that you refuse to wash it and it starts to smell like something dying, but it takes a conscious effort to fuck your hair up that badly. And I've literally never seen "CC" used for anything gaming other than crowd control.

Yeah, you know the 'friend' lady in the starting village? You can buy a hair pack with her hair in it.

Dreads happen to most hair naturally, true, if unwashed/uncombed, though it happens to certain hair types faster than others.

how are those 47 options not natural


But dreads are natural.

I just wanted to argue a little over a meaningless technicality. I'm bored.

The main guy in Watch Dogs 2 is black though isn't he?

>See, nobody except black females call themselves these disparaging names

user, you need to talk to real people, because this sentiment is pretty far removed from reality

>Yeah, you know the 'friend' lady in the starting village? You can buy a hair pack with her hair in it.
Well god damn it. I just assumed it was to change from the other styles. I hate when they don't give you all the options from the start, especially if they only hide just a few behind unlocks. Like Pokemon S&M not letting you get twintails until you beat the game, and not even telling you that you can use them when you do.

This so much, people these days have no chill and are too damn sensitive.

Name one (1) white/japanese/black male that openly wears "cracker", "slant-eye", or "nigger" with pride. You can't.

I'm sure you can find some female of another race that does this, what can I say women are fucking stupid, but in gemeral no one but black females do this. It's pathetic.

>People still think dreads cant be washed

I wish this meme would end. but niggas are lazy and dont wash em

Older African hairstyles were weird ass braid designs, mowhawks, and pompadours

>write about more than white people
>ugh why are you stealing OUR stories.

You literally cannot win for losing with these people.

There is not that much you can do with black hair. Why is this person trying so hard to start shit

Your reading comprehension is terrible.

Natural as in no chemicals or hair extensions.
Getting a hair cut or hair styled means natural.

Unless you are saying that all of the perfectly flowing locks, hairstyles, and permanently upstanding or oddly styled hair that never need to be washed, combed or styled = unnatural as well.

Thot mage is right.

Look at the most famous black women in pop culture.
Do they all have afros, corn rows, etc?
No. They spend money to tame their hair because it's pretty much universally accepted that flowing hair is more aesthetically pleasing.


To be fair a decent amount of them fought for slavery as well.
>literally suckered of the century

Thot is pretty far removed from racial slurs.

Men refer to themselves as assholes pretty regularly.

Only Black bjtches complain lile this goddamn, niggas can't vatch a break because of them.

Actually it's because that's what hollywood wants to sell.

As a black guy I had to pick the female trainer option in pokemon su/mo because there weren't enough black hair options.

Why wasn't I able to have 10 different types of fades? Complete bullshit.


>itt butthurt mayonaise monkeys

it is pretty gay, I like me an absurd flat top and I almost never get to have one

Thot/bitch/hoe is on the same tier as racial slurs: they're meant to be debasing personal insults. But black women wear them with pride, like the whores on facial abuse.

A lot of styles look like they use gel or other chemicals

Is that a fucking hair harp?

feels good not having shitty nog hair

t h i C C

This. Whites boys are cucks by nature but they'd do any not to admit it.

Obscure-ass black butch is enough to get their panties in a bunch.

it means "carbon copy", dude

If you want a good laugh check out some classic African hairstyles. Their are old ass photos of women with trackmania maps on their head.

cute boy

cumskins have this weird victim complex/

well, I was expecting a black female and not a trap


Choose your hairstyle

I feel like there aren't enough hair options I'm games with customization. Don't care that much though.

Who has egg nog hair?

Play nba2k and tell me how how bad you feel then. Even the character's voice is black even if you're white.

I don't care at all.

sorry my race mixer friend, here you have

Is flowing hair not natural? I don't get it. Mine flows naturally just fine, I don't do anything to it.

In WWE 2k16, and Fallout 4 it's the opposite

the cage hair looks dope

Black and gay here. Fucking hate dreadlocks, nasty ass hair. I do agree that there should be more choices outside the token black options.

not if youre 100% black

all of my wat


Pretty sure modern dreads are the same concept but applied by twisting the hair and clipping it down for a while afterwards. At least, that's how most black people do it.
Rastafarian's have a different method